require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'abstract_store') module RdfContext # An integer-key-optimized-context-aware-in-memory store. # # Uses nested dictionaries to store triples and context. Each triple # is stored in six such indices as follows cspo[c][s][p][o] = 1 # and cpos[c][p][o][s] = 1 and cosp[c][o][s][p] = 1 as well as # spo[s][p][o] = [c] and pos[p][o][s] = [c] and pos[o][s][p] = [c] # # Context information is used to track the 'source' of the triple # data for merging, unmerging, remerging purposes. context aware # store stores consume more memory size than non context stores. # # Querying or removing triples using the store identifier (or nil) as context operate # across all contexts within the store; otherwise, operations are specifiec to the # specified context. # # Based on Python RdfLib IOMemory class MemoryStore < AbstractStore # Default context for this store # @return [Graph] attr_accessor :default_context # Supports contexts # @return [true] def context_aware?; true; end # Supports formulae # @return [true] def formula_aware?; true; end # Create a new MemoryStore Store, should be subclassed # @param [Resource] identifier # @param[Hash] configuration ignored # @return [MemoryStore] def initialize(identifier = nil, configuration = {}) super # indexed by [context][subject][predicate][object] = 1 @cspo = {} # indexed by [context][predicate][object][subject] = 1 @cpos = {} # indexed by [context][object][subject][predicate] = 1 @cosp = {} # indexed by [subject][predicate][object] = [context] @spo = {} # indexed by [predicate][object][subject] = [context] @pos = {} # indexed by [object][subject][predicate] = [context] @osp = {} # indexes integer keys to identifiers @forward = {} # reverse index of forward @reverse = {} end def inspect "#{self.class}[identifier=#{identifier}, forward=#{@forward.size}, contexts=#{@cspo.size}]" end def dump puts "MemoryStore: #{identifier}\n" + " cspo: #{@cspo.inspect}\n" + " cpos: #{@cpos.inspect}\n" + " cosp: #{@cosp.inspect}\n" + " spo: #{@spo.inspect}\n" + " pos: #{@pos.inspect}\n" + " osp: #{@osp.inspect}\n" + " forward: #{@forward.inspect}\n" + " reverse: #{@reverse.inspect}\n" end # Add a triple to the store # Add to default context, if context is nil # # @param [Triple] triple # @param [Graph] context (nil) # @param [Boolean] quoted (false) A quoted triple, for Formulae # @return [Triple] def add(triple, context = nil, quoted = false) context ||= => self, :identifier => @identifier) return unless triples(triple, context).empty? # Assign keys for new identifiers si = resource_to_int(triple.subject) || gen_key(triple.subject) pi = resource_to_int(triple.predicate) || gen_key(triple.predicate) oi = resource_to_int(triple.object) || gen_key(triple.object) ci = resource_to_int(context) || gen_key(context) puts "add: #{si}=#{triple.subject}, #{pi}=#{triple.predicate}, #{oi}=#{triple.object}, #{ci}=#{context ? context.identifier : 'none'}" if ::RdfContext::debug? set_nested_index(@cspo, ci, si, pi, oi) set_nested_index(@cpos, ci, pi, oi, si) set_nested_index(@cosp, ci, oi, si, pi) unless quoted set_nested_index(@spo, si, pi, oi, ci) set_nested_index(@pos, pi, oi, si, ci) set_nested_index(@osp, oi, si, pi, ci) end #dump if ::RdfContext::debug? end # Remove a triple from the context and store # If subject, predicate and object are nil and context is not nil, the context is removed # # @param [Triple] triple # @param [Graph] context (nil) # @return [void] def remove(triple, context = nil) context = nil if context == @identifier || (context.respond_to?(:identifier) && context.identifier == @identifier) # Iterate over all matching triples and contexts triples(triple, context) do |t, cg| si, pi, oi = triple_to_int(t) ci = resource_to_int(cg) #puts "remove: si=#{si}, pi=#{pi}, oi=#{oi}, ci=#{ci}" # Remove triple from context remove_nested_index(@cspo, ci, si, pi, oi) remove_nested_index(@cpos, ci, pi, oi, si) remove_nested_index(@cosp, ci, oi, si, pi) # Remove context from triple remove_nested_index(@spo, si, pi, oi, ci) remove_nested_index(@pos, pi, oi, si, ci) remove_nested_index(@osp, oi, si, pi, ci) end end # A generator over all matching triples # @param [Triple] triple # @param [Graph] context (nil) # @return [Array] # @raise [StoreException] Not Implemented # @yield [triple, context] # @yieldparam [Triple] triple # @yieldparam [Graph] context def triples(triple, context = nil, &block) # :yields: triple, context context = nil if context == @identifier || (context.respond_to?(:identifier) && context.identifier == @identifier) if context.nil? spo = @spo pos = @pos osp = @osp else ci = resource_to_int(context) return [] unless ci spo = @cspo[ci] pos = @cpos[ci] osp = @cosp[ci] return [] unless spo && pos && osp end #self.dump results = [] si, pi, oi = triple_to_int(triple) puts "triples? #{si}=#{triple.subject}, #{pi}=#{triple.predicate}, #{oi}=#{triple.object}, #{ci}=#{context ? context.identifier : 'none'}" if ::RdfContext::debug? def result(v, si, pi, oi, ctx) triple = int_to_triple(si, pi, oi) if block_given? if v.is_a?(Hash) # keys are contexts v.keys.each do |ci| context = int_to_resource(ci) puts "triples= #{si}=#{triple.subject}, #{pi}=#{triple.predicate}, #{oi}=#{triple.object}, #{ci}=#{context ? context.identifier : 'none'}" if ::RdfContext::debug? yield triple, context end else puts "triples= #{si}=#{triple.subject}, #{pi}=#{triple.predicate}, #{oi}=#{triple.object}, #{ctx ? ctx.identifier : 'none'}" if ::RdfContext::debug? yield triple, ctx end else puts "triples= #{si}=#{triple.subject}, #{pi}=#{triple.predicate}, #{oi}=#{triple.object}, #{ctx ? ctx.identifier : 'none'}" if ::RdfContext::debug? end triple end if si # subject is given if spo.has_key?(si) #puts "spo[#{si}] = #{spo[si].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? if pi # subject+predicate is given if spo[si].has_key?(pi) if oi # subject+predicate+object is given #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}][#{oi}] = #{spo[si][pi][oi].inspect}" results << result(spo[si][pi][oi], si, pi, oi, context, &block) if spo[si][pi].has_key?(oi) elsif triple.object.nil? # subject+predicate is given, object unbound spo[si][pi].each_pair do |oi, value| results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end oi = nil end end elsif triple.predicate.nil? # subject given, predicate unbound spo[si].keys.each do |pi| #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}] = #{spo[si][pi].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? if oi # object is given results << result(spo[si][pi][oi], si, pi, oi, context, &block) if spo[si][pi].has_key?(oi) else # object unbound #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}] = #{spo[si][pi].inspect}" spo[si][pi].each_pair do |oi, value| #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}][#{oi}] = #{spo[si][pi][oi].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end oi = nil end end end end elsif !triple.subject.nil? # Subject specified, but not found, skip elsif pi # subject unbound, predicate given if pos.has_key?(pi) if oi # subject unbound, predicate+object given if pos[pi].has_key?(oi) pos[pi][oi].each_pair do |si, value| results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end end elsif triple.object.nil? # subject unbound, predicate given, object unbound pos[pi].keys.each do |oi| pos[pi][oi].each_pair do |si, value| results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end end oi = nil end end elsif !triple.predicate.nil? # Subject unspecified, predicate specified but not found, skip elsif oi # subject+predicate unbound, object given if osp.has_key?(oi) osp[oi].keys.each do |si| osp[oi][si].each_pair do |pi, value| results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end end end elsif !triple.object.nil? # Subject+predicate unspecified, object specified but not found, skip else # subject+predicate+object unbound #puts "spo = #{spo.inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? spo.keys.each do |si| #puts "spo[#{si}] = #{spo[si].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? spo[si].keys.each do |pi| #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}] = #{spo[si][pi].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? spo[si][pi].each_pair do |oi, value| #puts "spo[#{si}][#{pi}][#{oi}] = #{spo[si][pi][oi].inspect}" if ::RdfContext::debug? results << result(value, si, pi, oi, context, &block) end end end end results end # Check to see if this store contains the specified triple # # Note, if triple contains a Literal object, need to wild-card # and check each result individually due to variation in literal # comparisons # # @param [Triple] triple # @param [Graph] context (nil) # @return [Boolean] def contains?(triple, context = nil) #puts "contains? #{triple}" object = triple.object if object.is_a?(Literal) triple =, triple.predicate, nil) triples(triple, context) do |t, cg| return true if t.object == object end false else !triples(triple, context).empty? end end # Number of Triples in the graph # @param [Graph] context (nil) # @return [Integer] def size(context = nil) context = nil if (context.respond_to?(:identifier) ? context.identifier : context) == @identifier triples(, nil, nil), context).length end # Contexts containing the triple (no matching), or total number of contexts in store # @param [Triple] triple (nil) Containing the triple/pattern if not nil # @return [Array] def contexts(triple = nil) if triple si, pi, oi = triple_to_int(triple) value = @spo[si][pi][oi] (value && {|ci| int_to_resource(ci)}) || [] else {|ci| int_to_resource(ci)} end end private # Generate a random key and associate with resource def gen_key(resource) begin i = rand((@forward.size + 1) * 4) end while @forward.has_key?(i) @forward[i] = resource @reverse[resource.hash] = i end def set_nested_index(index, *keys) ndx = index keys.each_index do |i| key = keys[i] ndx[key] ||= i == (keys.length - 1) ? 1 : {} ndx = ndx[key] end #puts("set_nested_index: #{index.inspect}, keys: #{keys.inspect}") if ::RdfContext::debug? end # Remove context from the list of contexts in a nested index. # # Afterwards, recursively remove nested indexes when they became empty. def remove_nested_index(index, *keys) ndx = index parents = [] keys.each do |key| parents << ndx ndx = ndx[key] end #puts "parents: #{parents.inspect}" #puts "keys: #{keys.inspect}" (keys.length-1).downto(0) do |i| ndx = parents[i] key = keys[i] #puts "i=#{i}, key=#{key}, index: #{ndx.inspect}" ndx.delete(key) if !ndx[key].is_a?(Hash) || ndx[key].empty? end #puts "end: index=#{index.inspect}", "" end # Translate integer versions of subject, predicate and object into a Triple def int_to_triple(si, pi, oi)[si], @forward[pi], @forward[oi]) end def int_to_resource(i); @forward[i]; end # Translate a triple into integer subject, predicate and object def triple_to_int(triple) [@reverse[triple.subject.hash], @reverse[triple.predicate.hash], @reverse[triple.object.hash]] end def resource_to_int(resource); @reverse[resource.hash]; end end end