require 'cfndsl' require 'securerandom' require 'deep_merge' require_relative '../../ext/helper' # default values shared_envs = { TZ: "Australia/Melbourne", DRONE_SECRET: SecureRandom.hex } drone_server_envs = shared_envs.clone drone_server_envs.deep_merge!({ DRONE_HOST: "https://drone.#{dns_domain}" }) drone_agent_envs = shared_envs.clone drone_agent_envs.deep_merge!({ DRONE_SERVER: { "Fn::Join" => [ ":", [ { Ref: "ECSENIPrivateIpAddress" }, "9000" ] ] } }) internal_drone_elb = true drone_server_image = 'drone/drone' drone_agent_image = 'drone/agent' drone_server_ext_ports = [ '8000' ] drone_server_int_ports = [ '9000' ] drone_server_mappings = [] drone_agent_mappings = [] drone_params = [ { VPC: { Ref: "VPC" } }, { SubnetPublicA: { Ref: "SubnetPublicA" } }, { SubnetPublicB: { Ref: "SubnetPublicB" } }, { ECSSubnetPrivateA: { Ref: "ECSSubnetPrivateA" } }, { ECSSubnetPrivateB: { Ref: "ECSSubnetPrivateB"} }, { SecurityGroupBackplane: { Ref: "SecurityGroupBackplane" } }, { SecurityGroupOps: { Ref: "SecurityGroupOps" } }, { SecurityGroupDev: { Ref: "SecurityGroupDev" } }, { SecurityGroupNatGateway: { Ref: "SecurityGroupNatGateway" } }, { SecurityGroupWebHooks: { Ref: "SecurityGroupWebHooks" } }, { ECSENIPrivateIpAddress: { Ref: "ECSENIPrivateIpAddress" } } ] # resource allocations memory = 512 cpu = 256 # look up service service = lookup_service('drone', services) if service and service['params'].kind_of?(Array) drone_params = drone_params | service['params'] end if service and service['tasks'] tasks = service['tasks'] if not tasks['drone-server'].nil? # drone-server envs drone_server_envs.deep_merge!(tasks['drone-server']['env']) # drone-server docker images drone_server_image = tasks['drone-server']['image'] || drone_server_image # drone-server ports drone_server_ext_ports = tasks['drone-server']['ext-ports'] || drone_server_ext_ports drone_server_int_ports = tasks['drone-server']['int-ports'] || drone_server_int_ports # drone-server mappings drone_server_mappings = tasks['drone-server']['mappings'] || drone_server_mappings end if not tasks['drone-agent'].nil? # drone-agent envs drone_agent_envs.deep_merge!(tasks['drone-agent']['env']) # drone-agent docker images drone_agent_image = tasks['drone-agent']['image'] || drone_agent_image # drone-agent mappings drone_agent_mappings = tasks['drone-agent']['mappings'] || drone_agent_mappings end # internal elb internal_drone_elb = tasks['internal_drone_elb'] || internal_drone_elb end # dictionaries envs = { 'drone-server' => drone_server_envs, 'drone-agent' => drone_agent_envs } images = { 'drone-server' => drone_server_image, 'drone-agent' => drone_agent_image } ext_ports = { 'drone-server' => drone_server_ext_ports } int_ports = { 'drone-server' => drone_server_int_ports } mappings = { 'drone-server' => drone_server_mappings, 'drone-agent' => drone_agent_mappings } # defined ecs volumes volumes = [ { Name: 'timezone', Host: { SourcePath: '/etc/localtime' } }, { Name: 'drone_data', Host: { SourcePath: '/data/drone' } }, { Name: 'docker_socket', Host: { SourcePath: '/var/run/docker.sock' } } ] # mounts mounts = { 'drone-server' => [ { ContainerPath: '/etc/localtime', SourceVolume: 'timezone', ReadOnly: true }, { ContainerPath: '/var/lib/drone', SourceVolume: 'drone_data', ReadOnly: false } ], 'drone-agent' => [ { ContainerPath: '/etc/localtime', SourceVolume: 'timezone', ReadOnly: true }, { ContainerPath: '/var/run/docker.sock', SourceVolume: 'docker_socket', ReadOnly: false } ] } # generate container definition container_definitions = {} ['drone-server', 'drone-agent'].each do | task | definition = (service && service['tasks']) ? (service['tasks'][task] || {}) : {} container_definition = [{ Name: task, Links: [], Memory: definition['memory'] || memory, Cpu: definition['cpu'] || cpu, Image: images[task], PortMappings: ((ext_ports[task] || []) | (int_ports[task] || [])).map { |mapping| t = mapping.split(':') if t.length >= 2 { ContainerPort: t[1].to_i, HostPort: t[0].to_i }.merge(t[2] ? {Protocol: t[2]} : {}) elsif t.length == 1 { ContainerPort: t[0].to_i } end }.compact, Essential: true, MountPoints: mounts[task], Environment: envs[task].map { |key, value| { Name: key, Value: value } } }] container_definitions.merge!(task => container_definition) end # Cloudformation CloudFormation { AWSTemplateFormatVersion "2010-09-09" Description "ciinabox - ECS Service Drone v#{ciinabox_version}" Parameter("ECSCluster") {Type 'String'} Parameter("ECSRole") {Type 'String'} Parameter("ServiceELB") {Type 'String'} Parameter('InternalELB') {Type 'String'} if internal_elb drone_params.each do |param| param.keys.each do |key| Parameter(key) {Type 'String'} end end # Mapping Mapping('EnvironmentType', Mappings['EnvironmentType']) drone_alb_sg = [Ref("SecurityGroupBackplane"), Ref("SecurityGroupOps"), Ref("SecurityGroupDev"), Ref("SecurityGroupNatGateway"), Ref("SecurityGroupWebHooks")] Resource('DroneServerALB') { Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer" Property("SecurityGroups", drone_alb_sg) Property("Subnets", [Ref("SubnetPublicA"), Ref("SubnetPublicB")]) Property("Tags", [ { Key: "Name", Value: "DroneServerALB Application LoadBalancer" } ]) } Resource('DroneServerALBTargetGroup') { DependsOn("DroneServerALB") Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup" Property("HealthCheckPath", '/') Property("HealthCheckProtocol", 'HTTP') Property("HealthCheckIntervalSeconds", 30) Property("HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds", 10) Property("HealthyThresholdCount", 3) Property("UnhealthyThresholdCount", 2) Property("Matcher", { HttpCode: "200,302,301" }) Property("Port", 8000) Property("Protocol", 'HTTP') Property("VpcId", Ref("VPC")) Property("Tags",[ { Key: "Name", Value: "DroneServerALB Target Group" }, ]) } Resource("DroneServerALBHTTPListener") { DependsOn("DroneServerALB") DependsOn("DroneServerALBTargetGroup") Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener" Property("Protocol", "HTTP") Property("Port", 80) Property("DefaultActions", [ TargetGroupArn: Ref("DroneServerALBTargetGroup"), Type: "forward" ]) Property("LoadBalancerArn", Ref("DroneServerALB")) } Resource("DroneServerALBHTTPSListener") { DependsOn("DroneServerALB") DependsOn("DroneServerALBTargetGroup") Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener" Property("Certificates", [{CertificateArn: default_ssl_cert_id}]) Property("Protocol", "HTTPS") Property("Port", 443) Property("DefaultActions", [ TargetGroupArn: Ref("DroneServerALBTargetGroup"), Type: "forward" ]) Property("LoadBalancerArn", Ref("DroneServerALB")) } # Resource("SecurityGroupDroneNLB") { # Type 'AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup' # Property('VpcId', Ref('VPC')) # Property('GroupDescription', 'DRONE NLB SG') # Property('SecurityGroupIngress', [ # { IpProtocol: 'tcp', FromPort: '9000', ToPort: '9000', CidrIp: FnJoin( "", [ FnFindInMap('EnvironmentType','ciinabox','NetworkPrefix'),".", FnFindInMap('EnvironmentType','ciinabox','StackOctet'), ".0.0/",FnFindInMap('EnvironmentType','ciinabox','StackMask') ] ) } # ]) # } # # drone_nlb_sg = [Ref("SecurityGroupDroneNLB")] # # Resource('DroneServerNLB') { # Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer" # Property("Scheme", "internal") # Property("Type", "network") # # Property("SecurityGroups", drone_nlb_sg) # Property("Subnets", [ # Ref("ECSSubnetPrivateA"), # Ref("ECSSubnetPrivateB") # ]) # Property("Tags", [ # { Key: "Name", Value: "DroneServerNLB Network LoadBalancer" } # ]) # } # # Resource('DroneServerNLBTargetGroup') { # DependsOn("DroneServerNLB") # Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup" # Property("HealthCheckProtocol", 'TCP') # Property("HealthCheckPort", 9000) # Property("HealthCheckIntervalSeconds", 30) # Property("HealthCheckTimeoutSeconds", 10) # Property("HealthyThresholdCount", 3) # Property("UnhealthyThresholdCount", 3) # Property("Port", 9000) # Property("Protocol", 'TCP') # Property("VpcId", Ref("VPC")) # Property("Tags",[ # { Key: "Name", Value: "DroneServerNLB Target Group" }, # ]) # } # # Resource("DroneServerNLBListener") { # DependsOn("DroneServerNLB") # DependsOn("DroneServerNLBTargetGroup") # Type "AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener" # Property("Protocol", "TCP") # Property("Port", 9000) # Property("DefaultActions", [ # TargetGroupArn: Ref("DroneServerNLBTargetGroup"), # Type: "forward" # ]) # Property("LoadBalancerArn", Ref("DroneServerNLB")) # } Resource('DroneServerTask') { Type "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition" Property('ContainerDefinitions', container_definitions['drone-server']) Property('NetworkMode', 'host') Property('Volumes', volumes) } Resource('DroneAgentTask') { Type "AWS::ECS::TaskDefinition" Property('ContainerDefinitions', container_definitions['drone-agent']) Property('NetworkMode', 'host') Property('Volumes', volumes) } drone_server_lbs = [] Resource('DroneServerService') { Type 'AWS::ECS::Service' Property('Cluster', Ref('ECSCluster')) Property('DeploymentConfiguration', { MaximumPercent: 100, MinimumHealthyPercent: 0 }) Property('DesiredCount', 1) Property('TaskDefinition', Ref('DroneServerTask')) Property('Role', Ref('ECSRole')) Property('LoadBalancers', (ext_ports['drone-server'] || []).map { |mapping| t = mapping.split(':') if t.length >= 2 { ContainerName: 'drone-server', ContainerPort: t[1].to_i, TargetGroupArn: Ref('DroneServerALBTargetGroup') } else { ContainerName: 'drone-server', ContainerPort: t[0].to_i, TargetGroupArn: Ref('DroneServerALBTargetGroup') } end }) } Resource('DroneAgentService') { Type 'AWS::ECS::Service' DependsOn('DroneServerService') Property('Cluster', Ref('ECSCluster')) Property('DeploymentConfiguration', { MaximumPercent: 100, MinimumHealthyPercent: 0 }) Property('DesiredCount', 1) Property('TaskDefinition', Ref('DroneAgentTask')) } Resource("DroneServerDNS") { Type 'AWS::Route53::RecordSet' Property('HostedZoneName', FnJoin('', [ dns_domain, '.'])) Property('Name', FnJoin('', ['drone.', dns_domain, '.'])) Property('Type','A') Property('AliasTarget', { 'DNSName' => FnGetAtt('DroneServerALB','DNSName'), 'HostedZoneId' => FnGetAtt('DroneServerALB','CanonicalHostedZoneID') }) } }