Class RFuzz::HttpClient
In: lib/rfuzz/client.rb
Parent: Object

The actual HttpClient that does the work with the thinnest layer between you and the protocol. All exceptions and leaks are allowed to pass through since those are important when testing. It doesn’t pretend to be a full client, but instead is just enough client to track cookies, form proper HTTP requests, and return HttpResponse hashes with the results.

It’s designed so that you create one client, and then you work it with a minimum of parameters as you need. The initialize method lets you pass in defaults for most of the parameters you’ll need, and you can simple call the method you want and it’ll be translated to an HTTP method (client.get => GET, client.foobar = FOOBAR).

Here’s a few examples:

  client = => {"X-DefaultHeader" => "ONE"})
  resp ="/test")
  resp ="/test", :head => {"X-TestSend" => "Status"}, :body => "TEST BODY")
  resp = client.put("/testput", :query => {"q" => "test"}, :body => "SOME JUNK")

The HttpClient.reset call clears cookies that are maintained.

It uses method_missing to do the translation of .put to "PUT /testput HTTP/1.1" so you can get into trouble if you’re calling unknown methods on it. By default the methods are PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD. You can change the allowed methods by passing :allowed_methods => [:put, :get, ..] to the initialize for the object.


You can register a "notifier" with the client that will get called when different events happen. Right now the Notifier class just has a few functions for the common parts of an HTTP request that each take a symbol and some extra parameters. See RFuzz::Notifier for more information.


  :head => {K => V}  or {K => [V1,V2]}
  :query => {K => V} or {K => [V1,V2]}
  :body => "some body" (you must encode for now)
  :cookies => {K => V} or {K => [V1, V2]}
  :allowed_methods => [:put, :get, :post, :delete, :head]
  :notifier =>
  :redirect => false (give it a number and it'll follow redirects for that count)


Included Modules



HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER = "%s %s HTTP/1.1\r\n"


allowed_methods  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play
cookies  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play
host  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play
notifier  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play
options  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play
port  [RW]  Access to the host, port, default options, and cookies currently in play

Public Class methods

Doesn‘t make the connect until you actually call a .put,.get, etc.

Public Instance methods

Builds a full request from the method, uri, req, and @cookies using the default @options and writes it to out (should be an IO).

It returns the body that the caller should use (based on defaults resolution).

Translates unknown function calls into PUT, GET, POST, DELETE, HEAD methods. The allowed HTTP methods allowed are restricted by the @allowed_methods attribute which you can set after construction or during construction with :allowed_methods => [:put, :get, …]

Sends the notifications to the registered notifier, taking a block that it runs doing the :begins, :ends states around it.

It also catches errors transparently in order to call the notifier when an attempt fails.

Reads an HTTP response from the given socket. It uses readpartial which only appeared in Ruby 1.8.4. The result is a fully formed HttpResponse object for you to play with.

As with other methods in this class it doesn’t stop any exceptions from reaching your code. It’s for experts who want these exceptions so either write a wrapper, use net/http, or deal with it on your end.

Keeps doing requests until it doesn’t receive a 3XX request.

Clears out the cookies in use so far in order to get a clean slate.

Does the socket connect and then build_request, read_response calls finally returning the result.
