== 0.7.0 * 1 major enhancement: * a function to show recently included job records is implemented. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.6.0 * 1 major enhancement: * Implemented a new API functions. * an API function is renamed. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.5.2 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes: * Fixed a bug that parameters of NERA::Simulator class is not initialized. == 0.5.1 * 1 major enhancement: * Add a new API function. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.5.0 * 1 major enhancement: * Routines to remove, dump, and import simulators are implemented. Dumped data can be imported to another database. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.4.0 * 1 major enhancement: * A new format is adopted in parameters_table. * The conversion routine from old format to new format is implemented. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.3.1 * 1 major enhancement: * A new API function is added. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.3.0 * 1 major enhancement: * When creating a new parameter set, the parameter values which previously selected are set by default. * 2 bug fixes: == 0.2.3 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes: * fix the bug of nera_remote_connector. There was an uncatched exception. == 0.2.2 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes: * fix the bug of the module for remote connections == 0.2.1 * 1 major enhancement: * "show log" menu is implemented into the CUI program. * functions of local execution are implemented. * 2 bug fixes * fixes a bug which happens when a job script is created without any parameter. == 0.2.0 * 1 major enhancement: * logger is implemented. Log informatios are stored in "db_name"/Tables/logfile.txt. * 2 bug fixes * updated_at records of tables have been correctly implemented. == 0.1.2 * 1 major enhancement: * constructor of ParamLayerController now accepts String type simulator name. * constructor of RunLayerController now accepts String type simulator name. * RunLayerController#cancel_jobs returns an array of cancelled job ids. * JobLayerController#cancel_jobs returns an array of cancelled job ids. * 2 bug fixes * require statements of NERA::Simulator classes become sooner. == 0.1.1 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes * bug fix of nera_addhosts * fix the bug that a String parameter causes invalid nera_status.rb. == 0.1.0 * 1 major enahncement: * remote connection function is supported * 2 bug fixes * bug fix for multi-lined job scripts. == 0.0.4 * 1 major enhancement: * multi-lined simulation command becomes available * 2 bug fixes * bug fix for job-script creation == 0.0.3 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes * minor update == 0.0.2 2009-03-26 * 1 major enhancement: * 2 bug fixes * bug fix of nera_addsim == 0.0.1 2009-03-25 * 1 major enhancement: * Initial release