# frozen_string_literal: true require "isodoc/common" require "fileutils" require "tempfile" require_relative "i18n" require_relative "css" module IsoDoc class Convert < ::IsoDoc::Common attr_accessor :options attr_accessor :i18n # htmlstylesheet: Generic stylesheet for HTML # wordstylesheet: Generic stylesheet for Word # standardsheet: Stylesheet specific to Standard # header: Header file for Word # htmlcoverpage: Cover page for HTML # wordcoverpage: Cover page for Word # htmlintropage: Introductory page for HTML # wordintropage: Introductory page for Word # normalfontsize: Font size for body text # smallerfontsize: Font size for smaller than body text # monospacefontsize: Font size for monospace font # footnotefontsize: Font size for footnotes # i18nyaml: YAML file for internationalisation of text # ulstyle: list style in Word CSS for unordered lists # olstyle: list style in Word CSS for ordered lists # bodyfont: font to use for body text # headerfont: font to use for header text # monospace: font to use for monospace text # suppressheadingnumbers: suppress heading numbers for clauses # scripts: Scripts file for HTML # scripts_pdf: Scripts file for PDF (not used in XSLT PDF) # datauriimage: Encode images in HTML output as data URIs # break_up_urls_in_tables: whether to insert spaces in URLs in tables # every 40-odd chars def initialize(options) @libdir ||= File.dirname(__FILE__) options.merge!(default_fonts(options)) do |_, old, new| old || new end .merge!(default_file_locations(options)) do |_, old, new| old || new end @options = options @files_to_delete = [] @tempfile_cache = [] @htmlstylesheet_name = options[:htmlstylesheet] @wordstylesheet_name = options[:wordstylesheet] @standardstylesheet_name = options[:standardstylesheet] @header = options[:header] @htmlcoverpage = options[:htmlcoverpage] @wordcoverpage = options[:wordcoverpage] @htmlintropage = options[:htmlintropage] @wordintropage = options[:wordintropage] @normalfontsize = options[:normalfontsize] @smallerfontsize = options[:smallerfontsize] @monospacefontsize = options[:monospacefontsize] @footnotefontsize = options[:footnotefontsize] @scripts = options[:scripts] @scripts_pdf = options[:scripts_pdf] @i18nyaml = options[:i18nyaml] @ulstyle = options[:ulstyle] @olstyle = options[:olstyle] @datauriimage = options[:datauriimage] @suppressheadingnumbers = options[:suppressheadingnumbers] @break_up_urls_in_tables = options[:break_up_urls_in_tables] == 'true' @termdomain = '' @termexample = false @note = false @sourcecode = false @footnotes = [] @comments = [] @in_footnote = false @in_comment = false @in_table = false @in_figure = false @seen_footnote = Set.new @c = HTMLEntities.new @openmathdelim = "`" @closemathdelim = "`" @lang = options[:language] || "en" @script = options[:script] || "Latn" @maxwidth = 1200 @maxheight = 800 @wordToClevels = options[:doctoclevels].to_i @wordToClevels = 2 if @wordToClevels.zero? @htmlToClevels = options[:htmltoclevels].to_i @htmlToClevels = 2 if @htmlToClevels.zero? @bookmarks_allocated = { 'X' => true } @fn_bookmarks = {} end def tmpimagedir_suffix '_images' end def html_doc_path(*file) file.each do |f| ret = File.join(@libdir, File.join('html', f)) File.exist?(ret) and return ret end nil end def convert1(docxml, filename, dir) @xrefs.parse docxml noko do |xml| xml.html **{ lang: @lang.to_s } do |html| html.parent.add_namespace('epub', 'http://www.idpf.org/2007/ops') info docxml, nil populate_css html.head { |head| define_head head, filename, dir } make_body(html, docxml) end end.join("\n") end def metadata_init(lang, script, i18n) @meta = Metadata.new(lang, script, i18n) end def xref_init(lang, script, _klass, i18n, options) html = HtmlConvert.new(language: @lang, script: @script) @xrefs = Xref.new(lang, script, html, i18n, options) end def i18n_init(lang, script, i18nyaml = nil) @i18n = I18n.new(lang, script, i18nyaml || @i18nyaml) end def l10n(x, lang = @lang, script = @script) @i18n.l10n(x, lang, script) end def convert_init(file, input_filename, debug) docxml = Nokogiri::XML(file) filename, dir = init_file(input_filename, debug) docxml.root.default_namespace = "" lang = docxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/language"))&.text and @lang = lang script = docxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/script"))&.text and @script = script i18n_init(@lang, @script) metadata_init(@lang, @script, @i18n) xref_init(@lang, @script, self, @i18n, {}) [docxml, filename, dir] end def convert(input_filename, file = nil, debug = false, output_filename = nil) file = File.read(input_filename, encoding: "utf-8") if file.nil? @openmathdelim, @closemathdelim = extract_delims(file) docxml, filename, dir = convert_init(file, input_filename, debug) result = convert1(docxml, filename, dir) return result if debug output_filename ||= "#{filename}.#{@suffix}" postprocess(result, output_filename, dir) FileUtils.rm_rf dir end def middle_clause "//clause[parent::sections][not(@type = 'scope')]"\ '[not(descendant::terms)]' end end end