require 'spec_helper' describe "EavHash/EavEntry" do # p[1-3] are defined in spec/dummy/db/seeds.rb and are used as fixtures let (:p1) { Product.find_by_name("Product 1") } let (:p2) { Product.find_by_name("Product 2") } let (:p3) { Product.find_by_name("Product 3") } it "deletes an EAV row when its value is set to nil" do p3_id = p3.tech_specs[:delete_me] = nil! p3_pulled = Product.find_by_id(p3_id) # p3_pulled.tech_specs.keys.length.should == 0 expect(p3_pulled.tech_specs.keys.length).to eq(0) end it "is able to search for all models whose hashes contain a specified key" do # Product.find_by_tech_specs("A String").length.should be == 2 expect(Product.find_by_tech_specs("A String").length).to eq(2) # Product.find_by_tech_specs(:only_in_product_2).length.should be == 1 expect(Product.find_by_tech_specs(:only_in_product_2).length).to eq(1) end describe "distinguishes between string and symbol keys" do it "finds a value for symbol key \":symbolic_key\" in Product 1" do # p1.tech_specs[:symbolic_key].should_not be_nil expect(p1.tech_specs[:symbolic_key]).not_to be_nil end it "does not find a value for non-symbol key \"symbolic_key\" in Product 1" do # p1.tech_specs["symbolic_key"].should be_nil expect(p1.tech_specs["symbolic_key"]).to be_nil end end describe "preserves types between serialization and deserialization" do it "preserves String value types" do # p1.tech_specs["A String"].should be_a_kind_of String expect(p1.tech_specs["A String"]).to be_a_kind_of String end it "preserves Symbol value types" do # p1.tech_specs["A Symbol"].should be_a_kind_of Symbol expect(p1.tech_specs["A Symbol"]).to be_a_kind_of Symbol end it "preserves Integer/Bignum/Fixnum value types" do # p1.tech_specs["A Number"].should be_a_kind_of Integer expect(p1.tech_specs["A Number"]).to be_a_kind_of Integer end it "preserves Symbol value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Float"]).to be_a_kind_of Float end it "preserves Complex value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Complex"]).to be_a_kind_of Complex end it "preserves Rational value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Rational"]).to be_a_kind_of Rational end it "preserves Boolean(true) value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["True"]).to be_a_kind_of TrueClass end it "preserves Boolean(false) value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["False"]).to be_a_kind_of FalseClass end it "preserves Array value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["An Array"]).to be_a_kind_of Array end it "preserves Hash value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Hash"]).to be_a_kind_of Hash end it "preserves user-defined value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["An Object"]).to be_a_kind_of CustomTestObject end end describe "preserves values between serialization and deserialization" do it "preserves String values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A String"]).to eq("Strings are for cats!") end it "preserves Symbols" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Symbol"]).to eq(:symbol) end it "preserves Integer/Bignum/Fixnum value types" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Number"]).to eq(42) end it "preserves Symbol values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Float"]).to eq(3.141592653589793) end it "preserves Complex values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Complex"]).to eq(Complex("3.141592653589793+42i")) end it "preserves Rational values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Rational"]).to eq(Rational(Math::PI)) end it "preserves Boolean(true) values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["True"]).to eq(true) end it "preserves Boolean(false) values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["False"]).to eq(false) end it "preserves Array values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["An Array"]).to eq(["blue", 42, :flux_capacitor]) end it "preserves Hash values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["A Hash"]).to eq({:foo => :bar}) end it "preserves user-defined values" do expect(p1.tech_specs["An Object"].test_value).to eq(42) end end describe "cannot search by arrays, hashes, and objects" do it "raises an error when searched by an object" do expect(lambda { Product.find_by_tech_specs("An Object", }).to raise_error() end it "raises an error when searched by a hash" do expect(lambda { Product.find_by_tech_specs("A Hash", {:foo => :bar}) }).to raise_error() end it "raises an error when searched by an array" do expect(lambda { Product.find_by_tech_specs("An Array", ["blue", 42, :flux_capacitor]) }).to raise_error() end end end