en: activerecord: attributes: renalware/hd/session: performed_on: Session Date hospital_unit: Hospital Unit hospital_centre: Hospital Centre signed_on_by: Put On By signed_off_by: Taken Off By start_time: Session Start Time end_time: Session End Time hd_type: HD Type modality_description: Modality dialysate: Dialysis Solution Used activemodel: attributes: renalware/hd/session/dna/document: patient_on_holiday: Is the patient on holiday? renalware/hd/session_document/info: access_confirmed: Confirm this access was used access_type: Access Type Used access_side: Access Side Used is_access_first_use: Is access first use? fistula_plus_line: "1 + 1?" single_needle: "Single Needle?" lines_reversed: "Lines Reversed?" had_blood_transfusion: "Had blood transfusion?" machine_no: Machine No renalware/hd/session_document/observations: weight: Weight (kg) weight_measured: Weight taken pulse: Pulse blood_pressure: Blood Pressure temperature_measured: Temperature taken temperature: Temperature respiratory_rate_measured: Respiratory rate taken respiratory_rate: Respiratory rate bm_stix: BM Stix renalware/hd/session_document/dialysis: arterial_pressure: Arterial Pressure venous_pressure: Venous pressure fluid_removed: Fluid Removed blood_flow: Blood Flow Rate flow_rate: Dialysate Flow Rate machine_urr: Machine URR machine_ktv: Machine KTV litres_processed: Litres Processed renalware/hd/session_document/hdf: subs_fluid_pct: Subs Fluid Percentage subs_goal: Subs Goal subs_rate: Subs Rate subs_volume: Subs Volume renalware/hd/session_document/complications: access_site_status: Access Site Status line_exit_site_status: MR VICTOR (line exit site assessment) was_dressing_changed: Was dressing changed? had_intradialytic_hypotension: Had intradialytic hypotension? had_saline_administration: Had saline administration? had_cramps: Had cramps? had_headache: Had headache? had_chest_pain: Had chest pain? had_alteplase_urokinase: Had alteplase urokinase? had_mrsa_swab: Had MRSA swab? had_mssa_swab: Had MSSA swab? renalware/hd/session_document/avf_avg_assessment: score: "AVF score" errors: models: renalware/hd/session/dna/document: patient_on_holiday: blank: Please choose an option renalware/hd/session_document/info: access_confirmed: blank: Please confirm this was the access used in this session renalware/hd/session_document/dialysis: attributes: machine_ktv: inclusion: must be between 0.2 and 3.5 machine_urr: inclusion: must be between 0 and 100 renalware/hd/session_document/observations: attributes: pulse: out_of_range: Please enter a pulse between 20 and 200 weight: out_of_range: Please enter a weight between 5.0 and 300.0 kg invalid_number: Please enter a number with up to 2 decimal place, for example 100 or 100.11 temperature: out_of_range: Please enter a temperature between 28.0 and 45.0°C invalid_number: Please enter a number with up to 1 decimal place, for example 37 or 37.1 bm_stix: out_of_range: Please enter a value between 0.5 and 50.0 invalid_number: Please enter a number with up to 1 decimal place, for example 20 or 20.1 respiratory_rate: out_of_range: Please enter a value between 4 and 40 enumerize: renalware/hd/session_document/observations: weight_measured: "yes": "Yes" "no": "No (unmeasurable)" temperature_measured: "yes": "Yes" "no": "No (unmeasurable)" renalware/hd/session_document/complications: access_site_status: clean_and_dry: Clean and Dry slight_erythema: Slight Erythema erythema: Erythema purulent: Purulent line_exit_site_status: 99: Not Applicable 0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 4: 4 renalware/hd/session_document/avf_avg_assessment: score: 99: Not applicable 0: 0 1: 1 2: 2 3: 3 aneurysm: Y: "Yes" N: "No" bruit: N: Normal A: Abnormal NIL: Absent thrill: N: Normal A: Abnormal NIL: Absent feel: S: Soft H: Hard safe_to_use: Y: "Yes" N: "No" simple_form: hints: hd_session: prescribed_time: in minutes document: info: flow_rate: ml/hr machine_urr: "%" renalware: hd: dashboards: page_actions: add_session: HD Session add_dna_session: DNA Session add_preferences: HD Preferences add_access_profile: Access Profile add_hd_profile: HD Profile add_dry_weight: Dry Weight missing_modality_warning: > Some actions will be unavailable until you add the HD modality sessions_types: show: dna: DNA Session open: Session closed: Session edit: dna: Edit open: Sign Off closed: Edit sessions: open: edit: Sign Off view: View closed: edit: Edit view: View dna: edit: Edit view: View form: save: Save delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this session? notes: Notes show: dna: title: DNA Session edit: dna: title: DNA Session list: title: Latest HD Sessions add_session: Add a Session add_dna_session: Add DNA Session add: Add Session add_dna: Add DNA Session view_all: View All missing_profile_message: | Please enter the HD Profile before creating sessions row: sign_on: Sign On sign_off: Sign Off edit: Edit thead: date: Date from: 'Off' to: 'On' duration: Dur site: Site access: Access used time: Time weight: Weight pulse: Pulse temperature: Temp respiratory_rate: RR bm_stix: BM blood_pressure: BP arterial_pressure: AP venous_pressure: VP blood_flow: Blood flow litres_processed: Litres proc fluid_removed: Fluid rem machine: Machine machine_no: "No" machine_ktv: KTv machine_urr: URR hd_drugs_administered: Drugs given? notes: "Notes" start_time: "On" end_time: "Off" pre: Pre post: Post post_with_changed: Post (chg) user: User put_on_by: Putting on taken_off_by: Taking off form_actions: signoff: Save and Sign-Off signoff_disable_with: Saving and Signing-Off... save: Save save_disable_with: Saving... delete_confirmation: Are you sure you want to delete this session? new: open: title: New Session closed: title: New Session dna: title: New DNA Session edit: session_is_immutable: Sorry, this session is no longer editable open: title: Sign-off closed: title: Edit dna: title: Edit DNA Session row: view: View open: edit: Sign Off closed: edit: Edit dna: edit: Edit