# Nesta - a CMS for Ruby Developers A CMS for small web sites and blogs, written in [Sinatra][frank]. Content can be written in [Markdown][markdown] or [Textile][textile] and stored in text files (though you can also use Haml if you need to add some HTML to your pages). There's no database; write your content in your editor. Publish by pushing to a git repository. [frank]: http://www.sinatrarb.com/ "Sinatra" [markdown]: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/ [textile]: http://textism.com/tools/textile/ ## Installation Begin by installing the gem: $ gem install nesta Then use the `nesta` command to generate a new site: $ nesta new mysite.com --git Install a few dependencies, and you're away: $ cd mysite.com $ bundle You'll find basic configuration options for your site in `config/config.yml`. The defaults will work, but you'll want to tweak it before you go very far. That's it - you can launch a local web server in development mode using shotgun... $ bundle exec shotgun config.ru ...then point your web browser at http://localhost:9393. Start editing the files in `content/pages` (see the [Writing content][content] docs for full instructions). [content]: http://nestacms.com/docs/creating-content