class Telegram_2 attr_accessor :telegram_api_url, :telegram_chat_id, :telegram_log def initialize(telegram_api_url, telegram_chat_id, telegram_log=1) @telegram_api_url = telegram_api_url @telegram_chat_id = telegram_chat_id @telegram_log = telegram_log end #procedure for send log to telegram chat def telegram_message(message) begin if telegram_log == 1 uri = URI.parse(telegram_api_url) https_connector =, uri.port) https_connector.use_ssl = true data = {chat_id: telegram_chat_id, text: message} request_mess =, {'Content-Type' => 'application/json'}) request_mess.body = data.to_json response_mess = https_connector.request(request_mess) body = response_mess.body return {:code => 200, :result => 'Request completed successfully', :body => {:telegram_resp => JSON.parse(body.to_s), :description => "Telegram message to telegram_chat_id: #{telegram_chat_id.to_s}"}} else return {:code => 404, :result => 'Notification disabled'} end rescue return {:code => 507, :result => 'Unknown SDK error'} end end #procedure for send log to telegram chat in separate thread def telegram_message2(message) begin if telegram_log == 1 do begin uri = URI.parse(telegram_api_url) https_connector =, uri.port) https_connector.use_ssl = true data = {chat_id: telegram_chat_id, text: message} request_mess =, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) request_mess.body = data.to_json response_mess = https_connector.request(request_mess) body = response_mess.body return {:code => 200, :result => 'Request completed successfully', :body => {:telegram_resp => JSON.parse(body.to_s), :description => "Telegram message to telegram_chat_id: #{telegram_chat_id.to_s}"}} rescue return {:code => 508, :result => 'Unknown SDK error'} end end else return {:code => 404, :result => 'Notification disabled'} end rescue return {:code => 507, :result => 'Unknown SDK error'} end end end