b0VIM 8.0Q<Zm¶xzeroomen~zero/repo/GAKU/gaku/bin/gakuutf-8 3210#"! Utp[ad¸@[ìÝ´³ž5%̶°¯]ê à ‡ € E 6 ' ! ä Ô Å ¿ ¼ T 3 ò £ ” Ž +   Ì ¿ · X I C B ) Æ ¸ š ’ ‘ d W : 2 1 Ýί§¦ZJ*"!äÕ¶®­‘udC;:õÖÎȆYUT@GaGakuCLI.start(ARGV)end subcommand 'container', GakuCLI::Container desc 'container', 'Build and run GAKU containers using Docker.' end end ::Gaku::Container.Detach def detach desc 'detach', 'test' # TODO: add description end ::Gaku::Container.Terminal def terminal desc 'terminal', 'test' # TODO: add description end ::Gaku::Container.Sample def sample desc 'sample', 'Seeds sample data to running container.' end ::Gaku::Container.Console def console desc 'console', 'Connects to a console session on a running container.' end ::Gaku::Container.Delete def delete desc 'delete', 'Deletes container data, stopping running containers if needed.' end ::Gaku::Container.Stop def stop desc 'stop', 'Stops running containers.' end ::Gaku::Container.Start def start desc 'start', 'Starts a container, using local Docker settings if found in current directory.' class Container < Thor end puts 'WIP' puts "Restoring GAKU Engine backup from #{path}" restore_path = File.expand_path(path) end return puts 'Backup not specified. Aborting restore.' if path == '' def backup(path = '') desc 'restore [BACKUP_PATH]', 'Restores a full backup of a GAKU installation from BACKUP_PATH.' end puts 'WIP' puts "Creating a GAKU Engine backup at #{path}/GAKU-backup-#{time}.tar.xz" time = DateTime.now() real_path = File.expand_path(path) def backup(path = './backup/') desc 'backup [BACKUP_PATH]', 'Creates a full backup of the current GAKU installation in BACKUP_PATH.' end puts 'WIP' def install() desc 'install', 'Installs GAKU into the OS as a service.' end puts 'WIP' def update() desc 'update', 'Updates an installation of GAKU Engine.' end puts "Creating new GAKU Engine installation at #{path}" real_path = File.expand_path(path) def new(path = './') long_desc "Creates a new application in the current directory or in the specificed path." desc 'new [APP_PATH]', 'Creates a new installation of GAKU Engine at APP_PATH.' end puts spec.version spec = Gem::Specification::load("#{__dir__}/../gaku.gemspec") require 'rubygems' def version() desc 'version', 'Prints the version of the installed gaku gem (from which this command is being run).'class GakuCLI < Thorrequire_relative '../lib/gaku/container'require 'thor'#!/usr/bin/env ruby