# a po-file for gettext
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Masao Mutoh
# This file is distributed under the same license as the gettext.
# Tamás Tompa <tompata at gmail.com>, 2008.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: ruby-gettext 2.1.0\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2008-07-15 09:00+0900\n"
"Last-Translator: Tamás Tompa <tompata at gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Hungarian\n"
"Language: \n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"

#, fuzzy
msgid "ngettext: 3rd parmeter is wrong: value = %{number}"
msgstr "A harmadik paraméter hibás: value = %{number}"

msgid "ngettext: 3rd parameter should be a number, not nil."
msgstr ""

msgid "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] PO_FILE1 PO_FILE2 ..."
msgstr ""

msgid "Concatenates and merges PO files."
msgstr ""

msgid "Specific options:"
msgstr "Speciális opciók:"

#, fuzzy
msgid "Write output to specified file"
msgstr "kimenet írása egy megadott fájlba"

msgid "(default: the standard output)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort output by msgid"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort output by location"
msgstr ""

msgid "It is same as --sort-by-location"
msgstr ""

msgid "Just for GNU gettext's msgcat compatibility"
msgstr ""

msgid "It is same as --sort-by-msgid"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove location information"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove translator comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove extracted comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove flag comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove previous comment"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove all comments"
msgstr ""

msgid "Set output page width"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Break long message lines, longer than the output page width, into several line"
msgstr ""

msgid "Ignore fuzzy entries"
msgstr ""

msgid "Don't report warning messages"
msgstr ""

msgid "Don't output obsolete entries"
msgstr ""

msgid "Update PO-Revision-Date header field"
msgstr ""

msgid "Remove FIELD from header"
msgstr ""

msgid "Specify this option multiple times to remove multiple header fields"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "no input files specified."
msgstr "Nincs feldolgozandó fájl"

msgid "Usage: %s input.po [-o output.mo]"
msgstr "Használat: %s input.po [-o output.mo]"

msgid "Generate binary message catalog from textual translation description."
msgstr "Bináris üzenetállományt generál a lefordított szöveges állományokból."

msgid "write output to specified file"
msgstr "kimenet írása egy megadott fájlba"

msgid "display version information and exit"
msgstr "verzió információ kiírása és kilépés"

msgid ""
"Create a new .po file from initializing .pot file with user's environment and "
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Use INPUT as a .pot file. If INPUT is not specified, INPUT is a .pot file exis"
"ting the current directory."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Use OUTPUT as a created .po file. If OUTPUT is not specified, OUTPUT depend on"
" LOCALE or the current locale on your environment."
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"Use LOCALE as target locale. If LOCALE is not specified, LOCALE is the current"
" locale on your environment."
msgstr ""

msgid "Whether set translator information or not"
msgstr ""

msgid "(set)"
msgstr ""

msgid "Use NAME as translator name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Use EMAIL as translator email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Display this help and exit"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Display version and exit"
msgstr "verzió információ kiírása és kilépés"

msgid ".pot file does not exist in the current directory."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "file '%s' does not exist."
msgstr "A fájl '%s' már létezik."

msgid "Locale '%s' is invalid. Please check if your specified locale is usable."
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "file '%s' has already existed."
msgstr "A fájl '%s' már létezik."

msgid "Please enter your full name"
msgstr ""

msgid "Please enter your email address"
msgstr ""

msgid "Usage: %s [OPTIONS] definition.po reference.pot"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid ""
"Merges two Uniforum style .po files together. The definition.po file is an exi"
"sting PO file with translations. The reference.pot file is the last created PO"
" file with up-to-date source references. The reference.pot is generally create"
"d by rxgettext."
msgstr ""
"Két Uniforum formátumú .po fájl összefésülése. A def.po fájl egy létező PO fáj"
"l fordításokkal. A ref.pot fájl az utolsó PO fájl frissített hivatkozásokkal ("
"rgettext által generált)."

msgid "Update definition.po"
msgstr ""

msgid "Preserve '#: FILENAME:LINE' lines"
msgstr ""

msgid "Disable fuzzy matching"
msgstr ""

msgid "(enable)"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "Display version information and exit"
msgstr "verzió információ kiírása és kilépés"

msgid "'%{klass}' is ignored."
msgstr "'%{klass}' figyelmen kívül hagyva."

msgid "Error parsing %{path}"
msgstr ""

msgid "no input files"
msgstr "Nincs feldolgozandó fájl"

msgid "Usage: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]"
msgstr "Használat: %s input.rb [-r parser.rb] [-o output.pot]"

msgid "Extract translatable strings from given input files."
msgstr "Összegyűjti a lefordítandó szövegeket a megadott fájlokból."

msgid "set package name in output"
msgstr ""

msgid "set package version in output"
msgstr ""

msgid "set report e-mail address for msgid bugs"
msgstr ""

msgid "set copyright holder in output"
msgstr ""

msgid "set copyright year in output"
msgstr ""

msgid "set encoding for output"
msgstr ""

msgid "Generate sorted output"
msgstr ""

msgid "Sort output by file location"
msgstr ""

#, fuzzy
msgid "require the library before executing xgettext"
msgstr "szükséges library az rgettext futtatása előtt"

msgid ""
"If TAG is specified, place comment blocks starting with TAG and precedding key"
"word lines in output file"
msgstr ""

msgid ""
"If TAG is not specified, place all comment blocks preceing keyword lines in ou"
"tput file"
msgstr ""

msgid "(default: %s)"
msgstr ""

msgid "no TAG"
msgstr ""

msgid "run in debugging mode"
msgstr "debug módban futtatás"

#, fuzzy
msgid "display this help and exit"
msgstr "verzió információ kiírása és kilépés"

msgid ""
"Warning: The empty \"\" msgid is reserved by gettext. So gettext(\"\") doesn't ret"
"urns empty string but the header entry in po file."
msgstr ""