require 'nokogiri' require 'open-uri' require 'net/http' require 'image_spec' require 'opengraph' module Linkser module Objects class HTML < Linkser::Object attr_reader :body, :nokogiri attr_reader :title, :description, :images, :ogp def initialize url, head, options={} super url, head, options end def title return @title unless @title.nil? if ogp and ogp.title @title = ogp.title else nokogiri.css('title').each do |title| @title = title.text end end @title end def body return @body unless @body.nil? @body = open(url) end def description return @description unless @description.nil? if ogp and ogp.description @description = ogp.description else nokogiri.css('meta').each do |meta| if meta.get_attribute("name").eql? "description" @description = meta.get_attribute("content") end end end @description end def images return @images unless @images.nil? @images = if ogp and ogp.image begin img_spec = if valid_img? img_spec.width.to_f, img_spec.height.to_f @images << {:img => ogp.image, :width => img_spec.width, :height => img_spec.height} end rescue end end nokogiri.css('img').each do |img| img_src = img.get_attribute("src") img_src = complete_url img_src, url img_uri = URI.parse(img_src) img_ext = File.extname(img_uri.path) img_name = File.basename(img_uri.path,img_ext) if [".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png"].include? img_ext begin img_spec = if valid_img? img_spec.width.to_f, img_spec.height.to_f @images << {:img => img_src, :width => img_spec.width, :height => img_spec.height} end rescue end end end @images end def nokogiri return @nokogiri unless @nokogiri.nil? @nokogiri = Nokogiri::HTML(body) end def ogp return @ogp unless @ogp.nil? @ogp = nokogiri.css('meta').each do |m| if m.attribute('property') && m.attribute('property').to_s.match(/^og:(.+)$/i) @ogp[$1.gsub('-','_')] = m.attribute('content').to_s end end @ogp = false if @ogp.keys.empty? @ogp = false unless @ogp.valid? @ogp end private def complete_url src, url uri = URI.parse(url) base_url = "http://" + + (uri.port!=80 ? ":" + uri.port.to_s : "") relative_url = "http://" + + (uri.port!=80 ? ":" + uri.port.to_s : "") + uri.path if src.index("http://")==0 src elsif src.index("/")==0 base_url + src else relative_url + src end end def valid_img? w, h if w > 199 or w > 199 if ((w > 0 and h > 0 and ((w / h) < 3) and ((w / h) > 0.2)) or (w > 0 and h == 0 and w < 700) or (w == 0 and h > 0 and h < 700)) return true end end false end end end end