Feature: Ignore slides As a presentator I want to ignore some slides in output In order to make them invisible Background: Given a mocked home directory And git is configured with username "User" and email-address "email@example.com" And I successfully run `middleman-presentation create presentation presentation1 --title "My Presentation"` And I cd to "presentation1" Scenario: Ignore a slide by basename When I successfully run `middleman slide 01 --title "Slide 01"` And I successfully run `middleman slide 02 --title "Slide 02"` And the Server is running And a file named ".slidesignore" with: """ 01 """ Then the following files should exist: | source/slides/01.html.md | | source/slides/02.html.md | When I go to "/" Then I should not see: """ Slide 01 """ Then I should see: """ Slide 02 """ When I go to "javascripts/application.js" Then I should see: """ jQuery JavaScript Library """ When I go to "stylesheets/application.css" Then I should see: """ Hakim El Hattab """ #When I go to "images/lightbox2/img/close.png" #Then the status code should be "200" Scenario: Unignore a slide When I successfully run `middleman slide 01 --title "Slide 01"` And I successfully run `middleman slide 02 --title "Slide 02"` And the Server is running And a file named ".slidesignore" with: """ \.md !02 """ Then the following files should exist: | source/slides/01.html.md | | source/slides/02.html.md | When I go to "/" Then I should not see: """ Slide 01 """ Then I should see: """ Slide 02 """ When I go to "javascripts/application.js" Then I should see: """ jQuery JavaScript Library """ When I go to "stylesheets/application.css" Then I should see: """ Hakim El Hattab """ #When I go to "images/lightbox2/img/close.png" #Then the status code should be "200" Scenario: Warning on invalid ignore file Given an empty file named ".slideignore" When I run `middleman build` Then the output should contain: """ Invalid ignore file """