require 'omniauth' require 'omniauth-ldap' # Overwriting methods from Rack # While OmniAuth 1.0.2 fixes the Builder setup, Rack 1.4.0 still responds incorrectly to it's release version. # Wait for Rack 1.4.1 or updated version before removing the Builder fixes module OmniAuth # class Builder updates for Rack 1.4.0 class Builder def initialize(app = nil,&block) @use, @map, @run = [], nil, app instance_eval(&block) if block_given? end def on_failure(&block) OmniAuth.config.on_failure = block end def configure(&block) OmniAuth.configure(&block) end def provider(klass, *args, &block) if klass.is_a?(Class) middleware = klass else begin middleware = OmniAuth::Strategies.const_get("#{OmniAuth::Utils.camelize(klass.to_s)}") rescue NameError raise LoadError, "Could not find matching strategy for #{klass.inspect}. You may need to install an additional gem (such as omniauth-#{klass})." end end use middleware, *args, &block end def call(env) end end end # Fix for LDAP Authentication with Domains module OmniAuth # Required to correctly authenticate given bind_dn and LDAP module LDAP class Adaptor class LdapError < StandardError; end class ConfigurationError < StandardError; end class AuthenticationError < StandardError; end class ConnectionError < StandardError; end attr_accessor :bind_dn, :password attr_reader :connection, :uid, :base, :auth def self.validate(configuration={}) message = [] MUST_HAVE_KEYS.each do |name| message << name if configuration[name].nil? end raise",") +" MUST be provided") unless message.empty? end def bind_as(args = {}) result = false ldap = @connection ldap.auth args[:username], args[:password] rs = args[:base], filter: Net::LDAP::Filter.eq(@uid, args[:username].split('\\').last.to_s)) result = rs.first if rs result end end end # Required for proper script name for suburis # Required for appending domain option to user credentials module Strategies class LDAP include OmniAuth::Strategy option :domain, '' def request_phase OmniAuth::LDAP::Adaptor.validate @options f = title: (options[:title] || "LDAP Authentication"), url: "#{@env['SCRIPT_NAME']}" + callback_path ) # Modified to include @env['SCRIPT_NAME'] f.text_field 'Login', 'username' f.password_field 'Password', 'password' f.button "Sign In" f.to_response end def callback_phase bind_dn = "#{@options[:domain] + '\\' unless @options[:domain].blank?}#{request['username']}" # Added @options[:bind_dn] = bind_dn if @options[:bind_dn].blank? # Added @adaptor = @options raise"Missing login credentials") if request['username'].nil? || request['password'].nil? begin @ldap_user_info = @adaptor.bind_as(base: @adaptor.base, username: bind_dn, password: request['password']) # Modified return fail!(:invalid_credentials) if !@ldap_user_info @user_info = self.class.map_user(@@config, @ldap_user_info) super rescue Exception => e return fail!(:ldap_error, e) end end end end end