# frozen_string_literal: true # This file is part of Alexandria. # # See the file README.md for authorship and licensing information. require "alexandria/ui/error_dialog" module Alexandria module UI class SidePaneManager include Logging include GetText attr_accessor :library_listview def initialize(library_listview, parent) @library_listview = library_listview @parent = parent @libraries = LibraryCollection.instance @main_app = @parent.main_app setup_sidepane end def library_already_exists(new_text) x = (@libraries.all_libraries + Library.deleted_libraries).find do |library| library.name == new_text.strip end x && (x.name != @parent.selected_library.name) end # if new_text is invalid utf-8, returns true # if new_text contains disallowed char (/ or initial .), returns a MatchData object # otherwise returns nil def contains_illegal_character(new_text) new_text.unpack("U*") # attempt to unpack as UTF-8 characters match = %r{(^\.|/)}.match(new_text) # forbid / character (since Library names become dir names) # also no initial . since that hides the Library (hidden file) # forbidding an initial dot also disallows "." and ".." # which are of course pre-existing directories. match rescue StandardError => ex log.warn { "New library name not valid UTF-8: #{ex.message}" } true # /([^\w\s'"()&?!:;.\-])/.match(new_text) # anglocentric! end def on_edited_library(cell, path_string, new_text) log.debug { "edited library name #{new_text}" } ## new_text = new_text.reverse # for testing; # a great way to generate broken UTF-8 if cell.text != new_text if (match = contains_illegal_character(new_text)) if match.instance_of? MatchData chars = match[1].gsub(/&/, "&") ErrorDialog.new(@main_app, _("Invalid library name '%s'") % new_text, _("The name provided contains the " \ "disallowed character %s ") % chars).display else ErrorDialog.new(@main_app, _("Invalid library name"), _("The name provided contains " \ "invalid characters.")).display end elsif new_text.strip.empty? log.debug { "Empty text" } ErrorDialog.new(@main_app, _("The library name " \ "can not be empty")).display elsif library_already_exists new_text log.debug { "Already exists" } ErrorDialog.new(@main_app, _("The library can not be renamed"), _("There is already a library named " \ "'%s'. Please choose a different " \ "name.") % new_text.strip).display else log.debug { "Attempting to apply #{path_string}, #{new_text}" } path = Gtk::TreePath.new(path_string) iter = @library_listview.model.get_iter(path) library_name = new_text.strip log.info { "library name is #{library_name}" } iter[1] = @parent.selected_library.name = library_name @parent.setup_move_actions @parent.refresh_libraries end end end def setup_sidepane @library_listview.model = Gtk::ListStore.new(GdkPixbuf::Pixbuf, String, TrueClass, TrueClass) @library_separator_iter = nil @libraries.all_regular_libraries.each { |x| @parent.append_library(x) } @libraries.all_smart_libraries.each { |x| @parent.append_library(x) } renderer = Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf.new column = Gtk::TreeViewColumn.new(_("Library")) column.pack_start(renderer, false) column.set_cell_data_func(renderer) do |_col, cell, _model, iter| # log.debug { "sidepane: cell_data_func #{col}, #{cell}, #{iter}" } cell.pixbuf = iter[0] end renderer = Gtk::CellRendererText.new renderer.ellipsize = :end column.pack_start(renderer, true) column.set_cell_data_func(renderer) do |_col, cell, _model, iter| # log.debug { "sidepane: editable #{cell}, #{iter} #{iter[1]}: #{iter[2]}" } cell.text = iter[1] cell.editable = iter[2] # log.debug { "exit sidepane: editable #{cell}, #{iter}" } end renderer.signal_connect("edited", &method(:on_edited_library)) @library_listview.append_column(column) @library_listview.set_row_separator_func do |model, iter| # TODO: Replace with iter[3] if possible model.get_value(iter, 3) end @library_listview.selection.signal_connect("changed") do log.debug { "changed" } @parent.refresh_libraries @parent.refresh_books end @library_listview.enable_model_drag_dest(BOOKS_TARGET_TABLE, :move) @library_listview.signal_connect("drag-motion") do |_widget, drag_context, x, y, time, _data| log.debug { "drag-motion" } path, column, = @library_listview.get_path_at_pos(x, y) if path # Refuse drags from/to smart libraries. if @parent.selected_library.is_a?(SmartLibrary) path = nil else iter = @library_listview.model.get_iter(path) if iter[3] # separator? path = nil else library = @libraries.all_libraries.find do |lib| lib.name == iter[1] end path = nil if library.is_a?(SmartLibrary) end end end @library_listview.set_drag_dest_row(path, :into_or_after) Gdk.drag_status(drag_context, path ? drag_context.suggested_action : 0, time) end @library_listview.signal_connect("drag-drop") do |widget, drag_context, _x, _y, time, _data| log.debug { "drag-drop" } widget.drag_get_data(drag_context, drag_context.targets.first, time) true end @library_listview.signal_connect("drag-data-received") do |_, drag_context, x, y, data, _, _| log.debug { "drag-data-received" } success = false # FIXME: Ruby-GNOME2 should make comparison work without needing to # call #name. if data.data_type.name == Gdk::Selection::TYPE_STRING.name success, path = @library_listview.get_dest_row_at_pos(x, y) if success iter = @library_listview.model.get_iter(path) library = @libraries.all_libraries.find do |lib| lib.name == iter[1] end @parent.move_selected_books_to_library(library) success = true end end begin drag_context.finish(success: success, delete: false) rescue StandardError => ex log.error { "drag_context.finish failed: #{ex}" } raise end end end end end end