%p Dear applicant, %p We haven't received your sample video. If you haven't started one yet, please take a few minutes now to record and upload a sample video so that we can accept you into our panel. %p= link_to "Click here to finish applying", download_applicant_url(@applicant) %p If you’ve experienced trouble recording a video, here are a few tips that might help: %ul %li Make sure to install the screen recorder after it downloads. %li If using a PC, you may see a pop-up from your browser asking you for permission to open our recorder. Just click the checkbox "to always allow" and you won't see this pop-up again. %li If using a Mac, when you click the “Start Screen Recorder” button, the test file (Example: 123456A.usertesting) will download to your computer’s Downloads folder. Just click on this file to start the test. %p If you are still unable to get your video recorded, please contact us at support@usertesting.com for help. %p Regards, %p Ethan Allison %br/ %em Fulfillment Manager