class UnderOs::UI::Input < UnderOs::UI::View wraps UITextField, tag: 'input' def initialize(options={}) super self.type = options[:type] if options[:type] = options[:name] if options[:name] self.value = options[:value] if options[:value] self.placeholder = options[:placeholder] if options[:placeholder] self.keyboard = options[:keyboard] if options[:keyboard] self.disabled = true if options[:disabled] @_.delegate = self if @_.respond_to?(:delegate=) if @_.class == UITextField @_.addTarget self, action: :handle_focus, forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidBegin @_.addTarget self, action: :handle_change, forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingChanged @_.addTarget self, action: :handle_blur, forControlEvents:UIControlEventEditingDidEnd end end def name @name end def name=(text) @name = text end def value @_.text end def value=(value) @_.text = value end def placeholder @_.placeholder end def placeholder=(value) @_.placeholder = value end def type if @_.respond_to?(:secureTextEntry) && @_.secureTextEntry :password else keyboard == :default ? :text : keyboard end end def type=(type) case type.to_sym when :password then @_.secureTextEntry = true else self.keyboard = type end end def keyboard KEYBOARDS.index(@_.keyboardType) end def keyboard=(keyboard) keyboard = keyboard.to_sym if keyboard.is_a?(String) keyboard = KEYBOARDS[keyboard] || keyboard raise "Unknown keyboard type: #{keyboard}" if keyboard.is_a?(Symbol) @_.keyboardType = keyboard end def hide_keyboard puts "DEPRECATED: please use the `#blur` method instead of `#hide_keyboard`" blur end KEYBOARDS = { default: UIKeyboardTypeDefault, text: UIKeyboardTypeDefault, ascii: UIKeyboardTypeASCIICapable, numeric: UIKeyboardTypeNumbersAndPunctuation, url: UIKeyboardTypeURL, numbers: UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad, phone: UIKeyboardTypePhonePad, name: UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad, email: UIKeyboardTypeEmailAddress, decimal: UIKeyboardTypeDecimalPad, twitter: UIKeyboardTypeTwitter, search: UIKeyboardTypeWebSearch } def disabled ! @_.isEnabled end alias :disabled? :disabled def disabled=(value) @_.enabled = ! value end def disable self.disabled = true end def enable self.disabled = false end def focus @_.becomeFirstResponder end def blur @_.resignFirstResponder end # delegate def textFieldShouldReturn(textField) blur end protected def handle_focus emit('focus') end def handle_change emit('change') end def handle_blur emit('blur') end end