module Rostra module ApplicationHelper # Creates a list of tags linking to the index showing only questions with that tag # def tag_list(question) content_tag :div, "Tags: #{ { |tag| link_to tag, questions_path(:tag_search => "#{tag}")}.join}".html_safe, class: 'tags' end # Finds the url to the user's avatar following this logic: # # 1. Calls the method defined in the Rostra::Config # 2. Uses the users email address to looks for a gravatar # 3. Renders app/assets/images/rostra/anonymous_avatar.png # def avatar_url(user) avatar_method = Rostra::Config.rostra_user_avatar if user.respond_to?(avatar_method) user.send(avatar_method) else default_url = "#{main_app.root_url}assets/rostra/anonymous_avatar.png" gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user.rostra_user_email.downcase) "{gravatar_id}.png?s=48&d=#{CGI.escape(default_url)}" end end # Method to build links for ajax-y voting arrows. # def link_to_vote(direction, resource) if user_signed_in? && ( (direction == :up && rostra_user.voted_for?(resource)) || (direction == :down && rostra_user.voted_against?(resource)) ) selected = 'selected' else selected = '' end link_to "Vote #{direction.capitalize}", vote_path(resource, direction), method: :put, remote: true, class: "vote #{direction} #{selected}" end # Returns a rostra object's base class name. For example, @question is an instance of # Rostra::Question and so: # # class_name(@question) # => 'question' # def class_name(resource)'::').last.downcase end private def vote_path(resource, direction) return '#' if !user_signed_in? || can?(:manage, resource) if resource.is_a?(Rostra::Question) vote_question_path(resource, vote_direction: direction) else vote_question_answer_path(resource.question, resource, vote_direction: direction) end end end end