require 'reek/detector_stack' require 'reek/smells/control_couple' require 'reek/smells/duplication' require 'reek/smells/feature_envy' require 'reek/smells/large_class' require 'reek/smells/long_method' require 'reek/smells/long_parameter_list' require 'reek/smells/long_yield_list' require 'reek/smells/nested_iterators' require 'reek/smells/uncommunicative_name' require 'reek/smells/utility_function' require 'reek/config_file' require 'yaml' class Hash def push_keys(hash) keys.each {|key| hash[key].adopt!(self[key]) } end def adopt!(other) other.keys.each do |key| ov = other[key] if Array === ov and has_key?(key) self[key] += ov else self[key] = ov end end self end def adopt(other) self.deep_copy.adopt!(other) end def deep_copy YAML::load(YAML::dump(self)) end end module Reek class Sniffer SMELL_CLASSES = [ Smells::ControlCouple, Smells::Duplication, Smells::FeatureEnvy, Smells::LargeClass, Smells::LongMethod, Smells::LongParameterList, Smells::LongYieldList, Smells::NestedIterators, Smells::UncommunicativeName, Smells::UtilityFunction, ] def initialize defaults_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'config', 'defaults.reek') @config = YAML.load_file(defaults_file) @typed_detectors = nil @detectors = SMELL_CLASSES.each { |klass| @detectors[klass] = } @listeners = [] end # # Configures this sniffer using any *.reek config files found # on the path to the named file. Config files are applied in order, # "root-first", so that config files closer to the named file override # those further up the path. # def configure_along_path(filename) path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(filename)) all_reekfiles(path).each { |config_file| } self end def configure(klass, config) @detectors[klass].push(config) end def disable(klass) disabled_config = {Reek::Smells::SmellDetector::ENABLED_KEY => false} @detectors[klass].push(disabled_config) end def report_on(report) @detectors.each_value { |stack| stack.report_on(report) } end def examine(scope, type) listeners = smell_listeners[type] listeners.each {|smell| smell.examine(scope) } if listeners end private def smell_listeners() unless @typed_detectors @typed_detectors = {|hash,key| hash[key] = [] } @detectors.each_value { |stack| stack.listen_to(@typed_detectors) } end @typed_detectors end def all_reekfiles(path) return [] unless File.exist?(path) parent = File.dirname(path) return [] if path == parent all_reekfiles(parent) + Dir["#{path}/*.reek"] end end end