_id: 123mno456-abcd-efgh-0987-ijkpqrstuv _parent: '/posts/amet-varius-aliquam.html#comment-1' parent_id: 'mno56pqr-abcd-1234-0987-stuvefghijkl' name: Isabella Roundtoes date: '2020-05-13T01:09:34.123Z' email: 'isabella.roundtoes@whatchamacallit.example.com' message: >- @jimbob, what's the coolest part about this article to you? I think the title is pretty good, and then the body. But I also like the subtitle and image too. It's all good! So for me, 1. title 2. body 3. subtitle 4. image It's all so *good*!