# v1.2.0.RC1 2018-08-09 ## Changes since last release * Support for single values. [Documentation](https://github.com/samvera-labs/valkyrie/wiki/Using-Types#singular-values) * Optimistic Locking. [Documentation](https://github.com/samvera-labs/valkyrie/wiki/Optimistic-Locking) * Remove reliance on ActiveFedora for Fedora Storage Adapter. * Only load adapters if referenced. * Postgres Adapter uses transactions for `save_all` * Resources now include `id` attribute by default. ## Special Thanks This release was made possible by a community sprint undertaken between Penn State University Libraries & Princeton University Library. Thanks to the following participants who made it happen: * [awead](https://github.com/awead) * [cam156](https://github.com/cam156) * [DanCoughlin](https://github.com/DanCoughlin) * [escowles](https://github.com/escowles) * [hackmastera](https://github.com/hackmastera) * [jrgriffiniii](https://github.com/jrgriffiniii) * [mtribone](https://github.com/mtribone) * [tpendragon](https://github.com/tpendragon) # v1.1.2 2018-06-08 ## Changes since last release * Performance improvements for ActiveRecord to Valkyrie::Resource conversions. [tpendragon](https://github.com/tpendragon) # v1.1.1 2018-05-31 ## Changes since last release * Loosened ActiveRecord restriction to allow upgrading pg gem to 1.0. [hackmastera](https://github.com/hackmastera) # v1.1.0 2018-05-08 ## Changes since last release * Added `find_by_alternate_identifier` query. [stkenny](https://github.com/stkenny) * Added Docker environment for development. [mbklein](https://github.com/mbklein) * Fixed README documentation. [revgum](https://github.com/revgum) * Deprecated `Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::PermissiveSchema.references` * Deprecated `Valkyrie::Persistence::Fedora::PermissiveSchema.alternate_ids` # v1.0.0 2018-03-23 ## Changes since last release * Final release of 1.0.0! * Support slashes in IDs for Fedora adapter. [dlpierce](https://github.com/dlpierce) * Added find_many_by_ids query. * Enforces only persisting arrays - no scalars. * Fixes casting edge cases for `Set` and `Array`. * Significantly improved documentation * Support `Booleans` * Support `RDF::Literal` * Fix support for `DateTime`. * Fix rake tasks leaking out of gem. * Extract derivatives/file characterization to [valkyrie-derivatives](https://github.com/samvera-labs/valkyrie-derivatives) * ChangeSet shared spec * Allow strings as an argument for find_by. * Improve development documentation. * Throw error on `find_inverse_references_by` for unsaved `resource`. # v1.0.0.RC2 2018-03-14 ## Changes since last release * Support slashes in IDs for Fedora adapter. [dlpierce](https://github.com/dlpierce) # v1.0.0.RC1 2018-03-02 Initial Release ## Changes Since Last Sprint * Added find_many_by_ids query. * Enforces only persisting arrays - no scalars. * Fixes casting edge cases for `Set` and `Array`. * Significantly improved documentation * Support `Booleans` * Support `RDF::Literal` * Fix support for `DateTime`. * Fix rake tasks leaking out of gem. * Extract derivatives/file characterization to [valkyrie-derivatives](https://github.com/samvera-labs/valkyrie-derivatives) * ChangeSet shared spec * Allow strings as an argument for find_by. * Improve development documentation. * Throw error on `find_inverse_references_by` for unsaved `resource`. ## Special Thanks to All Contributors: * [atz](https://github.com/atz) * [awead](https://github.com/awead) * [barmintor](https://github.com/barmintor) * [bmquinn](https://github.com/bmquinn) * [cam156](https://github.com/cam156) * [carrickr](https://github.com/carrickr) * [cbeer](https://github.com/cbeer) * [cjcolvar](https://github.com/cjcolvar) * [csyversen](https://github.com/csyversen) * [dlpierce](https://github.com/dlpierce) * [escowles](https://github.com/escowles) * [geekscruff](https://github.com/geekscruff) * [hackmastera](https://github.com/hackmastera) * [jcoyne](https://github.com/jcoyne) * [jeremyf](https://github.com/jeremyf) * [jgondron](https://github.com/jgondron) * [jrgriffiniii](https://github.com/jrgriffiniii) * [mbklein](https://github.com/mbklein) * [stkenny](https://github.com/stkenny) * [tpendragon](https://github.com/tpendragon)