require 'glimmer-dsl-swt' require 'bigdecimal' require_relative 'calculator/model/presenter' # This sample demonstrates use of MVP (Model-View-Presenter) Architectural Pattern # to data-bind View widgets to object-oriented Models taking advantage of design patterns # like Command Design Pattern. class Calculator include Glimmer::UI::CustomShell BUTTON_FONT = {height: 14} BUTTON_FONT_OPERATION = {height: 18} BUTTON_FONT_BIG = {height: 28} attr_reader :presenter before_body do @presenter = Display.setAppName('Glimmer Calculator') display { on_swt_keydown { |key_event| char = key_event.character.chr rescue nil } on_about { display_about_dialog } } end body { shell { grid_layout 4, true minimum_size (OS.mac? ? 320 : ( ? 390 : 520)), 240 text "Glimmer Calculator" on_shell_closed do @presenter.purge_command_history end # Setting styled_text to multi in order for alignment options to activate styled_text(:multi, :wrap, :border) { text <= [@presenter, :result] alignment swt(:right) right_margin 5 font height: 40 layout_data(:fill, :fill, true, true) { horizontal_span 4 } editable false caret nil } command_button('AC') operation_button('÷') operation_button('×') operation_button('−') (7..9).each { |number| number_button(number) } operation_button('+', font: BUTTON_FONT_BIG, vertical_span: 2) (4..6).each { |number| number_button(number) } (1..3).each { |number| number_button(number) } command_button('=', font: BUTTON_FONT_BIG, vertical_span: 2) number_button(0, horizontal_span: 2) operation_button('.') } } def number_button(number, options = {}) command_button(number, options) end def operation_button(operation, options = {}) command_button(operation, options.merge(font: BUTTON_FONT_OPERATION)) end def command_button(command, options = {}) command = command.to_s options[:font] ||= BUTTON_FONT options[:horizontal_span] ||= 1 options[:vertical_span] ||= 1 button { |proxy| text command font options[:font] layout_data(:fill, :fill, true, true) { horizontal_span options[:horizontal_span] vertical_span options[:vertical_span] } on_widget_selected { } } end def display_about_dialog message_box(body_root) { text 'About' message "Glimmer - Calculator\n\nCopyright (c) 2007-2021 Andy Maleh" }.open end end Calculator.launch