require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper' describe "Hash" do before(:each) do @a = {:a => "10", :b => "20", :c => "30"} end it "should preserve the contents of the original hash when safe_merge'ing" do a = {:a => "10", :b => "20"} b = {:b => "30", :c => "40"} a.safe_merge(b).should == {:a => "10", :b => "20", :c => "40"} end it "should preserve the contents of the original hash when safe_merge!'ing" do a = {:a => "10", :b => "20"} b = {:b => "30", :c => "40"} a.safe_merge!(b) a.should == {:a => "10", :b => "20", :c => "40"} end it "should be able to turn itself into an open struct" do @a.to_os.class.should == MyOpenStruct end it "should respond to to_hash" do @a.to_os.respond_to?(:to_hash).should == true end it "should be able to turn itself into an open struct with the method to_hash on the object" do @a.to_os.to_hash.should == @a end it "should not put quotes around integers" do {:a => 10, :b => "q"}.flush_out.sort.should == ["a => 10", "b => 'q'"] end it "should be able to flush out into a string into an array" do @a.flush_out.sort.should == ["a => '10'","b => '20'","c => '30'"] end it "should be able to flush out with pre and posts" do @a.flush_out("hi", "ho").sort.should == ["hia => '10'ho","hib => '20'ho","hic => '30'ho"] end describe "method_missing" do it "should be able to call a key on the hash as a method" do {:first_name => "bob", :last_name => "frank"}.first_name.should == "bob" end it "should return nil if there is no key set in the hash" do {:first_name => "bob", :last_name => "frank"}.neighbor.should == nil end end describe "select" do before(:each) do @selected_hash = {|k,v| k if k == :a} end it "should return a hash when selecting" do @selected_hash.class.should == Hash end it "should only have the key a (selected)" do @selected_hash.keys.should == [:a] end end describe "extract!" do before(:each) do @rejected_hash = @a.extract! {|k,v| k == :a } end it "should have a reject with the keys" do @rejected_hash.keys.should == [:a] end it "should return the old array with the other keys" do @a.keys.sort.should == [:b, :c] end it "should not throw a fit with an empty hash" do lambda { {}.extract! }.should_not raise_error end end describe "append" do before(:each) do @hash = {:game => "token", :required => "for_play"} end it "should not destroy an option salready on the hash" do @hash.append(:required => "to_play")[:game].should == "token" end it "should change the entry to an array if it already exists" do @hash.append(:game => "coin")[:game].class.should == Array end it "should append the other hash's key to the end of the array" do @hash.append(:game => "coin")[:game][-1].should == "coin" end it "should change the hash with the append(bang) option" do @hash.append!(:game => "coin") @hash[:game][-1].should == "coin" end end end