module Minitest ## # Compresses backtraces. module Compress ## # Takes a backtrace (array of strings) and compresses repeating # cycles in it to make it more readable. def compress orig ary = orig eswo = ->(a, n, off) { # each_slice_with_offset if then a.each_slice n else # [ [...n...] [...n...] ... ] front, back = a.take(off), a.drop(off) [front].chain back.each_slice n end } 3.times do # maybe don't use loop do here? index = ary # [ a b c b c b c d ] .size .times # 0...size .group_by { |i| ary[i] } # { a: [0] b: [1 3 5], c: [2 4 6], d: [7] } order = index .reject { |k, v| v.size == 1 } # { b: [1 3 5], c: [2 4 6] } .sort_by { |k, a1| ### sort by max dist + min offset d = a1.each_cons(2).sum { |a2, b| b-a2 } [-d, a1.first] } # b: [1 3 5] c: [2 4 6] ranges = order .map { |k, a1| # [[1..2 3..4] [2..3 4..5]] a1 .each_cons(2) .map { |a2, b| a2..b-1 } } big_ranges = ranges .flat_map { |a| # [1..2 3..4 2..3 4..5] a.sort_by { |r| [-r.size, r.first] }.first 5 } .first(100) culprits = big_ranges .map { |r| eswo[ary, r.size, r.begin] # [o1 s1 s1 s2 s2] .chunk_while { |a, b| a == b } # [[o1] [s1 s1] [s2 s2]] .map { |a| [a.size, a.first] } # [[1 o1] [2 s1] [2 s2]] } .select { |chunks| chunks.any? { |a| a.first > 1 } # compressed anything? } min = culprits .min_by { |a| a.flatten.size } # most compressed break unless min ary = min.flat_map { |(n, lines)| if n > 1 then [[n, compress(lines)]] # [o1 [2 s1] [2 s2]] else lines end } end format = ->(lines) { lines.flat_map { |line| case line when Array then n, lines = line lines = format[lines] [ " +->> #{n} cycles of #{lines.size} lines:", * { |s| " | #{s}" }, " +-<<", ] else line end } } format[ary] end end end