module Dor class EventsDS < ActiveFedora::OmDatastream before_create :ensure_non_versionable set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path => "events") t.event do t.who :path => { :attribute => "who" }, :index_as => [:displayable, :not_searchable] t.type_ :path => { :attribute => "type" }, :index_as => [:displayable, :not_searchable] t.when :path => { :attribute => "when" }, :index_as => [:displayable, :not_searchable], :data_type => :date t.message :path => "text()", :index_as => [:displayable, :not_searchable] end end # Default EventsDS xml def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| end return builder.doc end def ensure_non_versionable self.versionable = "false" end # Adds an event to the datastream # @param [String] type a tag used to group events together. Sets the type attribute for the event # @param [String] who who is responsible for this event. Sets the who attribute for the event # @param [String] message what happened. Sets the content of the event with this message def add_event(type, who, message) ev = ng_xml.create_element "event", message, :type => type, :who => who, :when => ng_xml.root.add_child(ev) ng_xml_will_change! end # Finds events with the desired type attribute # @param [String] tag events where type == tag will be returned # @yield [who, timestamp, message] The values of the current event # @yieldparam [String] who thing responsible for creating the event. Value of the 'who' attribute # @yieldparam [Time] timestamp when this event was logged. Value of the 'when' attribute # @yieldparam [String] message what happened. Content of the event node def find_events_by_type(tag, &block) find_by_terms(:event).xpath("//event[@type='#{tag}']").each do |node|['who'], Time.parse(node['when']), node.content) end end # Returns all the events in the datastream # @yield [type, who, timestamp, message] The values of the current event # @yieldparam [String] type tag for this particular event. Value of the 'type' attribute # @yieldparam [String] who thing responsible for creating the event. Value of the 'who' attribute # @yieldparam [Time] timestamp when this event was logged. Value of the 'when' attribute # @yieldparam [String] message what happened. Content of the event node def each_event(&block) find_by_terms(:event).each do |node|['type'], node['who'], Time.parse(node['when']), node.content) end end end end