require 'unit_spec_helper' describe Rpush::Daemon::Wpns::Delivery do let(:app) { Rpush::Wpns::App.create!(name: "MyApp") } let(:notification) { Rpush::Wpns::Notification.create!(app: app, data: { title: "MyApp", body: "Example notification", param: "/param1" }, uri: "http://some.example/", deliver_after: } let(:logger) { double(error: nil, info: nil, warn: nil) } let(:response) { double(code: 200, header: {}) } let(:http) { double(shutdown: nil, request: response) } let(:now) { Time.parse('2012-10-14 00:00:00') } let(:batch) { double(mark_failed: nil, mark_delivered: nil, mark_retryable: nil, notification_processed: nil) } let(:delivery) {, http, notification, batch) } let(:store) { double(create_wpns_notification: double(id: 2)) } def perform delivery.perform end def perform_with_rescue expect { perform }.to raise_error(StandardError) end before do allow(delivery).to receive_messages(reflect: nil) allow(Rpush::Daemon).to receive_messages(store: store) allow(Time).to receive_messages(now: now) allow(Rpush).to receive_messages(logger: logger) end shared_examples_for "an notification with some delivery faliures" do let(:new_notification) { Rpush::Wpns::Notification.where('id != ?', } before { allow(response).to receive_messages(body: JSON.dump(body)) } it "marks the original notification falied" do expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed) do |error| expect(error.message).to match(error_description) end perform_with_rescue end it "raises a DeliveryError" do expect { perform }.to raise_error(Rpush::DeliveryError) end end describe "an 200 response" do before do allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 200) end it "marks the notification as delivered if delivered successfully to all devices" do allow(response).to receive_messages(body: JSON.dump("failure" => 0)) allow(response).to receive_messages(to_hash: { "x-notificationstatus" => ["Received"] }) expect(batch).to receive(:mark_delivered).with(notification) perform end it "retries the notification when the queue is full" do allow(response).to receive_messages(body: JSON.dump("failure" => 0)) allow(response).to receive_messages(to_hash: { "x-notificationstatus" => ["QueueFull"] }) expect(batch).to receive(:mark_retryable).with(notification, + (60 * 10)) perform end it "marks the notification as failed if the notification is suppressed" do allow(response).to receive_messages(body: JSON.dump("faliure" => 0)) allow(response).to receive_messages(to_hash: { "x-notificationstatus" => ["Suppressed"] }) error =,, 'Notification was received but suppressed by the service.') expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end describe "an 400 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 400) } it "marks notifications as failed" do error =,, 'Bad XML or malformed notification URI.') expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end describe "an 401 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 401) } it "marks notifications as failed" do error =,, 'Unauthorized to send a notification to this app.') expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end describe "an 404 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 404) } it "marks notifications as failed" do error =,, 'Not Found') expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end describe "an 405 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 405) } it "marks notifications as failed" do error =,, 'Method Not Allowed') expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end describe "an 406 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 406) } it "retries the notification" do expect(batch).to receive(:mark_retryable).with(notification, + (60 * 60)) perform end it "logs a warning that the notification will be retried" do notification.retries = 1 notification.deliver_after = now + 2 expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("[MyApp] Per-day throttling limit reached. Notification #{} will be retried after 2012-10-14 00:00:02 (retry 1).") perform end end describe "an 412 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 412) } it "retries the notification" do expect(batch).to receive(:mark_retryable).with(notification, + (60 * 60)) perform end it "logs a warning that the notification will be retried" do notification.retries = 1 notification.deliver_after = now + 2 expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("[MyApp] Device unreachable. Notification #{} will be retried after 2012-10-14 00:00:02 (retry 1).") perform end end describe "an 503 response" do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 503) } it "retries the notification exponentially" do expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_retryable_exponential).with(notification) perform end it 'logs a warning that the notification will be retried.' do notification.retries = 1 notification.deliver_after = now + 2 expect(logger).to receive(:warn).with("[MyApp] Service Unavailable. Notification #{} will be retried after 2012-10-14 00:00:02 (retry 1).") perform end end describe 'an un-handled response' do before { allow(response).to receive_messages(code: 418) } it 'marks the notification as failed' do error =,, "I'm a Teapot") expect(delivery).to receive(:mark_failed).with(error) perform_with_rescue end end end