- title "Application" .form-container #disclaimer %h1.section-title Application %span.emphasized Status - if @questionnaire.blank? %strong AWAITING APPLICATION - else %strong= @questionnaire.verbal_status.upcase - if @questionnaire.can_rsvp? - if @questionnaire.did_rsvp? - if @questionnaire.acc_status == "rsvp_confirmed" %p Congratulations! You're all set to attend #{HackathonConfig['name']}! - if HackathonConfig['thanks_for_rsvp_message'].present? = markdown(HackathonConfig['thanks_for_rsvp_message']) %p.center = btn_link_to "Change RSVP", rsvp_path - else %p Please RSVP so we know if you're attending! %br %br %p.center = btn_link_to "RSVP NOW »".html_safe, rsvp_path - elsif @questionnaire.acc_status == "denied" %p - else - if HackathonConfig['registration_is_open'] - if HackathonConfig['thanks_for_applying_message'].present? = markdown(HackathonConfig['thanks_for_applying_message']) - else %p Thanks for applying! You will be notified of your acceptance via email. - else %p Thanks for applying! .form-container %h1.section-title.section-title--actions %span Review your %span.emphasized Application = btn_link_to 'Edit', edit_questionnaires_path, class: 'section-title__action' .participant_info = render partial: 'questionnaire_summary' %br %p.session-link.right Unhappy? #{link_to "Revoke my application", user_registration_path, data: { confirm: "Are you sure? Your account and application will be permanently erased." }, method: :delete}