Clementine ==== * * * Description ----------- Clementine is a gem to use ClojureScript ( from Ruby. Clementine is a Tilt ( Template, which is available to use on Rails asset pipeline. Also, it is avilable to use in a Tilt way. Clementine runs on Rails 3.1 and later. Clementine supports JRuby and CRuby. When you use from CRuby, make sure java command is on your PATH. Installation ----------- ```ruby gem install clementine ``` Configuration ----------- Create clementine.rb file in your ${Rails.root}/config/initializer directory. Examples: ```ruby Clementine.options[:optimizations] = :simple Clementine.options[:output_dir] = "assets/javascripts" ``` Available options: ``` KEY VALUES ------------------ ----------------------- :optimazation :simple,:whitespace,:advanced :target :nodejs :output_dir directory name (:output_dir will be converted to ":output-dir") :output_to file name (:output_to will be converted to ":output-to") ``` Copyright and License ----------- Clementine is Copyright (c) 2011-2012 [Yoko Harada]( and distributed under the MIT license. Clojure and ClojureSript are Copyright (c) Rich Hickey and covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 []( Google Closure Compiler and Library are covered by Apache License 2.0 license.