module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: # This module is included in both PaypalGateway and PaypalExpressGateway module PaypalCommonAPI def self.included(base) base.default_currency = 'USD' base.cattr_accessor :pem_file base.cattr_accessor :signature end API_VERSION = '72' URLS = { :test => { :certificate => '', :signature => '' }, :live => { :certificate => '', :signature => '' } } PAYPAL_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ebay:api:PayPalAPI' EBAY_NAMESPACE = 'urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents' ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:env' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '' } CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACES = { 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE, 'xmlns:n1' => EBAY_NAMESPACE, 'env:mustUnderstand' => '0' } AUSTRALIAN_STATES = { 'ACT' => 'Australian Capital Territory', 'NSW' => 'New South Wales', 'NT' => 'Northern Territory', 'QLD' => 'Queensland', 'SA' => 'South Australia', 'TAS' => 'Tasmania', 'VIC' => 'Victoria', 'WA' => 'Western Australia' } SUCCESS_CODES = [ 'Success', 'SuccessWithWarning' ] FRAUD_REVIEW_CODE = "11610" # The gateway must be configured with either your PayPal PEM file # or your PayPal API Signature. Only one is required. # # <tt>:pem</tt> The text of your PayPal PEM file. Note # this is not the path to file, but its # contents. If you are only using one PEM # file on your site you can declare it # globally and then you won't need to # include this option # # <tt>:signature</tt> The text of your PayPal signature. # If you are only using one API Signature # on your site you can declare it # globally and then you won't need to # include this option def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :password) headers = {'X-PP-AUTHORIZATION' => options.delete(:auth_signature), 'X-PAYPAL-MESSAGE-PROTOCOL' => 'SOAP11'} if options[:auth_signature] @options = { :pem => pem_file, :signature => signature, :headers => headers || {} }.update(options) if @options[:pem].blank? && @options[:signature].blank? raise ArgumentError, "An API Certificate or API Signature is required to make requests to PayPal" end super end def test? @options[:test] || Base.gateway_mode == :test end def reauthorize(money, authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoReauthorization', build_reauthorize_request(money, authorization, options) end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoCapture', build_capture_request(money, authorization, options) end # Transfer money to one or more recipients. # # gateway.transfer 1000, '', # :subject => "The money I owe you", :note => "Sorry it's so late" # # gateway.transfer [1000, ''], # [2450, '', :note => 'You will receive another payment on 3/24'], # [2000, ''], # :subject => "Your Earnings", :note => "Thanks for your business." # def transfer(*args) commit 'MassPay', build_mass_pay_request(*args) end def void(authorization, options = {}) commit 'DoVoid', build_void_request(authorization, options) end def refund(money, identification, options = {}) commit 'RefundTransaction', build_refund_request(money, identification, options) end def credit(money, identification, options = {}) deprecated Gateway::CREDIT_DEPRECATION_MESSAGE refund(money, identification, options) end # ==== For full documentation see {Paypal API Reference:}[] # ==== Parameter: # * <tt>:money</tt> -- (Required) The amount of this new transaction, # required fo the payment details portion of this request # # ==== Options: # * <tt>:reference_id</tt> -- (Required) A transaction ID from a previous purchase, such as a credit card charge using the DoDirectPayment API, or a billing agreement ID. # * <tt>:payment_action</tt> -- (Optional) How you want to obtain payment. It is one of the following values: # # Authorization – This payment is a basic authorization subject to settlement with PayPal Authorization and Capture. # Sale – This is a final sale for which you are requesting payment. # # * <tt>:ip_address</tt> -- (Optional) IP address of the buyer’s browser. # Note: PayPal records this IP addresses as a means to detect possible fraud. # * <tt>:req_confirm_shipping</tt> -- Whether you require that the buyer’s shipping address on file with PayPal be a confirmed address. You must have permission from PayPal to not require a confirmed address. It is one of the following values: # # 0 – You do not require that the buyer’s shipping address be a confirmed address. # 1 – You require that the buyer’s shipping address be a confirmed address. # # * <tt>:merchant_session_id</tt> -- (Optional) Your buyer session identification token. # * <tt>:return_fmf_details</tt> -- (Optional) Flag to indicate whether you want the results returned by Fraud Management Filters. By default, you do not receive this information. It is one of the following values: # # 0 – Do not receive FMF details (default) # 1 – Receive FMF details # # * <tt>:soft_descriptor</tt> -- (Optional) Per transaction description of the payment that is passed to the consumer’s credit card statement. If the API request provides a value for the soft descriptor field, the full descriptor displayed on the buyer’s statement has the following format: # # <PP * | PAYPAL *><Merchant descriptor as set in the Payment Receiving Preferences><1 space><soft descriptor> # The soft descriptor can contain only the following characters: # # Alphanumeric characters # - (dash) # * (asterisk) # . (period) # {space} # def reference_transaction(money, options = {}) requires!(options, :reference_id) commit 'DoReferenceTransaction', build_reference_transaction_request(money, options) end def transaction_details(transaction_id) commit 'GetTransactionDetails', build_get_transaction_details(transaction_id) end # ==== For full documentation see {PayPal API Reference}[] # ==== Options: # * <tt>:payer </tt> -- (Optional) Search by the buyer’s email address. # * <tt>:receipt_id </tt> -- (Optional) Search by the PayPal Account Optional receipt ID. # * <tt>:receiver </tt> -- (Optional) Search by the receiver’s email address. If the merchant account has only one email address, this is the primary email. It can also be a non-primary email address. # * <tt>:transaction_id</tt> -- (Optional) Search by the transaction ID. The returned results are from the merchant’s transaction records. # * <tt>:invoice_id</tt> -- (Optional) Search by invoice identification key, as set by you for the original transaction. This field searches the records for items the merchant sells, not the items purchased. # * <tt>:card_number </tt> -- (Optional) Search by credit card number, as set by you for the original transaction. This field searches the records for items the merchant sells, not the items purchased. # * <tt>:auction_item_number </tt> -- (Optional) Search by auction item number of the purchased goods. # * <tt>:transaction_class </tt> -- (Optional) Search by classification of transaction. Some kinds of possible classes of transactions are not searchable with this field. You cannot search for bank transfer withdrawals, for example. It is one of the following values: # All – All transaction classifications # Sent – Only payments sent # Received – Only payments received # MassPay – Only mass payments # MoneyRequest – Only money requests # FundsAdded – Only funds added to balance # FundsWithdrawn – Only funds withdrawn from balance # Referral – Only transactions involving referrals # Fee – Only transactions involving fees # Subscription – Only transactions involving subscriptions # Dividend – Only transactions involving dividends # Billpay – Only transactions involving BillPay Transactions # Refund – Only transactions involving funds # CurrencyConversions – Only transactions involving currency conversions # BalanceTransfer – Only transactions involving balance transfers # Reversal – Only transactions involving BillPay reversals # Shipping – Only transactions involving UPS shipping fees # BalanceAffecting – Only transactions that affect the account balance # ECheck – Only transactions involving eCheck # # * <tt>:currency_code </tt> -- (Optional) Search by currency code. # * <tt>:status</tt> -- (Optional) Search by transaction status. It is one of the following values: # One of: # Pending – The payment is pending. The specific reason the payment is pending is returned by the GetTransactionDetails API PendingReason field. # Processing – The payment is being processed. # Success – The payment has been completed and the funds have been added successfully to your account balance. # Denied – You denied the payment. This happens only if the payment was previously pending. # Reversed – A payment was reversed due to a chargeback or other type of reversal. The funds have been removed from your account balance and returned to the buyer. # def transaction_search(options) requires!(options, :start_date) commit 'TransactionSearch', build_transaction_search(options) end # ==== Parameters: # * <tt>:return_all_currencies</tt> -- Either '1' or '0' # 0 – Return only the balance for the primary currency holding. # 1 – Return the balance for each currency holding. # def balance(return_all_currencies = false) clean_currency_argument = case return_all_currencies when 1, '1' , true; '1' else '0' end commit 'GetBalance', build_get_balance(clean_currency_argument) end # DoAuthorization takes the transaction_id returned when you call # DoExpressCheckoutPayment with a PaymentAction of 'Order'. # When you did that, you created an order authorization subject to settlement # with PayPal DoAuthorization and DoCapture # # ==== Parameters: # * <tt>:transaction_id</tt> -- The ID returned by DoExpressCheckoutPayment with a PaymentAction of 'Order'. # * <tt>:money</tt> -- The amount of money to be authorized for this purchase. # def authorize_transaction(transaction_id, money, options = {}) commit 'DoAuthorization', build_do_authorize(transaction_id, money, options) end # The ManagePendingTransactionStatus API operation accepts or denys a # pending transaction held by Fraud Management Filters. # # ==== Parameters: # * <tt>:transaction_id</tt> -- The ID of the transaction held by Fraud Management Filters. # * <tt>:action</tt> -- Either 'Accept' or 'Deny' # def manage_pending_transaction(transaction_id, action) commit 'ManagePendingTransactionStatus', build_manage_pending_transaction_status(transaction_id, action) end private def build_request_wrapper(action, options = {}) xml = :indent => 2 xml.tag! action + 'Req', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! action + 'Request', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION if options[:request_details] xml.tag! 'n2:' + action + 'RequestDetails' do yield(xml) end else yield(xml) end end end! end def build_do_authorize(transaction_id, money, options = {}) build_request_wrapper('DoAuthorization') do |xml| xml.tag! 'TransactionID', transaction_id xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) end end def build_reauthorize_request(money, authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoReauthorizationReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoReauthorizationRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) end end! end def build_capture_request(money, authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoCaptureReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoCaptureRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'CompleteType', options[:complete_type] || 'Complete' xml.tag! 'InvoiceID', options[:order_id] unless options[:order_id].blank? xml.tag! 'Note', options[:description] end end! end def build_refund_request(money, identification, options) xml = xml.tag! 'RefundTransactionReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'RefundTransactionRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'TransactionID', identification xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'RefundType', 'Partial' xml.tag! 'Memo', options[:note] unless options[:note].blank? end end! end def build_void_request(authorization, options) xml = xml.tag! 'DoVoidReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'DoVoidRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'AuthorizationID', authorization xml.tag! 'Note', options[:description] end end! end def build_mass_pay_request(*args) default_options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} recipients = args.first.is_a?(Array) ? args : [args] xml = xml.tag! 'MassPayReq', 'xmlns' => PAYPAL_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'MassPayRequest', 'xmlns:n2' => EBAY_NAMESPACE do xml.tag! 'n2:Version', API_VERSION xml.tag! 'EmailSubject', default_options[:subject] if default_options[:subject] recipients.each do |money, recipient, options| options ||= default_options xml.tag! 'MassPayItem' do xml.tag! 'ReceiverEmail', recipient xml.tag! 'Amount', amount(money), 'currencyID' => options[:currency] || currency(money) xml.tag! 'Note', options[:note] if options[:note] xml.tag! 'UniqueId', options[:unique_id] if options[:unique_id] end end end end! end def build_manage_pending_transaction_status(transaction_id, action) build_request_wrapper('ManagePendingTransactionStatus') do |xml| xml.tag! 'TransactionID', transaction_id xml.tag! 'Action', action end end def build_reference_transaction_request(money, options) opts = options.dup opts[:ip_address] ||= opts[:ip] currency_code = opts[:currency] || currency(money) reference_transaction_optional_fields = %w{ n2:ReferenceID n2:PaymentAction n2:PaymentType n2:IPAddress n2:ReqConfirmShipping n2:MerchantSessionId n2:ReturnFMFDetails n2:SoftDescriptor } build_request_wrapper('DoReferenceTransaction', :request_details => true) do |xml| add_optional_fields(xml, reference_transaction_optional_fields, opts) add_payment_details(xml, money, currency_code, opts) end end def build_get_transaction_details(transaction_id) build_request_wrapper('GetTransactionDetails') do |xml| xml.tag! 'TransactionID', transaction_id end end def build_transaction_search(options) currency_code = options[:currency_code] currency_code ||= currency(options[:amount]) if options[:amount] transaction_search_optional_fields = %w{ Payer ReceiptID Receiver TransactionID InvoiceID CardNumber AuctionItemNumber TransactionClass CurrencyCode Status } build_request_wrapper('TransactionSearch') do |xml| xml.tag! 'StartDate', date_to_iso(options[:start_date]) xml.tag! 'EndDate', date_to_iso(options[:end_date]) unless options[:end_date].blank? add_optional_fields(xml, transaction_search_optional_fields, options) xml.tag! 'Amount', localized_amount(options[:amount], currency_code), 'currencyID' => currency_code unless options[:amount].blank? end end def build_get_balance(return_all_currencies) build_request_wrapper('GetBalance') do |xml| xml.tag! 'ReturnAllCurrencies', return_all_currencies unless return_all_currencies.nil? end end def parse(action, xml) legacy_hash = legacy_parse(action, xml) xml = strip_attributes(xml) hash = Hash.from_xml(xml) hash = hash.fetch('Envelope').fetch('Body').fetch("#{action}Response") hash = hash["#{action}ResponseDetails"] if hash["#{action}ResponseDetails"] legacy_hash.merge(hash) rescue IndexError legacy_hash.merge(hash['Envelope']['Body']) end def strip_attributes(xml) xml = REXML::XPath.each(xml, '//SOAP-ENV:Envelope//*[@*]') do |el| el.attributes.each_attribute { |a| a.remove } end xml.to_s end def legacy_parse(action, xml) response = {} error_messages = [] error_codes = [] xml = if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//#{action}Response") root.elements.each do |node| case when 'Errors' short_message = nil long_message = nil node.elements.each do |child| case when "LongMessage" long_message = child.text unless child.text.blank? when "ShortMessage" short_message = child.text unless child.text.blank? when "ErrorCode" error_codes << child.text unless child.text.blank? end end if message = long_message || short_message error_messages << message end else legacy_parse_element(response, node) end end response[:message] = error_messages.uniq.join(". ") unless error_messages.empty? response[:error_codes] = error_codes.uniq.join(",") unless error_codes.empty? elsif root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//SOAP-ENV:Fault") legacy_parse_element(response, root) response[:message] = "#{response[:faultcode]}: #{response[:faultstring]} - #{response[:detail]}" end response end def legacy_parse_element(response, node) if node.has_elements? node.elements.each{|e| legacy_parse_element(response, e) } else response[] = node.text node.attributes.each do |k, v| response["#{}_#{k.underscore}".to_sym] = v if k == 'currencyID' end end end def build_request(body) xml = xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'env:Envelope', ENVELOPE_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'env:Header' do add_credentials(xml) unless @options[:headers] && @options[:headers]['X-PP-AUTHORIZATION'] end xml.tag! 'env:Body' do xml << body end end! end def add_credentials(xml) xml.tag! 'RequesterCredentials', CREDENTIALS_NAMESPACES do xml.tag! 'n1:Credentials' do xml.tag! 'Username', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Password', @options[:password] xml.tag! 'Subject', @options[:subject] xml.tag! 'Signature', @options[:signature] unless @options[:signature].blank? end end end def add_address(xml, element, address) return if address.nil? xml.tag! element do xml.tag! 'n2:Name', address[:name] xml.tag! 'n2:Street1', address[:address1] xml.tag! 'n2:Street2', address[:address2] xml.tag! 'n2:CityName', address[:city] xml.tag! 'n2:StateOrProvince', address[:state].blank? ? 'N/A' : address[:state] xml.tag! 'n2:Country', address[:country] xml.tag! 'n2:Phone', address[:phone] unless address[:phone].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:PostalCode', address[:zip] end end def add_payment_details_items_xml(xml, options, currency_code) options[:items].each do |item| xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetailsItem' do xml.tag! 'n2:Name', item[:name] xml.tag! 'n2:Number', item[:number] xml.tag! 'n2:Quantity', item[:quantity] if item[:amount] xml.tag! 'n2:Amount', localized_amount(item[:amount], currency_code), 'currencyID' => currency_code end xml.tag! 'n2:Description', item[:description] xml.tag! 'n2:ItemURL', item[:url] xml.tag! 'n2:ItemCategory', item[:category] if item[:category] end end end def add_payment_details(xml, money, currency_code, options = {}) xml.tag! 'n2:PaymentDetails' do xml.tag! 'n2:OrderTotal', localized_amount(money, currency_code), 'currencyID' => currency_code # All of the values must be included together and add up to the order total if [:subtotal, :shipping, :handling, :tax].all?{ |o| options.has_key?(o) } xml.tag! 'n2:ItemTotal', localized_amount(options[:subtotal], currency_code), 'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:ShippingTotal', localized_amount(options[:shipping], currency_code),'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:HandlingTotal', localized_amount(options[:handling], currency_code),'currencyID' => currency_code xml.tag! 'n2:TaxTotal', localized_amount(options[:tax], currency_code), 'currencyID' => currency_code end xml.tag! 'n2:InsuranceTotal', localized_amount(options[:insurance_total], currency_code),'currencyID' => currency_code unless options[:insurance_total].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ShippingDiscount', localized_amount(options[:shipping_discount], currency_code),'currencyID' => currency_code unless options[:shipping_discount].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:InsuranceOptionOffered', options[:insurance_option_offered] if options.has_key?(:insurance_option_offered) xml.tag! 'n2:OrderDescription', options[:description] unless options[:description].blank? # Custom field Character length and limitations: 256 single-byte alphanumeric characters xml.tag! 'n2:Custom', options[:custom] unless options[:custom].blank? xml.tag! 'n2:InvoiceID', (options[:order_id] || options[:invoice_id]) unless (options[:order_id] || options[:invoice_id]).blank? xml.tag! 'n2:ButtonSource', application_id.to_s.slice(0,32) unless application_id.blank? # The notify URL applies only to DoExpressCheckoutPayment. # This value is ignored when set in SetExpressCheckout or GetExpressCheckoutDetails xml.tag! 'n2:NotifyURL', options[:notify_url] unless options[:notify_url].blank? add_address(xml, 'n2:ShipToAddress', options[:shipping_address]) unless options[:shipping_address].blank? add_payment_details_items_xml(xml, options, currency_code) unless options[:items].blank? add_express_only_payment_details(xml, options) if options[:express_request] # Any value other than Y – This is not a recurring transaction # To pass Y in this field, you must have established a billing agreement with # the buyer specifying the amount, frequency, and duration of the recurring payment. # requires version 80.0 of the API xml.tag! 'n2:Recurring', options[:recurring] unless options[:recurring].blank? end end def add_express_only_payment_details(xml, options = {}) add_optional_fields(xml, %w{n2:NoteText n2:SoftDescriptor n2:TransactionId n2:AllowedPaymentMethodType n2:PaymentRequestID n2:PaymentAction}, options) end def add_optional_fields(xml, optional_fields, options = {}) optional_fields.each do |optional_text_field| if optional_text_field =~ /(\w+:)(\w+)/ ns = $1 field = $2 field_as_symbol = field.underscore.to_sym else ns = '' field = optional_text_field field_as_symbol = optional_text_field.underscore.to_sym end xml.tag! ns + field, options[field_as_symbol] unless options[field_as_symbol].blank? end xml end def endpoint_url URLS[test? ? :test : :live][@options[:signature].blank? ? :certificate : :signature] end def commit(action, request) response = parse(action, ssl_post(endpoint_url, build_request(request), @options[:headers])) build_response(successful?(response), message_from(response), response, :test => test?, :authorization => authorization_from(response), :fraud_review => fraud_review?(response), :avs_result => { :code => response[:avs_code] }, :cvv_result => response[:cvv2_code] ) end def fraud_review?(response) response[:error_codes] == FRAUD_REVIEW_CODE end def authorization_from(response) response[:transaction_id] || response[:authorization_id] || response[:refund_transaction_id] # middle one is from reauthorization end def successful?(response) SUCCESS_CODES.include?(response[:ack]) end def message_from(response) response[:message] || response[:ack] end def date_to_iso(date) (date.is_a?(Date) ? date.to_time : date).utc.iso8601 end end end end