module Fastlane module Actions module SharedValues PRODUCE_APPLE_ID = :PRODUCE_APPLE_ID end class ProduceAction < Action def require 'produce' return if Helper.test? Produce.config = params # we alread have the finished config Dir.chdir(FastlaneCore::FastlaneFolder.path || Dir.pwd) do # This should be executed in the fastlane folder apple_id = Produce::Manager.start_producing.to_s Actions.lane_context[SharedValues::PRODUCE_APPLE_ID] = apple_id ENV['PRODUCE_APPLE_ID'] = apple_id end end def self.description "Creates the given application on iTC and the Dev Portal if necessary" end def details [ 'Create new apps on iTunes Connect and Apple Developer Portal. If the app already exists, `produce` will not do anything.', 'For more information about produce, visit its GitHub page:', '' ].join(' ') end def self.available_options require 'produce' Produce::Options.available_options end def self.output [ ['PRODUCE_APPLE_ID', 'The Apple ID of the newly created app. You probably need it for `deliver`'] ] end def "KrauseFx" end def self.is_supported?(platform) platform == :ios end def self.example_code [ 'produce( username: "", app_identifier: "", app_name: "MyApp", language: "English", app_version: "1.0", sku: "123", team_name: "SunApps GmbH" # Only necessary when in multiple teams. )' ] end def self.category :misc end end end end