class Object undef :type if respond_to?(:type) end module Tk @register = @widgets = {} @callbacks = {} @mutex = class << self attr_reader :callbacks, :widgets end module_function unless const_defined?(:RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD) # In some cases Tk has trouble running, this seems to happen on windows and # OSX/TkAqua mostly. # In these cases please use: # module Tk; RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD = true; end # before you require 'tk' RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD = false end def init if RUN_EVENTLOOP_ON_MAIN_THREAD @interp = FFI::Tcl.setup_eventloop_on_main_thread else @interp = FFI::Tcl.setup_eventloop_on_new_thread end FFI::Tcl.init(@interp) FFI::Tcl::EvalResult.reset_types(@interp) FFI::Tk.init(@interp) @root = @interp.eval('namespace eval RubyFFI {}') FFI::Tcl.create_obj_command(@interp, 'RubyFFI::callback', TCL_CALLBACK, 0, TCL_DELETE) FFI::Tcl.create_obj_command(@interp, 'RubyFFI::event', TCL_EVENT, 0, TCL_DELETE) module_eval('class << Tk; attr_reader :interp, :root; end') return @interp end # A little something so people don't have to call Tk.init def interp Tk.init @interp end # A little something so people don't have to call Tk.init def root Tk.init @root end def mainloop @running = true while @running && interp.wait_for_event(0.1) interp.do_one_event(0) end end def stop @running = false end def eval(string) interp.eval(string) end def execute_only(*args) interp.eval(convert_arguments(*args)) end def execute(*args) interp.eval(convert_arguments(*args)) result end def result interp.guess_result end def exit execute('exit') end def callback_break throw :callback_break end def callback_continue throw :callback_continue end # without our callbacks, nothing goes anymore, abort mission def tcl_delete(client_data) raise RuntimeError, "tcl function is going to be removed" end TCL_DELETE = method(:tcl_delete) # TODO: support for break and continue return status (by catch/throw) # 1 means true, 0 means false. def tcl_callback(client_data, interp, objc, objv) cmd, id, *args = tcl_cmd_args(interp, objc, objv) id = id.first if id.is_a?(Array) catch :callback_break do catch :callback_continue do result = handle_callback(id, *args) = result return OK end return CONTINUE end return BREAK rescue => ex = ex.message return ERROR end TCL_CALLBACK = method(:tcl_callback) # TODO: support for break and continue return status (by catch/throw) def tcl_event(client_data, interp, objc, objv) cmd, id, sequence, *args = tcl_cmd_args(interp, objc, objv) catch :callback_break do catch :callback_continue do, sequence.to_s, *args).call return OK end return CONTINUE end return BREAK rescue => ex = ex.message return ERROR end TCL_EVENT = method(:tcl_event) def tcl_cmd_args(interp, objc, objv) length = array = objv.read_array_of_pointer(objc){|e| obj = FFI::Tcl::EvalResult.guess(interp, e) case obj when Fixnum, Float obj else obj.respond_to?(:dup) ? obj.dup : obj end } end def handle_callback(id, *args) callback = @callbacks.fetch(id.to_i)*args) end def register_object(parent, object) parent_name = parent.respond_to?(:tk_pathname) ? parent.tk_pathname : parent cmd = object.class.tk_command id = "#{cmd}#{uuid(cmd)}" pathname = [parent_name, id].join('.').squeeze('.') @widgets[pathname] = object return pathname end def unregister_object(object) @widgets.delete_if{|path, obj| obj == object } end def unregister_objects(*objects) @widgets.delete_if{|path, obj| objects.include?(obj) } end def register_proc(proc, argument_string = '') id = uuid(:proc){|uuid| @callbacks[uuid] = proc } return id, %(RubyFFI::callback #{id} #{argument_string}) end def unregister_proc(id) @callbacks.delete(id) end def uuid(name) @mutex.synchronize do id = @register[name] @register[name] += 1 yield id if block_given? id end end def boolean(obj) boolean_pointer = FFI::Tcl.get_boolean(interp, obj.to_s, boolean_pointer) boolean_pointer.get_int(0) == 1 end def convert_arguments(*args)' ') end def pathname_to_widget(pathname) @widgets[pathname] end end