require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'test_helper') class HardDriveTest < Test::Unit::TestCase setup do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:execute) @find_raw = <<-raw VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.1.2 (C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. UUID: 11dedd14-57a1-4bdb-adeb-dd1d67f066e1 Accessible: yes Description: Logical size: 20480 MBytes Current size on disk: 1218 MBytes Type: normal (base) Storage format: VDI In use by VMs: FooVM (UUID: 696249ad-00b6-4087-b47f-9b82629efc31) Location: /Users/mitchellh/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/foo.vdi raw @name = "foo" VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).with("showhdinfo #{@name}").returns(@find_raw) end context "validations" do setup do @hd = @hd.size = 2000 end should "be valid with a size and format" do assert @hd.valid? end should "be invalid if size is nil" do @hd.size = nil assert !@hd.valid? end should "clear validations when rechecking" do @hd.size = nil assert !@hd.valid? @hd.size = 700 assert @hd.valid? end end context "destroying a hard drive" do setup do @hd = VirtualBox::HardDrive.find(@name) end should "call vboxmanage to destroy it" do VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).with("closemedium disk #{@hd.uuid} --delete") assert @hd.destroy end should "return false if destroy failed" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert !@hd.destroy end should "raise an exception if failed and flag is set" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert_raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) { @hd.destroy(true) } end end context "cloning a hard drive" do setup do @hd = VirtualBox::HardDrive.find(@name) VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).with("clonehd #{@hd.uuid} bar --format VDI --remember").returns(@find_raw) end should "call vboxmanage with the clone command" do VirtualBox::HardDrive.expects(:find).returns(nil) @hd.clone("bar") end should "return the newly cloned hard drive" do @new_hd = mock("hd") VirtualBox::HardDrive.expects(:find).returns(@new_hd) assert_equal @new_hd, @hd.clone("bar") end should "return false on failure" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert @hd.clone("bar").nil? end should "raise an exception if raise_errors is true and failed" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert_raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) { @hd.clone("bar", "VDI", true) } end end context "creating a hard drive" do setup do @location = "" @size = "758" @format = "VDI" @hd = @hd.location = @location @hd.size = @size @fake_hd = mock("hd") @fake_hd.stubs(:attributes).returns({ :uuid => "foo" }) VirtualBox::HardDrive.stubs(:find).returns(@fake_hd) VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).returns("UUID: FOO") end should "call create on save" do @hd.expects(:create).once assert @hd.new_record? end should "call not call create on existing records" do assert !@hd.new_record? @hd.expects(:create).never end should "call createhd" do VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).with("createhd --filename #{@location} --size #{@size} --format #{@format} --remember") end should "replace attributes with those of the newly created hard drive" do assert_equal "foo", @hd.uuid end should "return true if the command was a success" do assert end should "return failure if the command failed" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert ! end should "raise an exception if flag is set" do VirtualBox::Command.stubs(:vboxmanage).raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) assert_raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::CommandFailedException) { } end should "not run if invalid" do @hd.expects(:valid?).returns(false) VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).never assert ! end should "raise a ValidationFailedException if invalid and raise_errors is true" do @hd.expects(:valid?).returns(false) assert_raises(VirtualBox::Exceptions::ValidationFailedException) { } end end context "finding a single hard drive" do should "parse proper fields" do VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).with("showhdinfo #{@name}").returns(@find_raw) @expected = { :uuid => "11dedd14-57a1-4bdb-adeb-dd1d67f066e1", :accessible => "yes", :size => "20480", :location => "/Users/mitchellh/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/foo.vdi" } hd = VirtualBox::HardDrive.find(@name) assert hd.is_a?(VirtualBox::HardDrive) @expected.each do |k,v| assert_equal v, hd.send(k) end end should "return nil if finding a non-existent hard drive" do VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).with("showhdinfo 12").returns("UH OH (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND)") assert_nothing_raised do assert_nil VirtualBox::HardDrive.find(12) end end end context "retrieving all hard drives" do setup do @valid = <<-valid VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.1.2 (C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. UUID: 9d2e4353-d1e9-466c-ac58-f2249264147b Format: VDI Location: /Users/mitchellh/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/foo.vdi Accessible: yes Type: normal Usage: TestJeOS (UUID: 3d0f87b4-50f7-4fc5-ad89-93375b1b32a3) UUID: 11dedd14-57a1-4bdb-adeb-dd1d67f066e1 Format: VDI Location: /Users/mitchellh/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/bar.vdi Accessible: yes Type: normal Usage: HoboBase (UUID: 696249ad-00b6-4087-b47f-9b82629efc31) UUID: 5e090af6-7d71-4f40-8b03-33aa665f9ecf Format: VMDK Location: /Users/mitchellh/Library/VirtualBox/HardDisks/baz.vmdk Accessible: yes Type: normal Usage: foo (UUID: 8710d3db-d96a-46ed-9004-59fa891fda90) valid VirtualBox::Command.expects(:vboxmanage).with("list hdds").returns(@valid) @hd = mock("hd") @hd.stubs(:is_a?).with(VirtualBox::HardDrive).returns(true) VirtualBox::HardDrive.expects(:find).at_least(0).returns(@hd) end should "return an array of HardDrive objects" do result = VirtualBox::HardDrive.all assert result.is_a?(Array) result.each { |v| assert v.is_a?(VirtualBox::HardDrive) } end end end