module Compass module Configuration class << self def attributes_for_directory(dir_name, http_dir_name = dir_name) [ "#{dir_name}_dir", "#{dir_name}_path", ("http_#{http_dir_name}_dir" if http_dir_name), ("http_#{http_dir_name}_path" if http_dir_name) ]{|a| a.to_sym} end # Registers a new configuration property. # Extensions can use this to add new configuration options to compass. # # @param [Symbol] name The name of the property. # @param [String] comment A comment for the property. # @param [Proc] default A method to calculate the default value for the property. # The proc is executed in the context of the project's configuration data. def add_configuration_property(name, comment = nil, &default) ATTRIBUTES << name if comment.is_a?(String) unless comment[0..0] == "#" comment = "# #{comment}" end unless comment[-1..-1] == "\n" comment = comment + "\n" end Data.class_eval <<-COMMENT def comment_for_#{name} #{comment.inspect} end COMMENT end Data.send(:define_method, :"default_#{name}", &default) if default Data.inherited_accessor(name) if name.to_s =~ /dir|path/ Data.strip_trailing_separator(name) end end # For testing purposes def remove_configuration_property(name) ATTRIBUTES.delete(name) end end ATTRIBUTES = [ # What kind of project? :project_type, # Where is the project? :project_path, :http_path, # Where are the various bits of the project attributes_for_directory(:css, :stylesheets), attributes_for_directory(:sass, nil), attributes_for_directory(:images), attributes_for_directory(:generated_images), attributes_for_directory(:javascripts), attributes_for_directory(:fonts), attributes_for_directory(:extensions, nil), # Compilation options :output_style, :sourcemap, :environment, :relative_assets, :sass_options, attributes_for_directory(:cache, nil), :cache, # Helper configuration :asset_host, :asset_cache_buster, :line_comments, :color_output, :preferred_syntax, :disable_warnings, :sprite_engine, :chunky_png_options ].flatten ARRAY_ATTRIBUTES = [ :additional_import_paths, :sprite_load_path, :required_libraries, :loaded_frameworks, :framework_path ] ARRAY_ATTRIBUTE_OPTIONS = { :sprite_load_path => { :clobbers => true } } RUNTIME_READONLY_ATTRIBUTES = [ :cache, attributes_for_directory(:cache, nil), :chunky_png_options, :color_output, attributes_for_directory(:css, :stylesheets), :environment, :framework_path, attributes_for_directory(:javascripts), :line_comments, :loaded_frameworks, :output_style, :preferred_syntax, :project_path, :project_type, :required_libraries, attributes_for_directory(:sass, nil), :sass_options, :sprite_engine, ].flatten end class << self # The Compass configuration singleton. def configuration @configuration ||= default_configuration if block_given? yield @configuration end @configuration end def default_configuration'defaults').extend(Compass::Configuration::Defaults) end def add_configuration(data, filename = nil) return if data.nil? unless data.is_a?(Compass::Configuration::Data) # XXX HAX Need to properly factor this apart from the main compass project if respond_to?(:configuration_for) data = configuration_for(data, filename) else raise ArgumentError, "Invalid argument: #{data.inspect}" end end data.inherit_from!(configuration) if configuration data.on_top! @configuration = data end def reset_configuration! @configuration = nil end # Returns a full path to the relative path to the project directory def projectize(path, project_path = nil) project_path ||= configuration.project_path File.join(project_path, *path.split('/')) end def deprojectize(path, project_path = nil) project_path ||= configuration.project_path if path[0..(project_path.size - 1)] == project_path path[(project_path.size + 1)..-1] else path end end end end %w(defaults inheritance paths data watch).each do |lib| require "compass/configuration/#{lib}" end