lib_dir = File.expand_path('../../lib', File.dirname(__FILE__)) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'rubygems' require 'mkmf' module RMagick class Extconf require 'rmagick/version' RMAGICK_VERS = ::Magick::VERSION MIN_RUBY_VERS = ::Magick::MIN_RUBY_VERSION attr_reader :headers def initialize @stdout = $stdout.dup setup_pkg_config_path assert_can_compile! configure_compile_options configure_headers end def setup_pkg_config_path return if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mswin|mingw/ if find_executable('brew') pkg_config_path = "#{`brew --prefix imagemagick@6`.strip}/lib/pkgconfig" elsif find_executable('pacman') pkg_config_path = '/usr/lib/imagemagick6/pkgconfig' else return end pkg_config_paths = ENV['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'].to_s.split(':') if File.exist?(pkg_config_path) && !pkg_config_paths.include?(pkg_config_path) ENV['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'] = [ENV['PKG_CONFIG_PATH'], pkg_config_path].compact.join(':') end end def configured_compile_options { magick_version: $magick_version, local_libs: $LOCAL_LIBS, cflags: $CFLAGS, cppflags: $CPPFLAGS, ldflags: $LDFLAGS, defs: $defs, config_h: $config_h } end def configure_headers @headers = %w[assert.h ctype.h stdio.h stdlib.h math.h time.h sys/types.h] if have_header('MagickCore/MagickCore.h') headers << 'MagickCore/MagickCore.h' elsif have_header('magick/MagickCore.h') headers << 'magick/MagickCore.h' else exit_failure "Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Can't find magick/MagickCore.h." end end def configure_compile_options # Magick-config is not available on Windows if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin|mingw/ check_multiple_imagemagick_versions check_partial_imagemagick_versions # Save flags $CFLAGS = "#{ENV['CFLAGS']} " + `pkg-config --cflags #{$magick_package}`.chomp $CPPFLAGS = "#{ENV['CPPFLAGS']} " + `pkg-config --cflags #{$magick_package}`.chomp $LDFLAGS = "#{ENV['LDFLAGS']} " + `pkg-config --libs #{$magick_package}`.chomp $LOCAL_LIBS = "#{ENV['LIBS']} " + `pkg-config --libs #{$magick_package}`.chomp configure_archflags_for_osx($magick_package) if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/ # osx elsif RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /mingw/ # mingw dir_paths = search_paths_for_library_for_windows $CPPFLAGS = %(-I"#{dir_paths[:include]}") $LDFLAGS = %(-L"#{dir_paths[:lib]}") $LDFLAGS << ' -lucrt' if >='2.4.0') have_library(im_version_at_least?('7.0.0') ? 'CORE_RL_MagickCore_' : 'CORE_RL_magick_') else # mswin dir_paths = search_paths_for_library_for_windows $CPPFLAGS << %( -I"#{dir_paths[:include]}") $LDFLAGS << %( -libpath:"#{dir_paths[:lib]}") $LDFLAGS << ' -libpath:ucrt' if >='2.4.0') $LOCAL_LIBS = im_version_at_least?('7.0.0') ? 'CORE_RL_MagickCore_.lib' : 'CORE_RL_magick_.lib' end $CFLAGS << (have_macro('__GNUC__') ? ' -std=gnu99' : ' -std=c99') end def exit_failure(msg) msg = "ERROR: #{msg}" Logging.message msg @stdout.puts "\n\n" if ENV['NO_COLOR'] @stdout.puts msg else @stdout.print "\e[31m\e[1m#{msg}\e[0m" end @stdout.puts "\n\n" @stdout.flush exit(1) end def determine_imagemagick_package packages = `pkg-config --list-all`.scan(/(ImageMagick\-[\.A-Z0-9]+) .*/).flatten # For ancient version of ImageMagick 6 we need a different regex if packages.empty? packages = `pkg-config --list-all`.scan(/(ImageMagick) .*/).flatten end if packages.empty? exit_failure "Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Can't find ImageMagick with pkg-config\n" end if packages.length > 1 im7_packages = packages.grep(/\AImageMagick-7/) if im7_packages.any? checking_for('forced use of ImageMagick 6') do if ENV['USE_IMAGEMAGICK_6'] packages -= im7_packages true else packages = im7_packages false end end end end if packages.length > 1 package_lines = { |package| " - #{package}" }.join("\n") msg = "\nWarning: Found more than one ImageMagick installation. This could cause problems at runtime.\n#{package_lines}\n\n" Logging.message msg message msg end packages.first end # Seems like lots of people have multiple versions of ImageMagick installed. def check_multiple_imagemagick_versions versions = [] path = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) path.each do |dir| file = File.join(dir, 'Magick-config') next unless File.executable? file vers = `#{file} --version`.chomp.strip prefix = `#{file} --prefix`.chomp.strip versions << [vers, prefix, dir] end versions.uniq! return unless versions.size > 1 msg = "\nWarning: Found more than one ImageMagick installation. This could cause problems at runtime.\n" versions.each do |vers, prefix, dir| msg << " #{dir}/Magick-config reports version #{vers} is installed in #{prefix}\n" end msg << "Using #{versions[0][0]} from #{versions[0][1]}.\n\n" Logging.message msg message msg end # Ubuntu (maybe other systems) comes with a partial installation of # ImageMagick in the prefix /usr (some libraries, no includes, and no # binaries). This causes problems when /usr/lib is in the path (e.g., using # the default Ruby installation). def check_partial_imagemagick_versions prefix = config_string('prefix') || '' matches = [ prefix + '/lib/lib?agick*', prefix + '/include/ImageMagick', prefix + '/bin/Magick-config' ].map do |file_glob| Dir.glob(file_glob) end matches.delete_if(&:empty?) return unless !matches.empty? && matches.length < 3 msg = <<~MESSAGE Warning: Found a partial ImageMagick installation. Your operating system likely has some built-in ImageMagick libraries but not all of ImageMagick. This will most likely cause problems at both compile and runtime. Found partial installation at: #{prefix} MESSAGE Logging.message msg message msg end # issue #169 # set ARCHFLAGS appropriately for OSX def configure_archflags_for_osx(magick_package) return unless `pkg-config #{magick_package} --libs-only-L`.match(%r{-L(.+)/lib}) imagemagick_dir = Regexp.last_match(1) command = Dir.glob(File.join(imagemagick_dir, "bin/*")).select { |file| File.executable? file }.first fileinfo = `file #{command}` # default ARCHFLAGS archs = $ARCH_FLAG.scan(/-arch\s+(\S+)/).flatten archflags = [] archs.each do |arch| archflags << "-arch #{arch}" if fileinfo.include?(arch) end $ARCH_FLAG = archflags.join(' ') unless archflags.empty? end def search_paths_for_library_for_windows msg = 'searching PATH for the ImageMagick library...' Logging.message msg message msg + "\n" found_lib = false dir_paths = {} paths = ENV['PATH'].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) paths.each do |dir| lib = File.join(dir, 'lib') lib_file = File.join(lib, im_version_at_least?('7.0.0') ? 'CORE_RL_MagickCore_.lib' : 'CORE_RL_magick_.lib') next unless File.exist?(lib_file) dir_paths[:include] = File.join(dir, 'include') dir_paths[:lib] = lib found_lib = true break end return dir_paths if found_lib exit_failure <<~END_MINGW Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Can't find the ImageMagick library. Retry with '--with-opt-dir' option. Usage: gem install rmagick -- '--with-opt-dir=\"[path to ImageMagick]\"' e.g. gem install rmagick -- '--with-opt-dir=\"C:\Program Files\ImageMagick-6.9.1-Q16\"' END_MINGW end def assert_can_compile! assert_minimum_ruby_version! assert_has_dev_libs! # Check for compiler. Extract first word so ENV['CC'] can be a program name with arguments. cc = (ENV['CC'] || RbConfig::CONFIG['CC'] || 'gcc').split(' ').first exit_failure "No C compiler found in ${ENV['PATH']}. See mkmf.log for details." unless find_executable(cc) end def assert_minimum_ruby_version! supported = checking_for("Ruby version >= #{MIN_RUBY_VERS}") do >= end exit_failure "Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Ruby #{MIN_RUBY_VERS} or later required.\n" unless supported end def assert_has_dev_libs! failure_message = <<~END_FAILURE Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Can't find the ImageMagick library or one of the dependent libraries. Check the mkmf.log file for more detailed information. END_FAILURE if RUBY_PLATFORM !~ /mswin|mingw/ unless find_executable('pkg-config') exit_failure "Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. Can't find pkg-config in #{ENV['PATH']}\n" end unless `pkg-config --libs MagickCore`[/\bl\s*(MagickCore|Magick)6?\b/] exit_failure failure_message end $magick_package = determine_imagemagick_package $magick_version = `pkg-config #{$magick_package} --modversion`[/^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/] else `#{magick_command} -version` =~ /Version: ImageMagick (\d+\.\d+\.\d+)-+\d+ / $magick_version = Regexp.last_match(1) exit_failure failure_message unless $magick_version end # Ensure minimum ImageMagick version # Check minimum ImageMagick version if possible checking_for("outdated ImageMagick version (<= #{Magick::MIN_IM_VERSION})") do Logging.message("Detected ImageMagick version: #{$magick_version}\n") exit_failure "Can't install RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}. You must have ImageMagick #{Magick::MIN_IM_VERSION} or later.\n" if$magick_version) < end end def create_header_file ruby_api = [ 'rb_gc_adjust_memory_usage' # Ruby 2.4.0 ] memory_api = %w[ posix_memalign malloc_usable_size malloc_size _aligned_msize ] imagemagick_api = [ 'GetImageChannelEntropy', # 6.9.0-0 'SetImageGray', # 6.9.1-10 'SetMagickAlignedMemoryMethods' # 7.0.9-0 ] check_api = ruby_api + memory_api + imagemagick_api check_api.each do |func| have_func(func, headers) end # Miscellaneous constants $defs.push("-DRUBY_VERSION_STRING=\"ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}\"") $defs.push("-DRMAGICK_VERSION_STRING=\"RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS}\"") $defs.push('-DIMAGEMAGICK_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_6_8_9=1') if im_version_at_least?('6.8.9') $defs.push('-DIMAGEMAGICK_GREATER_THAN_EQUAL_6_9_0=1') if im_version_at_least?('6.9.0') $defs.push('-DIMAGEMAGICK_7=1') if im_version_at_least?('7.0.0') create_header end def create_makefile_file create_header_file # Prior to 1.8.5 mkmf duplicated the symbols on the command line and in the # extconf.h header. Suppress that behavior by removing the symbol array. $defs = [] # Force re-compilation if the generated Makefile changed. $config_h = 'Makefile rmagick.h' create_makefile('RMagick2') print_summary end def magick_command @magick_command ||= if find_executable('magick') 'magick' elsif find_executable('identify') 'identify' else raise NotImplementedError, "no executable found for ImageMagick" end end def im_version_at_least?(version)$magick_version) >= end def print_summary summary = <<~"END_SUMMARY" #{'=' * 70} #{'%a %d %b %y %T')} This installation of RMagick #{RMAGICK_VERS} is configured for Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION} (#{RUBY_PLATFORM}) and ImageMagick #{$magick_version} #{'=' * 70} END_SUMMARY Logging.message summary message summary end end end extconf = at_exit do msg = "Configured compile options: #{extconf.configured_compile_options}" Logging.message msg message msg + "\n" end extconf.create_makefile_file