interesting. the UID don't seem to be globally unique. two different messages in 2 different mailboxes can have same UID Mon Nov 22 23:12:49 EST 2010 - next, do window sensing and recreation. let user expand the message detail window and shrink it with some key like I need status windows that show how many messagesin a box, when it was last updated, etc This app is coming along well. Another reason to not allow a divergent offline store is that when the schema changes on an update, it's easier to have the user rebuild the locate version of the GMAIL Another anomaly. Threading seems to reverse the UIDs. Imap tasks should be batched so that we don't have the overhead of an imap login each time. The vertial 3 pan view should have a different set of columns in the message list window. Need command to reprocess text translation, also to display way eml. NEXT. Learn how to do a popup window. Try out other Vim plugins! Do some research online. OR, do replies. - work on email formatting Flag new messages. And position cursor correctly on a refresh. inputlist() winrestcmd() potentially useful 1resize 20|vert 1resize 84|2resize 18|vert 2resize 84|3resize 39|vert 3resize 84| ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thu Nov 25 16:55:07 EST 2010 {{{1 Trying new schema and more unix-inspired approach. First, the schema is changed to allow unique messages to be shared across mailboxes via message_refs. The Mailbox model has been removed. Second, the tools should be smaller and less interdependent. There should be a tool just for getting a text list of UID for a mailbox, and then another that takes a UID and pulls down the raw eml, which I can then use for testing. The tool to insert into data should take two arguments, the mailbox name and the UID, and the raw eml into STDIN. Set up a test harness for all this email caching and data extraction with rspec or test unit ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fri Nov 26 12:08:26 EST 2010 {{{1 I need a text extract tool that works like iconv command line tool. Lots of little tools for my workbench. Now, I'm thinking of ditching the database. Use one document of concatenated EML with message and mailbox info incorporated. I tried using folds to present the email headers but I'm not sure it works. Too many key strokes to unfold, fold, move to next message, and unfold. Also, search doesn't work as expected since it searches through all the text. This suggests that using the database might be the best solution. OK I've experimented and found a reasonably fast way to do imap searchs e.g. ruby lib/gmail.rb FROM monit BEFORE 8-Aug-2010 SINCE 1-Jun-2010 Now the question is how to get from output to load a specific message and then possibly reply to it. And later, we need to keep a contact list somehow. I also forgot how an email is sent with sendmail. Maybe with authentication. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sun Nov 28 10:42:50 EST 2010 Got threaded message list fetch working Marking messages for deletion or starring could be done very simply: Just add a mark '*' or 'D' to the beginning of lines that should be starred or deleted, then press a command key. Just put one commented line at top of generated list. This is so the viewer can refresh the list on demand when the user wants to. But the focus should be on generating these imap search result lists from the command line and saving the output to a file. Then the use can view the file in the viewer. Should the file serve as a virtual mailbox? User can alway do "search command | tee inbox" periodically and then view the inbox in the viewer when a new message arrives. There are even ways of setting up watches from the command to see if a new message arrives in a certain mailbox. These recipes should be written up in a tutorial on the website. Wrote a wrapper startup script that you invoke like so ./wrapper inbox 20 all ./wrapper inbox 20 subject instantwatcher This will generate the list file and open the viewer on it. I think this is the workflow I want. It keeps the viewer lightweight and prevents it from becoming a captive user interface. Remember to convert uid to_i before calling IMAP methods. Need to figure out a way to flag a line and show the change. Do we have to use Vim data structures? Also, be careful. The f command throws an error when there is no mailbox and search term information at the top of the message list. Make a view mode that lets one simple page through the messages and keep track of which message is visible. TODO Try d for trash and D for permanent Delete. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tue Nov 30 07:30:19 EST 2010 Start from command line, and then quit. Not meant to be an application that you keep open. At least not for my uses. But it would be better to start up the app in the Ruby wrapper If it's contained in vim, I can use append(lnum, list) to insert previous messages to the top of the buffer as the user scrolls back. So two things to accomplish this morning: 1. start the application in a Ruby wrapper 2. select mailbox from viewer 3. infinite paging back Done: 1. Ruby wrapper 2. Update the current mailbox 3. Fast deletes, range flagging 4. slightly better multipart displaying Won't do: - infinite paging - starting mailbox from viewer TODO - send messages Unicode korean characters are wider than ascii characters, so this will mess up alignment, but I don't know what I can do about this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wed Dec 1 15:39:39 EST 2010 - got composing messages working, switching between full screen message view and list view TODO - reply to messages contacts - import contacts by looking at sent mailbox. save contacts into a file and use that for autocompletion split reply window veritcally: that's the way I wanted this interface Quoting emails: stackoverflow: If you get the raw source of the messages you can relate messages to one another by looking at the following headers: Message-ID: <097819EBC7F79F4A850C8F088D35927302442A82AA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> References: <4A8BE8F3.2060007@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> In-Reply-To: <4A8BE8F3.2060007@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> link|flag answered Aug 28 '09 at 7:23 Kees de Kooter 1,7341512 TODO - get full email addresses including names - fix reply to quote header - address book - later: - append to text file - display and save attachments Thurs - start packaging - need a better way to refresh a stale IMAP connection - try wrapping client calls with Timeout. Then call daemon to refresh connection if things take too long. * Need to save mail list buffer or else it forgets what user has flagged or deleted. - will have to write out message list buffer - IMAP fails from parsing email from D, [2010-12-02T04:14:47.034816 #26464] DEBUG -- : error fetching uid 83682 D, [2010-12-02T04:14:47.034884 #26464] DEBUG -- : unknown token - "\"[Christian" (Net::IMAP::ResponseParseError) It is vital to rewrite the message list buffer to file. This is a significant bug. Since new messages gotten via update disappear when coming back from full screen message view. Also, let use go forward and back while reading full messages. Or even in split view. Don't bind n since we need it for search. Use CTRL-n, CTRL-p? or leader n leader Need better recovery from expired IMAP session. At least some kind of warning so that use retries the previous action that failed. TODO - gmail charset correction ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tue Dec 7 09:36:01 EST 2010 Instead of autocomplete mailbox chooser, have a generic search command line buffer that might autocomplete the mailbox for you. This simplifies the user interface and makes it more coherent. You will always specify a mailbox and a command. Get the user used to doing searches like this. I'm also thinking of keep the viewer thin and not that featureful. I'll emphasize the command line features, like using search criteria to pipe emails into a text file. Change the architecture so that the daemon is fired up in a separate process. I don't think I need to download the RFC822 header, the envelope has this data. Done. Next, in the search window, I can keep a history of previous searches. And just execute the command that the user hits carriage return on. ENVELOPE: !ruby/struct:Net::IMAP::Envelope date: Tue, 7 Dec 2010 11:25:47 -0500 subject: "Error message: /" from: - !ruby/struct:Net::IMAP::Address name: route: mailbox: error host: sender: - !ruby/struct:Net::IMAP::Address name: route: mailbox: error host: reply_to: - !ruby/struct:Net::IMAP::Address name: route: mailbox: error host: to: - !ruby/struct:Net::IMAP::Address name: route: mailbox: dhchoi host: cc: bcc: in_reply_to: message_id: <4cfe600b1cd1f_202540e109c8ee@ubuntu.tmail> (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:3235:in `parse_error': unknown token - "\"[Christian" (Net::IMAP::ResponseParseError) from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:3180:in `next_token' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:3097:in `lookahead' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2995:in `nstring' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2183:in `envelope' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2170:in `envelope_data' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2145:in `msg_att' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2125:in `numeric_response' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2067:in `response_untagged' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:2047:in `response' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:1973:in `parse' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:1124:in `get_response' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:1036:in `receive_responses' from (druby:// /Users/choi/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p0/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/imap.rb:1023:in `block in initialize' from run.rb:8:in `block in
' from run.rb:7:in `open' from run.rb:7:in `
' # Sends a APPEND command to append the +message+ to the end of # the +mailbox+. The optional +flags+ argument is an array of # flags to initially passing to the new message. The optional # +date_time+ argument specifies the creation time to assign to the # new message; it defaults to the current time. # For example: # # imap.append("inbox", < and copy to> prompts - create mailboxes if they don't exist on move or copy - tweak contacts list script (plus instruction for how to use) - .vmailrc is a yaml file, first in current dir, then check home, can also use command line opts - fix tests - open_href is an improved way to open http hrefs - VMAIL_URL_OPENER=elinks - digg, reddit, etc buttons - note dependence on lynx on startup NEXT: - help doc: just return readme file, or a vim version of it (vim filetype later) - width 780 px - try turning starred item color into some existing syn color group - like comments later: - mvim - starred messages not syntax colored - mvim redrawstatus line bug - allow one daemon, multiple clients (select mailbox?) - crate to package app as a OS X app? - need to bundle macvim - if move to unknown mailbox, create the mailbox, then do the move - some lingering encoding issues - forwarding with attachments - could be "attach: [uid] attachments to signal" - something is wrong with cursorline sometimes - try flashing progress in echo line - sort contacts by frequency, then take first 10 or so of any match - straight to switch mailbox, etc from message window - allow deliver command from any buffer or window, as long as headers are at top - range selection from : prompt - starring - do fast action like deletes - reload after window resize - sometimes update doesn't work - bug - show total messages from a search, showing 100 - message threads - use temp files - tempname() - system() allows a parameters that is written to tmp file and passed to stdin - enhance contacts auto fix with more advanced vim script - create contacts database on first startup won't do - follow mysql and use -u and -p flags on startup of server? - omitting -p flag forces prompt ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Threading how to find the message that a message is in reply-to ["HEADER", "MESSAGE-ID", "<>"] :! ls % % is filename " TODO the range doesn't quite work as expect, need " trying to make user defined commands that work from : prompt " command -buffer -range VmailDelete call s:toggle_star("Deleted") " command -buffer -range VmailStar call s:toggle_star("Flagged") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tue Dec 14 23:06:41 EST 2010 todo - one particular email don't send - from f rojas. see why it fails silently - deal with encoding: quotable printable mail part, e.g. inbox 85740 4 kb - application/pgp-signature; name=signature.asc --------------------------------------- from: asdsadsd date: Wed, Dec 15 02:01 PM +01:00 2010 to: subject: Re: introducing vmail cc: Daniel Choi --Sig_/mr9Wc47A9zV0_9ckNR.1R8f Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable - put command line parsing under a test harness