module TrinidadScheduler module AppJob include org.quartz.Job include TrinidadScheduler::ScheduledJob def self.included(other_obj) new_job ="#{ other_obj.job_detail_name rescue other_obj }", "#{other_obj}", other_obj) begin TrinidadScheduler[$servlet_context].schedule_job(new_job, other_obj.trigger) rescue Exception => ex raise end end end # Method to schedule a block of code to run in another Thread after execution proceeds in the current Thread # after the job runs it removes itself from the job scheduler # # @example Running run_later with default 3 second delay # TrinidadScheduler.run_later do # "I am inside this block" #=> prints "I am inside this block" # end # # @example Running run_later with 20 second delay # TrinidadScheduler.run_later(:delay => 20) do # "I am inside this block" #=> prints "I am inside this block" # end # # @param [Hash] opts the options for the process to be run # @option opts [Integer] :delay the number of seconds delay before the block is triggered # @param [Block] the block that will be run in a separate Thread after the delay def self.run_later(opts={:delay=>3}, &blk) :start => ( + opts[:delay])) do meta_def(:job_detail_name){ << } meta_def(:run_proc){ blk } def run end end end # Method to return an inheritable class for scheduling a CronTrigger Job # the class that inherits from this method will have it's instance run method executed based on the cron_expression # # @example Schedule an INFO log message every 5 seconds # class TestJob < TrinidadScheduler.Cron "0/5 * * * * ?" # def run # "I am inside this block" #=> prints "I am inside this block" every 5 seconds # end # end # # @param [String] cron_expression the Cron Expression that defines the CronTrigger for the job class # @return [Class] a new Class that is run by the CronTrigger that is defined def self.Cron(cron_expression) do meta_def(:cron){ cron_expression } def self.inherited(subclass) meta_def :trigger do"#{subclass}" + ".trigger", "#{subclass}", self.cron) end subclass.send(:include, TrinidadScheduler::AppJob) end end end # Method to return an inheritable class for scheduling a SimpleTrigger Job # the class that inherits from this method will have it's instance run method executed based on the options passed # # @example Schedule an INFO log message every 5 seconds starting now, setting the end is not necessary in this context, but it done # class TestJob < TrinidadScheduler.Simple :start =>, :end => + 240, :repeat 3, :interval => 5000 # def run # "I am inside this block" #=> prints "I am inside this block" every 5 seconds # end # end # # @param [Hash] opts the options for the SimpleTrigger # @option opts [java.util.Date, Time] :start the starting time of the trigger # @option opts [java.util.Date, Time] :end the ending time of the trigger # @option opts [Integer] :repeat the number of times to repeat the job (defaults to 0) # @option opts [Integer] :interval the number of milliseconds between runs # @return [Class] a new anonymous Class that is the parent of the Class run by the SimpleTrigger that is defined def self.Simple(opts={}) opts[:start] ||=*1000) opts[:start] =[:start].to_i*1000) if opts[:start].class == Time opts[:end] ||= + 10.years).to_i*1000) opts[:end] =[:end].to_i*1000) if opts[:end].class == Time opts[:repeat] ||= 0 opts[:interval] ||= 0 do meta_def(:opts){ opts } def self.inherited(subclass) meta_def :trigger do"#{subclass}" + ".trigger", "#{subclass}", self.opts[:start], self.opts[:end], self.opts[:repeat], self.opts[:interval]) end subclass.send(:include, TrinidadScheduler::AppJob) end end end # Method to return an inheritable class for scheduling a DateIntervalTrigger Job # the class that inherits from this method will have it's instance run method executed based on the options passed # # @example Schedule an INFO log message every 5 seconds starting now and ending after 4 minutes # class TestJob < TrinidadScheduler.DateInterval :start =>, :end => + 240, :unit => :second, :interval => 5 # def run # "I am inside this block" #=> prints "I am inside this block" every 5 seconds # end # end # # @param [Hash] opts the options for the DateIntervalTrigger # @option opts [java.util.Date, Time] :start the starting time of the trigger # @option opts [java.util.Date, Time] :end the ending time of the trigger # @option opts [Symbol, String] :unit the defined unit (:day, :second, :year, :month, :week) # @option opts [Integer] :interval the number of units between runs # @return [Class] a new anonymous Class that is the parent of the Class run by the SimpleTrigger that is defined def self.DateInterval(opts={}) opts[:start] ||=*1000) opts[:start] =[:start].to_i*1000) if opts[:start].class == Time opts[:end] ||= + 10.years).to_i*1000) opts[:end] =[:end].to_i*1000) if opts[:end].class == Time opts[:unit] ||= :day opts[:unit] = org.quartz.DateIntervalTrigger::IntervalUnit.value_of(opts[:unit].to_s.upcase) opts[:interval] ||= 1 do meta_def(:opts){ opts } def self.inherited(subclass) meta_def :trigger do"#{subclass}" + ".trigger", "#{subclass}", self.opts[:start], self.opts[:end], self.opts[:unit], self.opts[:interval]) end subclass.send(:include, TrinidadScheduler::AppJob) end end end end