# encoding: ascii-8bit # Copyright 2014 Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. # All Rights Reserved. # # This program is free software; you can modify and/or redistribute it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 3 with # attribution addendums as found in the LICENSE.txt require 'spec_helper' require 'tempfile' require 'cosmos' require 'cosmos/tools/cmd_tlm_server/interfaces' require 'cosmos/tools/cmd_tlm_server/cmd_tlm_server_config' module Cosmos describe Interfaces do describe "map_all_targets" do it "complains about an unknown interface" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) expect { interfaces.map_all_targets("BLAH") }.to raise_error("Unknown interface: BLAH") tf.unlink end it "maps all targets to the interface" do System.targets.each do |name, target| target.interface = nil expect(target.interface).to be_nil end tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) interfaces.map_all_targets("MY_INT") System.targets.each do |name, target| expect(target.interface.name).to eql 'MY_INT' end tf.unlink end end describe "map_target" do it "complains about an unknown interface" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) expect { interfaces.map_target("COSMOS","BLAH") }.to raise_error("Unknown interface: BLAH") tf.unlink end it "complains about an unknown target" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) expect { interfaces.map_target("BLAH","MY_INT") }.to raise_error("Unknown target: BLAH") tf.unlink end it "maps a target to the interface" do System.targets.each do |name, target| target.interface = nil expect(target.interface).to be_nil end tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) interfaces.map_target("SYSTEM","MY_INT") expect(System.targets["SYSTEM"].interface.name).to eql "MY_INT" tf.unlink end end describe "start" do it "connects each interface" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close capture_io do |stdout| interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) interfaces.all['MY_INT'].connect_on_startup = false allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:connected?) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:connect) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:disconnect) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:read) interfaces.all['MY_INT'].connect_on_startup = true interfaces.start expect(stdout.string).to match("Creating thread for interface MY_INT") interfaces.stop sleep 0.1 end tf.unlink end end describe "stop" do it "disconnects each interface" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close capture_io do |stdout| interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:connected?).and_return(false, false, true, false) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:connect) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:disconnect) allow_any_instance_of(Interface).to receive(:read) interfaces.all['MY_INT'].connect_on_startup = true interfaces.start sleep 0.5 expect(interfaces.state("MY_INT")).to eql "ATTEMPTING" sleep 0.1 expect(interfaces.state("MY_INT")).to eql "CONNECTED" sleep 0.1 interfaces.stop sleep 0.5 expect(interfaces.state("MY_INT")).to eql "DISCONNECTED" expect(stdout.string).to match("Disconnected from interface MY_INT") sleep 0.1 end tf.unlink end end describe "connect" do it "complains about unknown interfaces" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE MY_INT interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) expect { interfaces.connect("TEST") }.to raise_error("Unknown interface: TEST") tf.unlink end it "connects a interface" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE DEST1 tcpip_client_interface.rb localhost 8888 8888 5 5 burst' tf.puts 'INTERFACE DEST2 tcpip_client_interface.rb localhost 8888 8888 5 5 burst' tf.puts 'ROUTER MY_ROUTER tcpip_client_interface.rb localhost 8888 8888 5 5 burst' tf.puts 'ROUTE DEST1' tf.puts 'ROUTE DEST2' tf.close capture_io do |stdout| server = TCPServer.new('', 8888) def server.graceful_kill end clients = [] pipe_reader, pipe_writer = IO.pipe server_thread = Thread.new do loop do clients << server.accept begin clients << server.accept_nonblock rescue Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::ECONNABORTED, Errno::EINTR, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK read_ready, _ = IO.select([server, pipe_reader]) if read_ready.include?(pipe_reader) break else retry end end end end config = CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path) interfaces = Interfaces.new(config) expect(config.interfaces['DEST1'].routers[0].name).to eql "MY_ROUTER" expect(config.interfaces['DEST2'].routers[0].name).to eql "MY_ROUTER" interfaces.connect("DEST1") sleep 0.2 expect(stdout.string).to match("Connecting to DEST1") interfaces.disconnect("DEST1") interfaces.connect("DEST1",'localhost',8888,8888,6,6,'length') sleep 0.2 expect(config.interfaces['DEST1'].routers[0].name).to eql "MY_ROUTER" expect(config.interfaces['DEST2'].routers[0].name).to eql "MY_ROUTER" expect(stdout.string).to match("Disconnected from interface DEST1") expect(stdout.string).to match("Connecting to DEST1") interfaces.disconnect("DEST1") interfaces.stop pipe_writer.write('.') Cosmos.kill_thread(server, server_thread) server.close clients.each do |c| c.close end end tf.unlink sleep(0.2) end end describe "names" do it "lists all the interface names" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE1 interface.rb' tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE2 interface.rb' tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE3 interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) expect(interfaces.names).to eql %w(INTERFACE1 INTERFACE2 INTERFACE3) tf.unlink end end describe "clear_counters" do it "clears all interface counters" do tf = Tempfile.new('unittest') tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE1 interface.rb' tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE2 interface.rb' tf.puts 'INTERFACE INTERFACE3 interface.rb' tf.close interfaces = Interfaces.new(CmdTlmServerConfig.new(tf.path)) interfaces.all.each do |name, interface| interface.bytes_written = 100 interface.bytes_read = 200 interface.write_count = 10 interface.read_count = 20 end interfaces.clear_counters interfaces.all.each do |name, interface| expect(interface.bytes_written).to eql 0 expect(interface.bytes_read).to eql 0 expect(interface.write_count).to eql 0 expect(interface.read_count).to eql 0 end tf.unlink end end end end