# # Copyright (c) 2014 Constant Contact # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. publisher do name :description_setter plugin_id 'description-setter' description 'This plugin sets the description for each build, based upon a RegEx test of the build log file.' jenkins_name 'Set build description' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.descriptionsetter.DescriptionSetterPublisher') do regexp params[:regexp] regexpForFailed params[:regexp] description params[:description] descriptionForFailed params[:description] setForMatrix false end end end publisher do name :downstream plugin_id 'parameterized-trigger' description 'This plugin lets you trigger new builds when your build has completed, with various ways of specifying parameters for the new build.' jenkins_name 'Trigger parameterized build on other projects' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildTrigger') do configs do send('hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.BuildTriggerConfig') do configs do params[:data] = [{ params: '' }] unless params[:data] params[:data].each do |config| if config[:params] send('hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.PredefinedBuildParameters') do properties config[:params] end end if config[:file] send('hudson.plugins.parameterizedtrigger.FileBuildParameters') do propertiesFile config[:file] failTriggerOnMissing false end end end end projects params[:project] condition params[:condition] || 'SUCCESS' triggerWithNoParameters params[:trigger_with_no_parameters] || false end end end end end publisher do name :hipchat plugin_id 'hipchat' description 'This plugin allows your team to setup build notifications to be sent to HipChat rooms.' jenkins_name 'HipChat Notifications' announced false version '0' do xml do |params| params = {} if params == true send('jenkins.plugins.hipchat.HipChatNotifier') do jenkinsUrl params[:jenkinsUrl] || '' authToken params[:authToken] || '' room params[:room] || '' end end end version '0.1.9' do xml do |params| send('jenkins.plugins.hipchat.HipChatNotifier') do token params[:token] || params[:authToken] || '' room params[:room] || '' startNotification params[:start_notify] || false notifySuccess params[:success_notify] || false notifyAborted params[:aborted_notify] || false notifyNotBuilt params[:notbuilt_notify] || false notifyUnstable params[:unstable_notify] || false notifyFailure params[:failure_notify] || false notifyBackToNormal params[:normal_notify] || false startJobMessage params[:start_message] || '' completeJobMessage params[:complete_message] || '' end end end end publisher do name :git plugin_id 'git' description 'This plugin allows use of Git as a build SCM. A recent Git runtime is required (1.7.9 minimum, 1.8.x recommended). Plugin is only tested on official git client. Use exotic installations at your own risks.' jenkins_name 'Git Publisher' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher') do configVersion params[:configVersion] || 2 pushMerge params[:'push-merge'] || false pushOnlyIfSuccess params[:'push-only-if-success'] || false if params[:tag_name] tagsToPush do send 'hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher_-TagToPush' do targetRepoName params[:target_repo] tagName params[:tag_name] createTag params[:create_tag] || false end end end branchesToPush do send('hudson.plugins.git.GitPublisher_-BranchToPush') do targetRepoName params[:targetRepoName] || 'origin' branchName params[:branchName] || 'master' end end end end end publisher do name :junit_result plugin_id 'builtin' description 'Archives your test results?' jenkins_name 'Publish JUnit test result report' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.tasks.junit.JUnitResultArchiver') do testResults params[:test_results] || '' keepLongStdio false testDataPublishers end end end publisher do name :coverage_result plugin_id 'rubyMetrics' description 'Ruby metric reports for Jenkins. Rcov, Rails stats, Rails notes and Flog.' jenkins_name 'Publish Rcov report' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.rubyMetrics.rcov.RcovPublisher') do reportDir params[:report_dir] targets do { 'TOTAL_COVERAGE' => params[:total], 'CODE_COVERAGE' => params[:code] }.each do |key, inner_params| send('hudson.plugins.rubyMetrics.rcov.model.MetricTarget') do metric key healthy inner_params[:healthy] unhealthy inner_params[:unhealthy] unstable inner_params[:unstable] end end end end end end publisher do name :post_build_script plugin_id 'postbuildscript' description 'PostBuildScript makes it possible to execute a set of scripts at the end of the build.' jenkins_name 'Execute a set of scripts' announced false xml do |params| send('org.jenkinsci.plugins.postbuildscript.PostBuildScript') do buildSteps do if params[:shell_command] send('hudson.tasks.Shell') do command params[:shell_command] end end end scriptOnlyIfSuccess params[:on_success] scriptOnlyIfFailure params[:on_failure] executeOn params[:execute_on] || 'BOTH' end end end publisher do name :groovy_postbuild plugin_id 'groovy-postbuild' description 'This plugin executes a groovy script in the Jenkins JVM. Typically, the script checks some conditions and changes accordingly the build result, puts badges next to the build in the build history and/or displays information on the build summary page.' jenkins_name 'Groovy Postbuild' announced false xml do |params| send('org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyPostbuildRecorder', 'plugin' => 'groovy-postbuild') do groovyScript params[:groovy_script] behavior params[:behavior] || '0' runFormMatrixParent 'false' if params[:additional_classpaths] params[:additional_classpaths].each do |path| send('org.jvnet.hudson.plugins.groovypostbuild.GroovyScriptPath') do path path[:path] || '/' end end end end end end publisher do name :archive_artifact plugin_id 'builtin' description 'Archives artifacts' jenkins_name 'Archive the artifacts' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.tasks.ArtifactArchiver') do artifacts params[:artifacts] excludes params[:excludes] if params[:excludes] latestOnly params[:latest_only] || false allowEmptyArchive params[:allow_empty] || false end end end publisher do name :performance_plugin plugin_id 'performance' description 'JMeter Performance Plugin' jenkins_name 'JMeter Performance Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send 'hudson.plugins.performance.PerformancePublisher' do errorFailedThreshold params[:errorFailedThreshold] || '0' errorUnstableThreshold params[:errorUnstableThreshold] || '0' errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold params[:errorUnstableResponseTimeThreshold] relativeFailedThresholdPositive params[:relativeFailedThresholdPositive] || '0.0' relativeFailedThresholdNegative params[:relativeFailedThresholdNegative] || '0.0' relativeUnstableThresholdPositive params[:relativeUnstableThresholdPositive] || '0.0' relativeUnstableThresholdNegative params[:relativeUnstableThresholdNegative] || '0.0' nthBuildNumber params[:nthBuildNumber] || '0' modeRelativeThresholds params[:modeRelativeThresholds] || 'false' configType params[:configType] || 'ART' modeOfThreshold params[:modeOfThreshold] || 'false' compareBuildPrevious params[:compareBuildPrevious] || 'false' modePerformancePerTestCase params[:modePerformancePerTestCase] || 'true' send 'parsers' do send 'hudson.plugins.performance.JMeterParser' do glob params[:result_file] end end modeThroughput params[:mode_throughput] || 'false' end end end publisher do name :email_notifications plugin_id 'mailer' description 'This plugin allows you to configure email notifications. This is a break-out of the original core based email component.' jenkins_name 'E-mail Notification' announced false xml do |params| send 'hudson.tasks.Mailer', 'plugin' => 'mailer' do recipients params[:recipients] || '' send_unstable = false send_unstable = true if params[:send_if_unstable] == false dontNotifyEveryUnstableBuild send_unstable sendToIndividuals params[:send_to_individuals] if params[:send_to_individuals] end end end publisher do name :sonar_result plugin_id 'sonar' description 'The plugin allows you to trigger SonarQube analysis from Jenkins using either a: * Build step to trigger the analysis with the SonarQube Runner * Post-build action to trigger the analysis with Maven' jenkins_name 'Sonar' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.sonar.SonarPublisher') do jdk params[:jdk] || '(Inherit From Job)' branch params[:branch] || '' language mavenOpts jobAdditionalProperties mavenInstallationName params[:maven_installation_name] || '' rootPom params[:root_pom] || '' settings class: 'jenkins.mvn.DefaultSettingsProvider' globalSettings class: 'jenkins.mvn.DefaultGlobalSettingsProvider' usePrivateRepository false end end end publisher do name :brakeman plugin_id 'brakeman' description 'Parses results from Brakeman, a static-analysis vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails.' jenkins_name 'Brakeman Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.brakeman.BrakemanPublisher', 'plugin' => 'brakeman') do healthy params[:healthy] || '' unHealthy params[:unhealthy] || '' thresholdLimit params[:threshold_limit] || 'low' pluginName '[BRAKEMAN] ' defaultEncoding 'UTF-8' canRunOnFailed params[:can_run_on_failed] || false useStableBuildAsReference params[:use_stable_build_as_reference] || false useDeltaValues params[:use_delta_values] || false thresholds = params[:thresholds] || {} send('thresholds', 'plugin' => 'analysis-core') do unstableTotalAll { text(thresholds[:unstable_total_all] || '') } unstableTotalHigh { text(thresholds[:unstable_total_high] || '') } unstableTotalNormal { text(thresholds[:unstable_total_normal] || '') } unstableTotalLow { text(thresholds[:unstable_total_low] || '') } failedTotalAll { text(thresholds[:failed_total_all] || '') } failedTotalHigh { text(thresholds[:failed_total_high] || '') } failedTotalNormal { text(thresholds[:failed_total_normal] || '') } failedTotalLow { text(thresholds[:failed_total_low] || '') } end shouldDetectModules { text(params[:should_detect_modules] || false) } dontComputeNew { text(params[:dont_compute_new] || true) } doNotResolveRelativePaths { text(params[:do_not_resolve_relative_paths] || false) } outputFile { text(params[:output_file] || 'brakeman-output.tabs') } end end end publisher do name :claim_broken_build plugin_id 'claim' description 'This plugin allows users to claim failed builds.' jenkins_name 'Jenkins Claim Plugin' announced false xml do |allow_claim| send('hudson.plugins.claim.ClaimPublisher', 'plugin' => 'claim') if allow_claim end end publisher do name :cobertura_report plugin_id 'cobertura' description 'This plugin integrates Cobertura coverage reports to Jenkins.' jenkins_name 'Cobertura Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.cobertura.CoberturaPublisher', 'plugin' => 'cobertura') do coberturaReportFile params[:cobertura_report_file] onlyStable params[:only_stable] || false failUnhealthy params[:fail_unhealthy] || false failUnstable params[:fail_unstable] || false autoUpdateHealth params[:auto_update_health] || false autoUpdateStability params[:auto_update_stability] || false zoomCoverageChart params[:zoom_coverage_chart] || false maxNumberOfBuilds params[:max_number_of_builds] || 0 failNoReports params[:fail_no_reports] || true params.send_metric_targets(:failing) params.send_metric_targets(:unhealthy) params.send_metric_targets(:healthy) sourceEncoding params[:source_encoding] || 'ASCII' end end end publisher do name :email_ext plugin_id 'email-ext' description 'This plugin is a replacement for Jenkins\'s email publisher.' jenkins_name 'Email-ext plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('hudson.plugins.emailext.ExtendedEmailPublisher', 'plugin' => 'email-ext') do recipientList { text(params[:recipient_list] || '$DEFAULT_RECIPIENTS') } unless params[:triggers].nil? configuredTriggers do params[:triggers].each do |trigger_params| trigger_type = trigger_params[:type].to_sym defaults = params.trigger_defaults[trigger_type] send("hudson.plugins.emailext.plugins.trigger.#{defaults[:name]}") do email do recipientList { text(trigger_params[:recipient_list] || '') } subject { text(trigger_params[:subject] || '$PROJECT_DEFAULT_SUBJECT') } body { text(trigger_params[:body] || '$PROJECT_DEFAULT_CONTENT') } sendToDevelopers { text(!trigger_params[:send_to_developers].nil? ? trigger_params[:send_to_developers] : defaults[:send_to_developers]) } sendToRequester { text(!trigger_params[:send_to_requester].nil? ? trigger_params[:send_to_requester] : defaults[:send_to_requester]) } includeCulprits { text(!trigger_params[:include_culprits].nil? ? trigger_params[:include_culprits] : defaults[:include_culprits]) } sendToRecipientList { text(!trigger_params[:send_to_recipient_list].nil? ? trigger_params[:send_to_recipient_list] : defaults[:send_to_recipient_list]) } attachmentsPattern { text(trigger_params[:attachments_pattern] || '') } attachBuildLog { text(trigger_params[:attach_build_log] || false) } compressBuildLog { text(trigger_params[:compress_build_log] || false) } replyTo { text(trigger_params[:reply_to] || '$PROJECT_DEFAULT_REPLYTO') } contentType { text(trigger_params[:content_type] || 'project') } end failureCount { text '1' } if trigger_type == :first_failure failureCount { text '2' } if trigger_type == :second_failure if trigger_type == :prebuild_script || trigger_type == :script triggerScript { text(trigger_params[:trigger_script] || '') } end end end end end contentType { text(params[:content_type] || 'default') } defaultSubject { text(params[:default_subject] || '$DEFAULT_SUBJECT') } defaultContent { text(params[:default_content] || '$DEFAULT_CONTENT') } attachmentsPattern { text(params[:attachments_pattern] || '') } presendScript { text(params[:presend_script] || '$DEFAULT_PRESEND_SCRIPT') } attachBuildLog { text(params[:attach_build_log] || 'false') } compressBuildLog { text(params[:compress_build_log] || 'false') } replyTo { text(params[:reply_to] || '$DEFAULT_REPLYTO') } saveOutput { text(params[:save_output] || 'false') } end end end publisher do name :html_publisher plugin_id 'htmlpublisher' description 'This plugin publishes HTML reports.' jenkins_name 'HTML Publisher Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisher', 'plugin' => 'htmlpublisher') do send('reportTargets') do unless params[:report_targets].nil? params[:report_targets].each do |target| send('htmlpublisher.HtmlPublisherTarget') do reportName target[:report_title] || 'HTML Report' reportDir target[:report_dir] || '' reportFiles target[:index_pages] || 'index.html' keepAll target[:keep_past] || false allowMissing target[:allow_missing] || false wrapperName 'htmlpublisher-wrapper.html' end end end end end end end publisher do name :publish_tap_results plugin_id 'tap' description 'This plug-in adds support to TAP test result files to Jenkins. It lets you specify an ant-like pattern for a directory that contains your TAP files.' jenkins_name 'TAP Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('org.tap4j.plugin.TapPublisher', 'plugin' => 'tap') do testResults params[:test_results] failIfNoResults params[:fail_if_no_results] || false failedTestsMarkBuildAsFailure params[:failed_test_mark_as_failure] || false outputTapToConsole params[:output_to_console] || false enableSubtests params[:enable_subtests] || false discardOldReports params[:discard_old_reports] || false todoIsFailure params[:todo_is_failure] || false includeCommentDiagnostics params[:include_comment_diagnostics] || false validateNumberOfTests params[:validate_number_tests] || false end end end publisher do name :xunit plugin_id 'xunit' description 'This plugin makes it possible to record xUnit test reports.' jenkins_name 'xUnit Plugin' announced false xml do |params| send('xunit', 'plugin' => 'xunit') do send('types') do unless params[:types].nil? params[:types].each do |type| send(type[:type]) do pattern type[:pattern] skipNoTestFiles type[:skip_no_test_files] || false failIfNotNew type[:fail_if_not_new] || true deleteOutputFiles type[:delete_output_files] || true stopProcessingIfError type[:stop_processing_error] || true end end end end params[:thresholds] ||= {} failed_thresholds = params[:thresholds][:failed] || {} skipped_thresholds = params[:thresholds][:skipped] || {} thresholds do send('org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.FailedThreshold') do unstableThreshold failed_thresholds[:unstable_threshold] || '' unstableNewThreshold failed_thresholds[:unstable_new_threshold] || '' failureThreshold failed_thresholds[:failure_threshold] || '' failureNewThreshold failed_thresholds[:failure_new_threshold] || '' end send('org.jenkinsci.plugins.xunit.threshold.SkippedThreshold') do unstableThreshold skipped_thresholds[:unstable_threshold] || '' unstableNewThreshold skipped_thresholds[:unstable_new_threshold] || '' failureThreshold skipped_thresholds[:failure_threshold] || '' failureNewThreshold skipped_thresholds[:failure_new_threshold] || '' end end thresholdMode params[:threshold_mode] || 1 end end end