Feature: Template CLI
Scenario: Create a new project
Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template tansu`
And the exit status should be 0
When I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
Then the following files should exist:
| Gemfile |
| .gitignore |
| config.rb |
| source/sample.html.md |
| source/sitemap.xml.builder |
| source/layouts/layout.slim |
| source/stylesheets/all.css.sass |
| source/stylesheets/_gemoji.sass |
| source/stylesheets/pure-min.css |
| source/stylesheets/github-markdown.css |
| source/templates/index.html.slim |
Scenario: Build a new project
Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template tansu`
And I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/sample.html |
| build/sitemap.xml |
| build/stylesheets/all.css |
And the file "build/stylesheets/all.css" should contain "Pure"
And the file "build/stylesheets/all.css" should contain ".gemoji"
And the file "build/stylesheets/all.css" should contain ".markdown-body"
And the file "build/index.html" should contain "middleman-tansu の簡単な紹介"
And the helper result "build/sample.html" should contain:
middleman-tansu の簡単な紹介
And the helper result "build/sitemap.xml" should contain:
Scenario: sitemap.xml contains escaped URI
Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template tansu`
And I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
And I run `middleman tansu マルチバイトページ`
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/マルチバイトページ.html |
| build/sitemap.xml |
And the file "build/sitemap.xml" should contain "%E3%83%9E%E3%83%AB%E3%83%81%E3%83%90%E3%82%A4%E3%83%88%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8"
Scenario: Build a new project with app.config.sitemap_url
Given I run `middleman init MY_PROJECT --template tansu`
And a file named "MY_PROJECT/config.rb" with:
require "slim"
require "builder"
set :site_title, "Middleman-Tansu"
set :sitemap_url, "http://middlemanapp.com"
activate :tansu
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown, :fenced_code_blocks => true, :smartypants => true, :with_toc_data => true
activate :syntax, :inline_theme => 'github'
And I cd to "MY_PROJECT"
When I run `middleman build`
Then the exit status should be 0
And the following files should exist:
| build/index.html |
| build/sample.html |
| build/sitemap.xml |
| build/stylesheets/all.css |
And the helper result "build/sitemap.xml" should contain: