require 'rib' module Rib::Runner module_function def options @options ||= [['ruby options:' , '' ], ['-e, --eval LINE' , 'Evaluate a LINE of code' ], ['-d, --debug' , 'Set debugging flags (set $DEBUG to true)' ], ['-w, --warn' , 'Turn warnings on (set $-w and $VERBOSE to true)' ], ['-I, --include PATH' , 'Specify $LOAD_PATH (may be used more than once)' ], ['-r, --require LIBRARY' , 'Require the library, before executing your script' ], ['rib options:' , '' ], ['-c, --config FILE', 'Load config from FILE' ], ['-n, --no-config' , 'Suppress loading ~/.config/rib/config.rb'], ['-h, --help' , 'Print this message' ], ['-v, --version' , 'Print the version' ]] + [['rib commands:' , '']] + commands end def commands @commands ||={ |path| name = File.basename(path)[/^rib\-(.+)$/, 1] [name, command_descriptions[name] || command_descriptions_find(path) || ' '] } end def command_paths @command_paths ||={ |path| Dir["#{path}/bin/*"].map{ |f| (File.executable?(f) && File.basename(f) =~ /^rib\-.+$/ && f) || nil # a trick to make false to be nil and then }.compact # this compact could eliminate them }.flatten end def command_descriptions @command_descriptions ||= {'all' => 'Load all recommended plugins' , 'min' => 'Run the minimum essence' , 'auto' => 'Run as Rails or Ramaze console (auto-detect)', 'rails' => 'Run as Rails console' , 'ramaze' => 'Run as Ramaze console' , 'rack' => 'Run as Rack console' } end # Extract the text below __END__ in the bin file as the description def command_descriptions_find path =~ /Gem\.bin_path\(['"](.+)['"], ['"](.+)['"],/ ($1, $2))[/\n__END__\n(.+)$/m, 1] || '').strip end def run argv=ARGV (@running_commands ||= []) << Rib.config[:name] unused = parse(argv) # if it's running a Rib command, the loop would be inside Rib itself # so here we only parse args for the command return if @running_commands.pop != 'rib' # by coming to this line, it means now we're running Rib main loop, # not any other Rib command Rib.warn("Unused arguments: #{unused.inspect}") unless unused.empty? require 'rib/core' if Rib.config.delete(:mimic_irb) loop end def loop retry_times=5 rescue => e if retry_times <= 0 Rib.warn("Error: #{e}. Too many retries, give up.") elsif Rib.shells.last.running? Rib.warn("Error: #{e}. Relaunching a new shell... ##{retry_times}") Rib.warn("Backtrace: #{e.backtrace}") if $VERBOSE Rib.shells.pop Rib.shells << retry_times -= 1 retry else Rib.warn("Error: #{e}. Closing.") Rib.warn("Backtrace: #{e.backtrace}") if $VERBOSE end end def parse argv unused = [] until argv.empty? case arg = argv.shift when /^-e=?(.+)?/, /^--eval=?(.+)?/ $1 || argv.shift || '', __FILE__, __LINE__) when /^-d/, '--debug' $DEBUG = true parse_next(argv, arg) when /^-w/, '--warn' $-w, $VERBOSE = true, true parse_next(argv, arg) when /^-I=?(.+)?/, /^--include=?(.+)?/ paths = ($1 || argv.shift).split(':') $LOAD_PATH.unshift(*paths) when /^-r=?(.+)?/, /^--require=?(.+)?/ require($1 || argv.shift) when /^-c=?(.+)?/, /^--config=?(.+)?/ Rib.config[:config] = $1 || argv.shift when /^-n/, '--no-config' Rib.config.delete(:config) parse_next(argv, arg) when /^-h/, '--help' puts(help) exit when /^-v/, '--version' require 'rib/version' puts(Rib::VERSION) exit when /^[^-]/ load_command(arg) else unused << arg end end unused end def parse_next argv, arg argv.unshift("-#{arg[2..-1]}") if arg.size > 2 end def help optt = options.transpose maxn = maxd = optt.last .map(&:size).max "Usage: #{Rib.config[:name]}" \ " [ruby OPTIONS] [rib OPTIONS] [rib COMMANDS]\n" +{ |(name, desc)| if name.end_with?(':') name else sprintf(" %-*s %-*s", maxn, name, maxd, desc) end }.join("\n") end def load_command command bin = "rib-#{command}" path = which_bin(bin) if path == '' Rib.warn( "Can't find #{bin} in $PATH. Please make sure it is installed,", "or is there any typo? You can try this to install it:\n" , " gem install #{bin}") else Rib.config[:name] = bin load(path) end end def which_bin bin # handle windows here `which #{bin}`.strip rescue Errno::ENOENT # probably a windows platform, try where `where #{bin}`.lines.first.strip end end