#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef GOSU_IS_MAC #include #include #import #include #define WAVE_FILE AudioToolboxFile #else #include #include #include #define WAVE_FILE SndFile #endif #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE #import #endif using namespace std; namespace { using namespace Gosu; bool isOggFile(Gosu::Reader reader) { char magicBytes[4]; reader.read(magicBytes, 4); return magicBytes[0] == 'O' && magicBytes[1] == 'g' && magicBytes[2] == 'g' && magicBytes[3] == 'S'; } bool isOggFile(const wstring& filename) { Gosu::File file(filename); return isOggFile(file.frontReader()); } Song* curSong = 0; bool curSongLooping; } // TODO: What is the NSAutoreleasePool good for? #ifdef GOSU_IS_MAC #include #define CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON \ ObjRef pool([[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]); \ if (!alChannelManagement.get()) \ alChannelManagement.reset(new ALChannelManagement) #else #define CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON \ if (!alChannelManagement.get()) \ alChannelManagement.reset(new ALChannelManagement) #endif Gosu::SampleInstance::SampleInstance(int handle, int extra) : handle(handle), extra(extra) { } bool Gosu::SampleInstance::playing() const { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return false; ALint state; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); return state == AL_PLAYING; } bool Gosu::SampleInstance::paused() const { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return false; ALint state; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); return state == AL_PAUSED; } void Gosu::SampleInstance::pause() { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; alSourcePause(source); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::resume() { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; ALint state; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (state == AL_PAUSED) alSourcePlay(source); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::stop() { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; alSourceStop(source); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changeVolume(double volume) { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, volume); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changePan(double pan) { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; // TODO: This is not the old panning behavior! alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, pan * 10, 0, 0); } void Gosu::SampleInstance::changeSpeed(double speed) { ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(handle, extra); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return; alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, speed); } struct Gosu::Sample::SampleData { ALuint buffer, source; SampleData(AudioFile& audioFile) { alGenBuffers(1, &buffer); alBufferData(buffer, audioFile.format(), &audioFile.decodedData().front(), audioFile.decodedData().size(), audioFile.sampleRate()); } ~SampleData() { // It's hard to free things in the right order in Ruby/Gosu. // Make sure buffer isn't deleted after the context/device are shut down. if (!alChannelManagement.get()) return; alDeleteBuffers(1, &buffer); } private: SampleData(const SampleData&); SampleData& operator=(const SampleData&); }; Gosu::Sample::Sample(const std::wstring& filename) { CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON; if (isOggFile(filename)) { Gosu::Buffer buffer; Gosu::loadFile(buffer, filename); OggFile oggFile(buffer.frontReader()); data.reset(new SampleData(oggFile)); } else { WAVE_FILE audioFile(filename); data.reset(new SampleData(audioFile)); } } Gosu::Sample::Sample(Reader reader) { CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON; if (isOggFile(reader)) { OggFile oggFile(reader); data.reset(new SampleData(oggFile)); } else { WAVE_FILE audioFile(reader); data.reset(new SampleData(audioFile)); } } Gosu::SampleInstance Gosu::Sample::play(double volume, double speed, bool looping) const { return playPan(0, volume, speed, looping); } Gosu::SampleInstance Gosu::Sample::playPan(double pan, double volume, double speed, bool looping) const { std::pair channelAndToken = alChannelManagement->reserveChannel(); if (channelAndToken.first == ALChannelManagement::NO_FREE_CHANNEL) return Gosu::SampleInstance(channelAndToken.first, channelAndToken.second); ALuint source = alChannelManagement->sourceIfStillPlaying(channelAndToken.first, channelAndToken.second); assert(source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE); alSourcei(source, AL_BUFFER, data->buffer); // TODO: This is not the old panning behavior! alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, pan * 10, 0, 0); alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, volume); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, speed); alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, looping ? AL_TRUE : AL_FALSE); alSourcePlay(source); return Gosu::SampleInstance(channelAndToken.first, channelAndToken.second); } class Gosu::Song::BaseData { BaseData(const BaseData&); BaseData& operator=(const BaseData&); double volume_; protected: BaseData() : volume_(1) {} virtual void applyVolume() = 0; public: virtual ~BaseData() {} virtual void play(bool looping) = 0; virtual void pause() = 0; virtual void resume() = 0; virtual bool paused() const = 0; virtual void stop() = 0; virtual void update() = 0; double volume() const { return volume_; } void changeVolume(double volume) { volume_ = clamp(volume, 0.0, 1.0); applyVolume(); } }; #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE // AVAudioPlayer impl class Gosu::Song::ModuleData : public BaseData { ObjRef player; void applyVolume() { player.obj().volume = volume(); } public: ModuleData(const std::wstring& filename) { std::string utf8Filename = Gosu::wstringToUTF8(filename); ObjRef nsFilename([[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String: utf8Filename.c_str()]); ObjRef url([[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath: nsFilename.obj()]); player.reset([[AVAudioPlayer alloc] initWithContentsOfURL: url.obj() error: NULL]); } void play(bool looping) { if (paused()) stop(); player.obj().numberOfLoops = looping ? -1 : 0; [player.obj() play]; } void pause() { [player.obj() pause]; } void resume() { [player.obj() play]; } bool paused() const { return !player.obj().playing; }; void stop() { [player.obj() stop]; player.obj().currentTime = 0; } void update() { } }; #endif // AudioFile impl class Gosu::Song::StreamData : public BaseData { std::auto_ptr file; ALuint buffers[2]; void applyVolume() { int source = lookupSource(); if (source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, volume()); } int lookupSource() const { return alChannelManagement->sourceForSongs(); } bool streamToBuffer(ALuint buffer) { #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE static const unsigned BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 4; #else static const unsigned BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 * 8; #endif char audioData[BUFFER_SIZE]; std::size_t readBytes = file->readData(audioData, BUFFER_SIZE); if (readBytes > 0) alBufferData(buffer, file->format(), audioData, readBytes, file->sampleRate()); return readBytes > 0; } public: StreamData(const std::wstring& filename) { if (isOggFile(filename)) { Gosu::File sourceFile(filename); file.reset(new OggFile(sourceFile.frontReader())); } else file.reset(new WAVE_FILE(filename)); alGenBuffers(2, buffers); } StreamData(Reader reader) { if (isOggFile(reader)) file.reset(new OggFile(reader)); else file.reset(new WAVE_FILE(reader)); alGenBuffers(2, buffers); } ~StreamData() { if (alChannelManagement.get()) { stop(); alDeleteBuffers(2, buffers); } } void play(bool looping) { int source = lookupSource(); if (source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) { alSource3f(source, AL_POSITION, 0, 0, 0); alSourcef(source, AL_GAIN, volume()); alSourcef(source, AL_PITCH, 1); alSourcei(source, AL_LOOPING, AL_FALSE); // need to implement this manually... streamToBuffer(buffers[0]); streamToBuffer(buffers[1]); // TODO: Not good for songs with less than two buffers full of data. alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 2, buffers); alSourcePlay(source); } } void stop() { int source = lookupSource(); if (source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) { alSourceStop(source); ALuint buffer; // The number of QUEUED buffers apparently includes the number of // PROCESSED ones, so getting rid of the QUEUED ones is enough. int queued; alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_QUEUED, &queued); while (queued--) alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); //int processed; //alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); //while (processed--) // alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } file->rewind(); } void pause() { int source = lookupSource(); if (source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) alSourcePause(source); } void resume() { int source = lookupSource(); if (source != ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) alSourcePlay(source); } bool paused() const { int source = lookupSource(); if (source == ALChannelManagement::NO_SOURCE) return false; ALint state; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); return state == AL_PAUSED; } void update() { int source = lookupSource(); ALuint buffer; int processed; bool active = true; alGetSourcei(source, AL_BUFFERS_PROCESSED, &processed); for (int i = 0; i < processed; ++i) { alSourceUnqueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); active = streamToBuffer(buffer); if (active) alSourceQueueBuffers(source, 1, &buffer); } ALint state; alGetSourcei(source, AL_SOURCE_STATE, &state); if (active && state != AL_PLAYING && state != AL_PAUSED) { // We seemingly got starved. alSourcePlay(source); } else if (!active) { // We got starved and there is nothing to play left. // In any case, shut down the playback logic for a moment. stop(); if (curSongLooping) // Start anew. play(true); else // Let the world know we're finished. curSong = 0; } } }; // TODO: Move into proper internal header namespace Gosu { bool isExtension(const wchar_t* str, const wchar_t* ext); } Gosu::Song::Song(const std::wstring& filename) { #ifdef GOSU_IS_IPHONE if (isExtension(filename.c_str(), L".mp3") || isExtension(filename.c_str(), L".aac") || isExtension(filename.c_str(), L".m4a")) data.reset(new ModuleData(filename)); else #endif { CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON; data.reset(new StreamData(filename)); } } Gosu::Song::Song(Reader reader) { CONSTRUCTOR_COMMON; data.reset(new StreamData(reader)); } Gosu::Song::~Song() { stop(); } Gosu::Song* Gosu::Song::currentSong() { return curSong; } void Gosu::Song::play(bool looping) { if (paused()) data->resume(); if (curSong && curSong != this) { curSong->stop(); assert(curSong == 0); } if (curSong == 0) data->play(looping); curSong = this; curSongLooping = looping; } void Gosu::Song::pause() { if (curSong == this) data->pause(); // may be redundant } bool Gosu::Song::paused() const { return curSong == this && data->paused(); } void Gosu::Song::stop() { if (curSong == this) { data->stop(); curSong = 0; } } bool Gosu::Song::playing() const { return curSong == this && !data->paused(); } double Gosu::Song::volume() const { return data->volume(); } void Gosu::Song::changeVolume(double volume) { data->changeVolume(volume); } void Gosu::Song::update() { if (currentSong()) currentSong()->data->update(); } // Deprecated constructors. Gosu::Sample::Sample(Audio& audio, const std::wstring& filename) { Sample(filename).data.swap(data); } Gosu::Sample::Sample(Audio& audio, Reader reader) { Sample(reader).data.swap(data); } Gosu::Song::Song(Audio& audio, const std::wstring& filename) { data = Song(filename).data; } Gosu::Song::Song(Audio& audio, Type type, Reader reader) { data = Song(reader).data; }