# encoding: utf-8 # # This file is part of the lazier gem. Copyright (C) 2013 and above Shogun . # Licensed under the MIT license, which can be found at http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. # require "spec_helper" describe Lazier::Object do before(:all) do ::Lazier.load! end describe "#normalize_number" do it "should correctly sanitize numbers" do expect(true.normalize_number).to eq("1") expect(false.normalize_number).to eq("0") expect(nil.normalize_number).to eq("0") expect(123.normalize_number).to eq("123") expect("123.45".normalize_number).to eq("123.45") expect("1,23.45".normalize_number).to eq("123.45") expect("-1.23.45".normalize_number).to eq("-123.45") expect("+123.45".normalize_number).to eq("+123.45") expect("+1.231,45".normalize_number).to eq("+1231.45") end end describe "#is_number?" do it "should return true for a valid number" do expect("123.45".is_number?).to be_true expect("1,23.45".is_number?).to be_true expect("-1.23.45".is_number?).to be_true expect("+123.45".is_number?).to be_true expect("+1.231,45".is_number?).to be_true end it "should return false for a invalid number" do expect("s213".is_number?).to be_false end end describe "#is_integer?" do it "should return true for a valid number" do expect(true.is_integer?).to be_true expect(false.is_integer?).to be_true expect(nil.is_integer?).to be_true expect("123".is_integer?).to be_true expect("-123".is_integer?).to be_true expect("+123".is_integer?).to be_true end it "should return false for a invalid number" do expect("s123".is_integer?).to be_false expect("123.12".is_integer?).to be_false end end describe "#is_float?" do it "should return true for a valid number" do expect(true.is_float?).to be_true expect(false.is_float?).to be_true expect(nil.is_float?).to be_true expect("123.45".is_float?).to be_true expect("1,23.45".is_float?).to be_true expect("-1.23.45".is_float?).to be_true expect("+123.45".is_float?).to be_true expect("+1.231,45".is_float?).to be_true end it "should return false for a invalid number" do expect("s213".is_float?).to be_false end end describe "#is_boolean?" do it "should return true for a valid boolean" do expect(true.is_boolean?).to be_true expect(false.is_boolean?).to be_true expect(nil.is_boolean?).to be_true expect("y".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("n".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("yes".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("no".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("1".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("0".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("true".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("false".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("t".is_boolean?).to be_true expect("f".is_boolean?).to be_true expect(1.is_boolean?).to be_true expect(0.is_boolean?).to be_true end it "should return false for a invalid boolean" do expect("11".is_boolean?).to be_false end end describe "#ensure" do it "should assign a default value to an object" do expect(nil.ensure("VALUE")).to eq("VALUE") expect([].ensure("VALUE")).to eq("VALUE") expect({}.ensure("VALUE")).to eq("VALUE") expect("".ensure("VALUE")).to eq("VALUE") end it "should use a different verifier" do expect(nil.ensure("VALUE", :present?)).to be_nil expect("".ensure("VALUE", :present?)).to eq("") expect("STRING".ensure("VALUE", :present?)).to eq("VALUE") end it "should use the provided block as verifier" do expect([].ensure("VALUE") {|o| o.length == 1} ).to eq([]) expect(["STRING"].ensure("VALUE") {|o| o.length == 1} ).to eq("VALUE") end end describe "#ensure_string" do it "should correctly handle strings" do expect(" abc ".ensure_string).to eq(" abc ") 1.ensure_string == "1" expect(1.0.ensure_string).to eq("1.0") expect(:abc.ensure_string).to eq("abc") expect(nil.ensure_string).to eq("") end it "should default to the default value for nil values" do expect(nil.ensure_string("DEFAULT")).to eq("DEFAULT") end it "should use a different method or the provided block to stringify value" do expect([1, 2, 3].ensure_string("", :join)).to eq("123") expect([1, 2, 3].ensure_string("-") {|a, v| a.join(v)} ).to eq("1-2-3") end end describe "#ensure_array" do it "should convert to an array with the object it self or a default value" do expect(nil.ensure_array).to eq([nil]) expect("A".ensure_array).to eq(["A"]) expect({a: "b"}.ensure_array).to eq([{a: "b"}]) expect(nil.ensure_array(["1"])).to eq(["1"]) expect("A".ensure_array(["2"])).to eq(["2"]) expect({a: "b"}.ensure_array(["3"])).to eq(["3"]) end it "should sanitize elements of the array using a method or a block" do expect(" 123 ".ensure_array).to eq([" 123 "]) expect(" 123 ".ensure_array(nil, false, false, false, :strip)).to eq(["123"]) expect(" 123 ".ensure_array(nil, false, false) { |e| e.reverse }).to eq([" 321 "]) end it "should unicize, compact and flatten, array if requested to" do expect([1, 2, 3, nil, 3, 2, 1, [4]].ensure_array(nil, true, false)).to eq([1, 2, 3, nil, [4]]) expect([1, 2, 3, nil, 3, 2, 1, [4]].ensure_array(nil, false, true)).to eq([1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1, [4]]) expect([1, 2, 3, nil, 3, 2, 1, [4]].ensure_array(nil, true, true)).to eq([1, 2, 3, [4]]) expect([1, 2, 3, nil, 3, 2, 1, [4]].ensure_array(nil, true, true, true)).to eq([1, 2, 3, 4]) end end describe "#ensure_hash" do it "should return an hash" do expect({a: "b"}.ensure_hash).to eq({a: "b"}) expect(nil.ensure_hash(nil, {a: "b"})).to eq({a: "b"}) expect(1.ensure_hash).to eq({}) expect(1.ensure_hash(nil, :test)).to eq({test: 1}) expect(1.ensure_hash(nil, "test")).to eq({"test" => 1}) expect(1.ensure_hash(nil, 2)).to eq({key: 1}) end it "should sanitize values" do expect(" 1 ".ensure_hash(nil, :key, &:strip)).to eq({key: "1"}) expect(1.ensure_hash(nil, :key) { |v| v * 2 }).to eq({key: 2}) end it "should grant access" do reference = {a: "b"} expect(reference).to receive(:ensure_access).with("ACCESS") reference.ensure_hash("ACCESS") end end describe "#to_float" do it "should correctly convert number" do expect(true.to_float).to eq(1.0) expect(false.to_float).to eq(0.0) expect(nil.to_float).to eq(0.0) expect(123.45.to_float).to eq(123.45) expect(123.to_float).to eq(123.00) expect("123.45".to_float).to eq(123.45) expect("1,23.45".to_float).to eq(123.45) expect("-1.23.45".to_float).to eq(-123.45) expect("+123.45".to_float).to eq(123.45) expect("+1.231,45".to_float).to eq(1231.45) end it "should return 0.0 for a invalid number without a default" do expect("s213".to_float).to eq(0.0) end it "should return the default for a invalid number" do expect("s213".to_float(1.0)).to eq(1.0) end end describe "#to_integer" do it "should correctly convert number" do expect(true.to_integer).to eq(1) expect(false.to_integer).to eq(0) expect(nil.to_integer).to eq(0) expect(123.45.to_integer).to eq(123) expect(123.to_integer).to eq(123) expect("+123".to_integer).to eq(123) expect("-123".to_integer).to eq(-123) end it "should return 0 for a invalid number without a default" do expect("s213".to_integer).to eq(0) end it "should return the default for a invalid number" do expect("s213".to_integer(1)).to eq(1) end end describe "#to_boolean" do it "should return true for a valid true boolean" do expect(true.to_boolean).to be_true expect("y".to_boolean).to be_true expect("yes".to_boolean).to be_true expect("1".to_boolean).to be_true expect(1.to_boolean).to be_true expect(1.0.to_boolean).to be_true end it "should return false for all other values" do expect(false.to_boolean).to be_false expect(nil.to_boolean).to be_false expect("n".to_boolean).to be_false expect("no".to_boolean).to be_false expect("2".to_boolean).to be_false expect(2.0.to_boolean).to be_false expect("false".to_boolean).to be_false expect("abc".to_boolean).to be_false expect(0.to_boolean).to be_false end end describe "#round_to_precision" do it "should round number" do expect(123.456789.round_to_precision(2)).to eq("123.46") expect(123.456789.round_to_precision(0)).to eq("123") expect("123.456789".round_to_precision(2)).to eq("123.46") expect(123.456789.round_to_precision(-1)).to eq("123") end it "should return nil for non numeric values" do expect("abc".round_to_precision(-1)).to eq(nil) end end describe "#format_number" do it "should format number" do expect(123123.456789.format_number).to eq("123,123.46") expect(123123.456789.format_number(2)).to eq("123,123.46") expect(123123.456789.format_number(3, "@")).to eq("123,123@457") expect(123123.456789.format_number(3, "@", "$")).to eq("123,123@457 $") expect("123123.456789".format_number(3, "@", "$", "!")).to eq("123!123@457 $") Lazier.settings.setup_format_number(5, ",", "£", ".") expect(123123.456789.format_number).to eq("123.123,45679 £") Lazier.settings.setup_format_number(2) expect(123.456789.format_number(-1)).to eq("123") end it "should return nil for non numeric values" do expect("abc".format_number(-1)).to eq(nil) end end describe "#format_boolean" do it "should return the correct string for all values" do expect("yes".format_boolean).to eq("Yes") expect("abc".format_boolean).to eq("No") end it "should support localization" do Lazier.settings.setup_boolean_names("YYY", "NNN") expect("yes".format_boolean).to eq("YYY") expect("abc".format_boolean).to eq("NNN") end it "should support overrides" do Lazier.settings.setup_boolean_names expect("yes".format_boolean("TTT")).to eq("TTT") expect("yes".format_boolean(nil, "FFF")).to eq("Yes") expect("abc".format_boolean("TTT")).to eq("No") expect("abc".format_boolean(nil, "FFF")).to eq("FFF") end end describe "#indexize" do it "should format for printing" do expect(1.indexize).to eq("01") expect(21.indexize(3, "A")).to eq("A21") expect(21.indexize(3, "A", :ljust)).to eq("21A") end end describe "#for_debug" do it "should return the correct representation for an object" do reference = {a: "b"} expect(reference.for_debug(:json, false)).to eq(reference.to_json) expect(reference.for_debug(:pretty_json, false)).to eq(::JSON.pretty_generate(reference)) expect(reference.for_debug(:yaml, false)).to eq(reference.to_yaml) end it "should raise an exception if requested" do expect { {a: "b"}.for_debug }.to raise_error(::Lazier::Exceptions::Debug) end end end