(*"remark_schema" Any character within the EXPRESS character set may occur between the start and end of an embedded remark including the newline character; therefore, embedded remarks can span several physical lines. *) --"remark_schema" The tail remark is written at the end of a physical line. --"remark_schema" UTF8 test: Příliš žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy. --"remark_schema" universal scope - schema before SCHEMA remark_schema; CONSTANT remark_constant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; TYPE remark_type = ENUMERATION OF (remark_enumeration_item); WHERE WR1: TRUE; --"WR1" type scope - type where --"wr:WR1" type scope - type where, with prefix --"IP1" type scope - type informal proposition --"ip:IP1" type scope - type informal proposition, with prefix END_TYPE; ENTITY remark_entity; remark_attribute : STRING; DERIVE remark_derived_attribute : STRING := 'xxx'; INVERSE remark_inverse_attribute : remark_entity FOR remark_attribute; UNIQUE UR1: remark_attribute; WHERE WR1: --"unusual_placement" placed inside WHERE clauses (or other enumerable context) TRUE; --"remark_attribute" entity scope - entity attribute --"remark_derived_attribute" entity scope - entity derived attribute --"remark_inverse_attribute" entity scope - entity inverse attribute --"UR1" entity scope - entity unique --"WR1" entity scope - entity where --"wr:WR1" entity scope - entity where, with prefix --"IP1" entity scope - entity informal proposition --"ip:IP1" entity scope - entity informal proposition, with prefix END_ENTITY; SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT remark_subtype_constraint FOR remark_entity; END_SUBTYPE_CONSTRAINT; FUNCTION remark_function(remark_parameter : STRING) : BOOLEAN; TYPE remark_type = ENUMERATION OF (remark_enumeration_item); END_TYPE; CONSTANT remark_constant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remark_variable : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remark_alias FOR remark_variable; ; --"remark_alias" function alias scope - function alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remark_repeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remark_repeat" function repeat scope - function repeat END_REPEAT; remark_variable := QUERY(remark_query <* remark_variable | TRUE --"remark_query" function query scope - function query ); --"remark_parameter" function scope - function parameter --"remark_type" function scope - function type --"remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" function scope - function enumeration item --"remark_enumeration_item" function scope - function enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_constant" function scope - function constant --"remark_variable" function scope - function variable END_FUNCTION; RULE remark_rule FOR (remark_entity); TYPE remark_type = ENUMERATION OF (remark_enumeration_item); END_TYPE; CONSTANT remark_constant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remark_variable : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remark_alias FOR remark_variable; ; --"remark_alias" rule alias scope - rule alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remark_repeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remark_repeat" rule repeat scope - rule repeat END_REPEAT; remark_variable := QUERY(remark_query <* remark_variable | TRUE --"remark_query" rule query scope - rule query ); WHERE WR1: TRUE; --"remark_type" rule scope - rule type --"remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" rule scope - rule enumeration item --"remark_enumeration_item" rule scope - rule enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_constant" rule scope - rule constant --"remark_variable" rule scope - rule variable --"WR1" rule scope - rule where --"wr:WR1" rule scope - rule where, with prefix --"IP1" rule scope - rule informal proposition --"ip:IP1" rule scope - rule informal proposition, with prefix END_RULE; PROCEDURE remark_procedure(remark_parameter : STRING); TYPE remark_type = ENUMERATION OF (remark_enumeration_item); END_TYPE; CONSTANT remark_constant : STRING := 'xxx'; END_CONSTANT; LOCAL remark_variable : STRING; END_LOCAL; ALIAS remark_alias FOR remark_variable; ; --"remark_alias" procedure alias scope - procedure alias END_ALIAS; REPEAT remark_repeat := 1 TO 9; ; --"remark_repeat" procedure repeat scope - procedure repeat END_REPEAT; remark_variable := QUERY(remark_query <* remark_variable | TRUE --"remark_query" procedure query scope - procedure query ); --"remark_parameter" procedure scope - procedure parameter --"remark_type" procedure scope - procedure type --"remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" procedure scope - procedure enumeration item --"remark_enumeration_item" procedure scope - procedure enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_constant" procedure scope - procedure constant --"remark_variable" procedure scope - procedure variable END_PROCEDURE; --"remark_constant" schema scope - constant --"remark_type" schema scope - type --"remark_type.WR1" schema scope - type where --"remark_type.wr:WR1" schema scope - type where, with prefix --"remark_type.IP1" schema scope - type informal proposition --"remark_type.ip:IP1" schema scope - type informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - enumeration item --"remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_entity" schema scope - entity --"remark_entity.remark_attribute" schema scope - entity attribute --"remark_entity.remark_derived_attribute" schema scope - entity derived attribute --"remark_entity.remark_inverse_attribute" schema scope - entity inverse attribute --"remark_entity.UR1" schema scope - entity unique --"remark_entity.WR1" schema scope - entity where --"remark_entity.wr:WR1" schema scope - entity where, with prefix --"remark_entity.IP1" schema scope - entity informal proposition --"remark_entity.ip:IP1" schema scope - entity informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_subtype_constraint" schema scope - subtype constraint --"remark_function" schema scope - function --"remark_function.remark_parameter" schema scope - function parameter --"remark_function.remark_type" schema scope - function type --"remark_function.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - function enumeration item --"remark_function.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - function enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_function.remark_constant" schema scope - function constant --"remark_function.remark_variable" schema scope - function variable --"remark_rule" schema scope - rule --"remark_rule.remark_type" schema scope - rule type --"remark_rule.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - rule enumeration item --"remark_rule.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - rule enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_rule.remark_constant" schema scope - rule constant --"remark_rule.remark_variable" schema scope - rule variable --"remark_rule.WR1" schema scope - rule where --"remark_rule.wr:WR1" schema scope - rule where, with prefix --"remark_rule.IP1" schema scope - rule informal proposition --"remark_rule.ip:IP1" schema scope - rule informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_procedure" schema scope - procedure --"remark_procedure.remark_parameter" schema scope - procedure parameter --"remark_procedure.remark_type" schema scope - procedure type --"remark_procedure.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - procedure enumeration item --"remark_procedure.remark_enumeration_item" schema scope - procedure enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_procedure.remark_constant" schema scope - procedure constant --"remark_procedure.remark_variable" schema scope - procedure variable --"remark_item" schema scope - schema remark item END_SCHEMA; --"remark_schema" universal scope - schema --"remark_schema.remark_constant" universal scope - constant --"remark_schema.remark_type" universal scope - type --"remark_schema.remark_type.WR1" universal scope - type where --"remark_schema.remark_type.wr:WR1" universal scope - type where, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_type.IP1" universal scope - type informal proposition --"remark_schema.remark_type.ip:IP1" universal scope - type informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - enumeration item --"remark_schema.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_schema.remark_entity" universal scope - entity --"remark_schema.remark_entity.remark_attribute" universal scope - entity attribute --"remark_schema.remark_entity.remark_derived_attribute" universal scope - entity derived attribute --"remark_schema.remark_entity.remark_inverse_attribute" universal scope - entity inverse attribute --"remark_schema.remark_entity.UR1" universal scope - entity unique --"remark_schema.remark_entity.WR1" universal scope - entity where --"remark_schema.remark_entity.wr:WR1" universal scope - entity where, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_entity.IP1" universal scope - entity informal proposition --"remark_schema.remark_entity.ip:IP1" universal scope - entity informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_subtype_constraint" universal scope - subtype constraint --"remark_schema.remark_function" universal scope - function --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_parameter" universal scope - function parameter --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_type" universal scope - function type --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - function enumeration item --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - function enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_constant" universal scope - function constant --"remark_schema.remark_function.remark_variable" universal scope - function variable --"remark_schema.remark_rule" universal scope - rule --"remark_schema.remark_rule.remark_type" universal scope - rule type --"remark_schema.remark_rule.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - rule enumeration item --"remark_schema.remark_rule.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - rule enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_schema.remark_rule.remark_constant" universal scope - rule constant --"remark_schema.remark_rule.remark_variable" universal scope - rule variable --"remark_schema.remark_rule.WR1" universal scope - rule where --"remark_schema.remark_rule.wr:WR1" universal scope - rule where, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_rule.IP1" universal scope - rule informal proposition --"remark_schema.remark_rule.ip:IP1" universal scope - rule informal proposition, with prefix --"remark_schema.remark_procedure" universal scope - procedure --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_parameter" universal scope - procedure parameter --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_type" universal scope - procedure type --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_type.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - procedure enumeration item --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_enumeration_item" universal scope - procedure enumeration item, on the same level as the type --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_constant" universal scope - procedure constant --"remark_schema.remark_procedure.remark_variable" universal scope - procedure variable --"remark_schema.remark_item" universal scope - schema remark item