require "active-fedora" module Hydra # This is an example of a NokogiriDatastream that defines an OM terminology for MODS xml # It focuses on the aspects of MODS that deal with descriptive metadata for published articles # This is not the hydra-head plugin version of this OM Terminology; See # # Things to note about the OM Terminology defined here: # # * Uses :ref terms to repeat the structures of a mods:name with a different @type on the mods:name element # * Defines a term lang_code that maps to "languageTerm[@type=code]" # * Defines a variety of terms, date, last_name, first_name & terms_of_address, that all map to mods:namePart but use varying attributes to distinguish themselves # * Uses proxy terms to define familar terms like start_page and end_page that map to non-intuitive xml structures "extent[@unit=pages]/start" and "extent[@unit=pages]/end" # * Uses proxy terms, publication_url, peer_reviewed, and title, to allow convenient access to frequently used terms # # Things to note about the additional methods it defines: # # * Defines a series of templates, person_template, organization_template, etc. for generating a whole set of xml nodes to insert into the document (note: the new OM::TemplateRegistry provides an even better way to do this) # * Defines a custom method, insert_contributor, that uses the Terminology to manipulate xml documents in specialized ways # * Defines a series of relator_term Hashes that can then be used when generating views, etc. In this case, the Hashes are hard-coded into the Class. Ideally, they might be read from a configuration file or mixed into the class using a module class ModsArticleDatastream < ActiveFedora::NokogiriDatastream set_terminology do |t| t.root(:path=>"mods", :xmlns=>"", :schema=>"") t.title_info(:path=>"titleInfo") { t.main_title(:index_as=>[:facetable],:path=>"title", :label=>"title") t.language(:index_as=>[:facetable],:path=>{:attribute=>"lang"}) } t.language{ t.lang_code(:index_as=>[:facetable], :path=>"languageTerm", :attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) } t.abstract t.subject { t.topic(:index_as=>[:facetable]) } t.topic_tag(:proxy=>[:subject, :topic]) # t.topic_tag(:index_as=>[:facetable],:path=>"subject", :default_content_path=>"topic") # This is a mods:name. The underscore is purely to avoid namespace conflicts. t.name_(:index_as=>[:searchable]) { # this is a namepart t.namePart(:type=>:string, :label=>"generic name") # affiliations are great t.affiliation t.institution(:path=>"affiliation", :index_as=>[:facetable], :label=>"organization") t.displayForm t.role(:ref=>[:role]) t.description(:index_as=>[:facetable])>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"date"}) t.last_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"family"}) t.first_name(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"given"}, :label=>"first name") t.terms_of_address(:path=>"namePart", :attributes=>{:type=>"termsOfAddress"}) t.computing_id } # lookup :person, :first_name t.person(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"personal"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.department(:proxy=>[:person,:description],:index_as=>[:facetable]) t.organization(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"corporate"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.conference(:ref=>:name, :attributes=>{:type=>"conference"}, :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.role(:index_as=>[:searchable]) { t.text(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"text"}, :index_as=>[:searchable]) t.code(:path=>"roleTerm",:attributes=>{:type=>"code"}) } t.journal(:path=>'relatedItem', :attributes=>{:type=>"host"}) { t.title_info(:index_as=>[:facetable],:ref=>[:title_info]) t.origin_info(:path=>"originInfo") { t.publisher t.date_issued(:path=>"dateIssued") t.issuance(:index_as=>[:facetable]) } t.issn(:path=>"identifier", :attributes=>{:type=>"issn"}) t.issue(:path=>"part") { t.volume(:path=>"detail", :attributes=>{:type=>"volume"}, :default_content_path=>"number") t.level(:path=>"detail", :attributes=>{:type=>"number"}, :default_content_path=>"number") t.extent t.pages(:path=>"extent", :attributes=>{:unit=>"pages"}) { t.start t.end } t.start_page(:proxy=>[:pages, :start]) t.end_page(:proxy=>[:pages, :end]) t.publication_date(:path=>"date", :type=>:date, :index_as=>[:searchable]) } } t.note t.location(:path=>"location") { t.url(:path=>"url") } t.publication_url(:proxy=>[:location,:url]) t.peer_reviewed(:proxy=>[:journal,:origin_info,:issuance], :index_as=>[:facetable]) t.title(:proxy=>[:title_info, :main_title]) t.journal_title(:proxy=>[:journal, :title_info, :main_title]) end # Generates an empty Mods Article (used when you call without passing in existing xml) def self.xml_template builder = do |xml| xml.mods(:version=>"3.3", "xmlns:xlink"=>"", "xmlns:xsi"=>"", "xmlns"=>"", "xsi:schemaLocation"=>"") { xml.titleInfo(:lang=>"") { xml.title }>"personal") { xml.namePart(:type=>"given") xml.namePart(:type=>"family") xml.affiliation xml.computing_id xml.description xml.role { xml.roleTerm("Author", :authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } xml.typeOfResource xml.genre(:authority=>"marcgt") xml.language { xml.languageTerm(:authority=>"iso639-2b", :type=>"code") } xml.abstract xml.subject { xml.topic } xml.relatedItem(:type=>"host") { xml.titleInfo { xml.title } xml.identifier(:type=>"issn") xml.originInfo { xml.publisher xml.dateIssued xml.issuance } xml.part { xml.detail(:type=>"volume") { xml.number } xml.detail(:type=>"number") { xml.number } xml.extent(:unit=>"pages") { xml.start xml.end } } } xml.location { xml.url } } end return builder.doc end # Generates a new Person node def self.person_template builder = do |xml|>"personal") { xml.namePart(:type=>"family") xml.namePart(:type=>"given") xml.affiliation xml.computing_id xml.description xml.role { xml.roleTerm("Author", :type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end def self.full_name_template builder = do |xml| xml.full_name(:type => "personal") end return builder.doc.root end # Generates a new Organization node # Uses mods:name[@type="corporate"] def self.organization_template builder = do |xml|>"corporate") { xml.namePart xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end # Generates a new Conference node def self.conference_template builder = do |xml|>"conference") { xml.namePart xml.role { xml.roleTerm(:authority=>"marcrelator", :type=>"text") } } end return builder.doc.root end # Inserts a new contributor (mods:name) into the mods document # creates contributors of type :person, :organization, or :conference def insert_contributor(type, opts={}) case type.to_sym when :person node = Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream.person_template nodeset = self.find_by_terms(:person) when :organization node = Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream.organization_template nodeset = self.find_by_terms(:organization) when :conference node = Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream.conference_template nodeset = self.find_by_terms(:conference) else ActiveFedora.logger.warn("#{type} is not a valid argument for Hydra::ModsArticleDatastream.insert_contributor") node = nil index = nil end unless nodeset.nil? if nodeset.empty? self.ng_xml.root.add_child(node) index = 0 else nodeset.after(node) index = nodeset.length end self.dirty = true end return node, index end # Remove the contributor entry identified by @contributor_type and @index def remove_contributor(contributor_type, index) self.find_by_terms( {contributor_type.to_sym => index.to_i} ).first.remove self.dirty = true end def self.common_relator_terms {"aut" => "Author", "clb" => "Collaborator", "com" => "Compiler", "ctb" => "Contributor", "cre" => "Creator", "edt" => "Editor", "ill" => "Illustrator", "oth" => "Other", "trl" => "Translator", } end def self.person_relator_terms {"aut" => "Author", "clb" => "Collaborator", "com" => "Compiler", "cre" => "Creator", "ctb" => "Contributor", "edt" => "Editor", "ill" => "Illustrator", "res" => "Researcher", "rth" => "Research team head", "rtm" => "Research team member", "trl" => "Translator" } end def self.conference_relator_terms { "hst" => "Host" } end def self.organization_relator_terms { "fnd" => "Funder", "hst" => "Host" } end def self.dc_relator_terms {"acp" => "Art copyist", "act" => "Actor", "adp" => "Adapter", "aft" => "Author of afterword, colophon, etc.", "anl" => "Analyst", "anm" => "Animator", "ann" => "Annotator", "ant" => "Bibliographic antecedent", "app" => "Applicant", "aqt" => "Author in quotations or text abstracts", "arc" => "Architect", "ard" => "Artistic director ", "arr" => "Arranger", "art" => "Artist", "asg" => "Assignee", "asn" => "Associated name", "att" => "Attributed name", "auc" => "Auctioneer", "aud" => "Author of dialog", "aui" => "Author of introduction", "aus" => "Author of screenplay", "aut" => "Author", "bdd" => "Binding designer", "bjd" => "Bookjacket designer", "bkd" => "Book designer", "bkp" => "Book producer", "bnd" => "Binder", "bpd" => "Bookplate designer", "bsl" => "Bookseller", "ccp" => "Conceptor", "chr" => "Choreographer", "clb" => "Collaborator", "cli" => "Client", "cll" => "Calligrapher", "clt" => "Collotyper", "cmm" => "Commentator", "cmp" => "Composer", "cmt" => "Compositor", "cng" => "Cinematographer", "cnd" => "Conductor", "cns" => "Censor", "coe" => "Contestant -appellee", "col" => "Collector", "com" => "Compiler", "cos" => "Contestant", "cot" => "Contestant -appellant", "cov" => "Cover designer", "cpc" => "Copyright claimant", "cpe" => "Complainant-appellee", "cph" => "Copyright holder", "cpl" => "Complainant", "cpt" => "Complainant-appellant", "cre" => "Creator", "crp" => "Correspondent", "crr" => "Corrector", "csl" => "Consultant", "csp" => "Consultant to a project", "cst" => "Costume designer", "ctb" => "Contributor", "cte" => "Contestee-appellee", "ctg" => "Cartographer", "ctr" => "Contractor", "cts" => "Contestee", "ctt" => "Contestee-appellant", "cur" => "Curator", "cwt" => "Commentator for written text", "dfd" => "Defendant", "dfe" => "Defendant-appellee", "dft" => "Defendant-appellant", "dgg" => "Degree grantor", "dis" => "Dissertant", "dln" => "Delineator", "dnc" => "Dancer", "dnr" => "Donor", "dpc" => "Depicted", "dpt" => "Depositor", "drm" => "Draftsman", "drt" => "Director", "dsr" => "Designer", "dst" => "Distributor", "dtc" => "Data contributor ", "dte" => "Dedicatee", "dtm" => "Data manager ", "dto" => "Dedicator", "dub" => "Dubious author", "edt" => "Editor", "egr" => "Engraver", "elg" => "Electrician ", "elt" => "Electrotyper", "eng" => "Engineer", "etr" => "Etcher", "exp" => "Expert", "fac" => "Facsimilist", "fld" => "Field director ", "flm" => "Film editor", "fmo" => "Former owner", "fpy" => "First party", "fnd" => "Funder", "frg" => "Forger", "gis" => "Geographic information specialist ", "grt" => "Graphic technician", "hnr" => "Honoree", "hst" => "Host", "ill" => "Illustrator", "ilu" => "Illuminator", "ins" => "Inscriber", "inv" => "Inventor", "itr" => "Instrumentalist", "ive" => "Interviewee", "ivr" => "Interviewer", "lbr" => "Laboratory ", "lbt" => "Librettist", "ldr" => "Laboratory director ", "led" => "Lead", "lee" => "Libelee-appellee", "lel" => "Libelee", "len" => "Lender", "let" => "Libelee-appellant", "lgd" => "Lighting designer", "lie" => "Libelant-appellee", "lil" => "Libelant", "lit" => "Libelant-appellant", "lsa" => "Landscape architect", "lse" => "Licensee", "lso" => "Licensor", "ltg" => "Lithographer", "lyr" => "Lyricist", "mcp" => "Music copyist", "mfr" => "Manufacturer", "mdc" => "Metadata contact", "mod" => "Moderator", "mon" => "Monitor", "mrk" => "Markup editor", "msd" => "Musical director", "mte" => "Metal-engraver", "mus" => "Musician", "nrt" => "Narrator", "opn" => "Opponent", "org" => "Originator", "orm" => "Organizer of meeting", "oth" => "Other", "own" => "Owner", "pat" => "Patron", "pbd" => "Publishing director", "pbl" => "Publisher", "pdr" => "Project director", "pfr" => "Proofreader", "pht" => "Photographer", "plt" => "Platemaker", "pma" => "Permitting agency", "pmn" => "Production manager", "pop" => "Printer of plates", "ppm" => "Papermaker", "ppt" => "Puppeteer", "prc" => "Process contact", "prd" => "Production personnel", "prf" => "Performer", "prg" => "Programmer", "prm" => "Printmaker", "pro" => "Producer", "prt" => "Printer", "pta" => "Patent applicant", "pte" => "Plaintiff -appellee", "ptf" => "Plaintiff", "pth" => "Patent holder", "ptt" => "Plaintiff-appellant", "rbr" => "Rubricator", "rce" => "Recording engineer", "rcp" => "Recipient", "red" => "Redactor", "ren" => "Renderer", "res" => "Researcher", "rev" => "Reviewer", "rps" => "Repository", "rpt" => "Reporter", "rpy" => "Responsible party", "rse" => "Respondent-appellee", "rsg" => "Restager", "rsp" => "Respondent", "rst" => "Respondent-appellant", "rth" => "Research team head", "rtm" => "Research team member", "sad" => "Scientific advisor", "sce" => "Scenarist", "scl" => "Sculptor", "scr" => "Scribe", "sds" => "Sound designer", "sec" => "Secretary", "sgn" => "Signer", "sht" => "Supporting host", "sng" => "Singer", "spk" => "Speaker", "spn" => "Sponsor", "spy" => "Second party", "srv" => "Surveyor", "std" => "Set designer", "stl" => "Storyteller", "stm" => "Stage manager", "stn" => "Standards body", "str" => "Stereotyper", "tcd" => "Technical director", "tch" => "Teacher", "ths" => "Thesis advisor", "trc" => "Transcriber", "trl" => "Translator", "tyd" => "Type designer", "tyg" => "Typographer", "vdg" => "Videographer", "voc" => "Vocalist", "wam" => "Writer of accompanying material", "wdc" => "Woodcutter", "wde" => "Wood -engraver", "wit" => "Witness"} end def self.valid_child_types ["data", "supporting file", "profile", "lorem ipsum", "dolor"] end def to_solr( super(solr_doc) ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, "object_type_facet", "Article") ::Solrizer::Extractor.insert_solr_field_value(solr_doc, "mods_journal_title_info_facet", "Unknown") if solr_doc["mods_journal_title_info_facet"].nil? solr_doc end end end