CLEAN.include %w(coverage tmp log) if RUBY_1_9 # RSpec not yet working w/ Ruby 1.9 task :spec do warn 'RSpec not yet supporting Ruby 1.9, so cannot run the specs :(' end else require 'spec/rake/spectask' PERF_SPECS = FileList['spec/perf/*_spec.rb'] WIN_SPECS = %w( spec/backends/unix_server_spec.rb spec/controllers/service_spec.rb spec/daemonizing_spec.rb spec/server/unix_socket_spec.rb spec/server/swiftiply_spec.rb ) # HACK Event machine causes some problems when running multiple # tests in the same VM so we split the specs in 2 before I find # a better solution... SPECS2 = %w(spec/server/threaded_spec.rb spec/server/tcp_spec.rb) SPECS = FileList['spec/**/*_spec.rb'] - PERF_SPECS - SPECS2 def spec_task(name, specs) do |t| t.spec_opts = %w(-fs -c) t.spec_files = specs end end desc "Run all examples" spec_task :spec, SPECS spec_task :spec2, SPECS2 task :spec => [:compile, :spec2] desc "Run all performance examples" spec_task 'spec:perf', PERF_SPECS task :check_benchmark_unit_gem do begin require 'benchmark_unit' rescue LoadError abort "To run specs, install benchmark_unit gem" end end task 'spec:perf' => :check_benchmark_unit_gem end