class Jets::Cfn class Status include Jets::AwsServices attr_reader :events def initialize(options={}) @options = options @stack_name = Jets::Naming.parent_stack_name reset end # used for the jets status command def run unless stack_exists?(@stack_name) puts "The stack #{@stack_name.colorize(:green)} does not exist." return end resp = cfn.describe_stacks(stack_name: @stack_name) stack = resp.stacks.first puts "The current status for the stack #{@stack_name.colorize(:green)} is #{stack.stack_status.colorize(:green)}" if stack.stack_status =~ /_IN_PROGRESS$/ puts "Stack events (tailing):" # tail all events until done @hide_time_took = true wait else puts "Stack events:" # show the last events that was user initiated refresh_events show_events(true) end end def reset @events = [] # constantly replaced with recent events @last_shown_event_id = nil @stack_deletion_completed = nil end # check for /(_COMPLETE|_FAILED)$/ status def wait start_time = refresh_events until completed || @stack_deletion_completed show_events end show_events(true) # show the final event if @stack_deletion_completed puts "Stack #{@stack_name} deleted." return end if last_event_status =~ /_FAILED/ puts "Stack failed: #{last_event_status}".colorize(:red) puts "Stack reason #{@events[0]["resource_status_reason"]}".colorize(:red) elsif last_event_status =~ /_ROLLBACK_/ puts "Stack rolled back: #{last_event_status}".colorize(:red) else # success puts "Stack success status: #{last_event_status}".colorize(:green) end # Never gets here when deleting a stack because the describe stack returns nothing # once the stack is deleted. Gets here for stack create and update though. return if @hide_time_took # set in run took = - start_time puts "Time took for stack deployment: #{pretty_time(took).green}." end def completed last_event_status =~ /(_COMPLETE|_FAILED)$/ && @events[0]["logical_resource_id"] == @stack_name && @events[0]["resource_type"] == "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" end def last_event_status @events[0]["resource_status"] end # Only shows new events def show_events(final=false) if @last_shown_event_id.nil? i = find_index(:start) print_events(i) else i = find_index(:last_shown) # puts "last_shown index #{i}" print_events(i-1) unless i == 0 end return if final sleep 5 unless ENV['TEST'] refresh_events end def print_events(i) @events[0..i].reverse.each do |e| print_event(e) end @last_shown_event_id = @events[0]["event_id"] # puts "@last_shown_event_id #{@last_shown_event_id.inspect}" end def print_event(e) message = [ event_time(e["timestamp"]), e["resource_status"], e["resource_type"], e["logical_resource_id"], e["resource_status_reason"] ].join(" ") message = message.colorize(:red) if e["resource_status"] =~ /_FAILED/ puts message end # def event_time(timestamp) Time.parse(timestamp.to_s).localtime.strftime("%I:%M:%S%p") end # refreshes the loaded events in memory def refresh_events resp = cfn.describe_stack_events(stack_name: @stack_name) @events = resp["stack_events"] rescue Aws::CloudFormation::Errors::ValidationError => e if e.message =~ /Stack .* does not exis/ @stack_deletion_completed = true else raise end end def find_index(name) send("#{name}_index") end def start_index @events.find_index do |event| event["resource_type"] == "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" && event["resource_status_reason"] == "User Initiated" end end def last_shown_index @events.find_index do |event| event["event_id"] == @last_shown_event_id end end def success? resource_status = @events[0]["resource_status"] %w[CREATE_COMPLETE UPDATE_COMPLETE].include?(resource_status) end def update_rollback? @events[0]["resource_status"] == "UPDATE_ROLLBACK_COMPLETE" end def find_update_failed_event i = @events.find_index do |event| event["resource_type"] == "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack" && event["resource_status_reason"] == "User Initiated" end @events[0..i].reverse.find do |e| e["resource_status"] == "UPDATE_FAILED" end end def rollback_error_message return unless update_rollback? event = find_update_failed_event return unless event reason = event["resource_status_reason"] messages_map.each do |pattern, message| if reason =~ pattern return message end end reason # default message is original reason if not found in messages map end def messages_map { /CloudFormation cannot update a stack when a custom-named resource requires replacing/ => "A workaround is to run ufo again with STATIC_NAME=0 and to switch to dynamic names for resources. Then run ufo again with STATIC_NAME=1 to get back to statically name resources. Note, there are caveats with the workaround.", /cannot be associated with more than one load balancer/ => "There's was an issue updating the stack. Target groups can only be associated with one load balancer at a time. The workaround for this is to use UFO_FORCE_TARGET_GROUP=1 and run the command again. This will force the recreation of the target group resource.", /SetSubnets is not supported for load balancers of type/ => "Changing subnets for Network Load Balancers is currently not supported. You can try workarouding this with UFO_FORCE_ELB=1 and run the command again. This will force the recreation of the elb resource." } end # def pretty_time(total_seconds) minutes = (total_seconds / 60) % 60 seconds = total_seconds % 60 if total_seconds < 60 "#{seconds.to_i}s" else "#{minutes.to_i}m #{seconds.to_i}s" end end end end