require 'pathname' require 'puppet/file_bucket' require 'puppet/file_bucket/file' require 'puppet/indirector/request' class Puppet::FileBucket::Dipper # This is a transitional implementation that uses REST # to access remote filebucket files. attr_accessor :name # Create our bucket client def initialize(hash = {}) # Emulate the XMLRPC client server = hash[:Server] port = hash[:Port] || Puppet[:masterport] environment = Puppet[:environment] if hash.include?(:Path) @local_path = hash[:Path] @rest_path = nil else @local_path = nil @rest_path = "https://#{server}:#{port}/#{environment}/file_bucket_file/" end end def local? !! @local_path end # Back up a file to our bucket def backup(file) file_handle = Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(file) raise(ArgumentError, "File #{file} does not exist") unless Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file_handle) contents = Puppet::FileSystem.binread(file_handle) begin file_bucket_file =, :bucket_path => @local_path) files_original_path = absolutize_path(file) dest_path = "#{@rest_path}#{}/#{files_original_path}" file_bucket_path = "#{@rest_path}#{file_bucket_file.checksum_type}/#{file_bucket_file.checksum_data}/#{files_original_path}" # Make a HEAD request for the file so that we don't waste time # uploading it if it already exists in the bucket. unless Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.head(file_bucket_path), dest_path) end return file_bucket_file.checksum_data rescue => detail message = "Could not back up #{file}: #{detail}" Puppet.log_exception(detail, message) raise Puppet::Error, message, detail.backtrace end end # Retrieve a file by sum. def getfile(sum) source_path = "#{@rest_path}md5/#{sum}" file_bucket_file = Puppet::FileBucket::File.indirection.find(source_path, :bucket_path => @local_path) raise Puppet::Error, "File not found" unless file_bucket_file file_bucket_file.to_s end # Restore the file def restore(file,sum) restore = true file_handle = Puppet::FileSystem.pathname(file) if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file_handle) cursum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(Puppet::FileSystem.binread(file_handle)) # if the checksum has changed... # this might be extra effort if cursum == sum restore = false end end if restore if newcontents = getfile(sum) newsum = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(newcontents) changed = nil if Puppet::FileSystem.exist?(file_handle) and ! Puppet::FileSystem.writable?(file_handle) changed = Puppet::FileSystem.stat(file_handle).mode ::File.chmod(changed | 0200, file) end, ::File::WRONLY|::File::TRUNC|::File::CREAT) { |of| of.binmode of.print(newcontents) } ::File.chmod(changed, file) if changed else Puppet.err "Could not find file with checksum #{sum}" return nil end return newsum else return nil end end private def absolutize_path( path ) end end