// ========================================================================== // Project: Greenhouse.Dir // Copyright: Mike Ball // ========================================================================== /*jslint evil: true*/ /*globals Greenhouse*/ require('core'); /** @class dir properties @property dir @property name @property contents @extends SC.Record @version 0.1 */ Greenhouse.Dir = SC.Record.extend( /** @scope Greenhouse.Dir.prototype */ { type: 'Dir', nestedRecordNamespace: Greenhouse, name: SC.Record.attr(String), dir: SC.Record.attr(String), contents: SC.Record.toMany('Greenhouse.File', {nested: YES}), primaryKey: 'id', isFile: NO, path: function(){ return this.get('dir') + this.get('name'); }.property('name', 'dir').cacheable(), evalBody: function(){ var bodyText = this.get('body'), body, designs = []; try{ body = eval(bodyText || ""); body.set('needsDesigner', YES); body.set('isContainerView',YES); this.writeAttribute('currentDesign', body, YES); this.notifyPropertyChange('currentDesign'); for(var v in body){ if(body.hasOwnProperty(v)){ if(body[v] && body[v].kindOf){ if(body[v].kindOf(SC.View)){ designs.push(SC.Object.create({type: 'view', view: body.get(v), name: v})); } else if(body[v].kindOf(SC.Page)){ designs.push(SC.Object.create({type: 'page', view: body.get(v), name: v})); } else if(body[v].kindOf(SC.Pane)){ designs.push(SC.Object.create({type: 'pane', view: body.get(v), name: v})); } } } } this.writeAttribute('designs', designs, YES); this.notifyPropertyChange('designs'); } catch (exception) { console.log("Couldn't eval body..."); } }, /* if this is a dir then return if the passed file's name and type matches @returns boolean */ includesFile: function(file){ if(!this.get('isFile')){ var contents = this.get('contents'), ret; ret = contents.find(function(item){ if(item.get('type') === file.get('type') && item.get('name') === file.get('name') && item !== file) return YES; }); return ret ? YES : NO; } else{ return NO; } } }) ; Greenhouse.Dir.mixin({ });