module KeyBuilder DEFAULTS = {:key_delimiter => ":", :key_order => [:shard, :prefix, :base, :name, :unique, :args, :suffix, :version, :v], :key_prefix => nil, :key_suffix => nil, :key_pluralize_instances => true, :key_case => :downcase, :key_plural => nil, :key_unique => "id"} def self.included(klass) # setup method missing on class klass.class_eval do extend KeyBuilder::Ext end end # class methods to be extended module Ext # creates class level getter and setter methods for the defaults for config DEFAULTS.keys.each do |key| # TODO: re-write without eval eval %{ def #{key}(#{key}_input = :key_default) @@#{key} = DEFAULTS[:#{key}] unless defined? @@#{key} @@#{key} = #{key}_input unless #{key}_input == :key_default return @@#{key} end } end # sets up configuration options for individual keys # alows us to define the keys without calling method missing def cache_key( *args) # coherce args into meaningful things names = []; options = {}; args.each {|arg| arg.is_a?(Hash) ? options = arg : names << arg} options.merge!(:name => name, :base => self.to_s.downcase) # allow for loose naming of keys configuration symbols can use :key_prefix or just :prefix options.keys.each do |key| options["key_#{key}".to_sym] = options[key] if key.to_s !~ /^key_/ end names.each do |name| # define (cache) class method (class << self;self ;end).instance_eval do define_method("#{name}_key") do |*args| build_options = options.merge(:name => name, :base => self.to_s.downcase, :args => args) build_key(build_options) end end # define (cache) instance method class_eval do define_method("#{name}_key") do |*args| build_options = options.merge(:name => name, :args => args) build_key(build_options) end end end end alias :cache_keys :cache_key alias :define_key :cache_key alias :define_keys :cache_key # a way to define configurations for keytar using a hash def key_config(options = {}) # allow for loose naming of keys configuration symbols can use :key_prefix or just :prefix options.keys.each do |key| options["key_#{key}".to_sym] = options[key] if key.to_s !~ /^key_/ end options.each do |key, value| self.send( key , value) if self.respond_to? key end end alias :keyfig :key_config # Call KeyBuilder.build_key or Foo.build_key with options # :base => self.to_s.downcase, :name => method_name, :args => args def build_key(options = {}) key_hash = build_key_hash(options) key_array = key_hash_to_ordered_array(key_hash) return key_from_array(key_array, options) end # takes input options and turns to a hash, which can be sorted based on key def build_key_hash(options) options[:name] = options[:name].to_s.gsub(/(^key$|_key$)/, '') {:prefix => options[:key_prefix]||self.key_prefix, :suffix => options[:key_suffix]||self.key_suffix}.merge(options) end # orders the elements based on defaults or config def key_hash_to_ordered_array(key_hash) key_array ||= [] (key_hash[:key_order]||self.key_order).each do |key| if key != :args key_array << key_hash[key] else key_array << key_hash[key].map(&:to_s) unless key_hash[key].blank? end end return key_array end # applys a delimter and appropriate case to final key def key_from_array(key_array, options = {}) key = key_array.flatten.reject {|item| item.blank? }.join(options[:key_delimiter]||self.key_delimiter) key_case = options[:key_case] || self.key_case key = key.downcase if key_case == :downcase key = key.upcase if key_case == :upcase key end end # build_key method for instances by default class is pluralized to create different key def build_key(options = {}) options[:base] = options[:base]||self.class.to_s.downcase if (options[:key_pluralize_instances] == true ) || (options[:key_pluralize_instances] != false && self.class.key_pluralize_instances.present?) options[:base] = options[:key_plural]||self.class.key_plural||options[:base].pluralize end unique = self.send "#{options[:key_unique]||self.class.key_unique}".to_sym options[:unique] = unique unless unique == object_id self.class.build_key(options) end end