class Event < ActiveRecord::Base include Ext::Integrations::Event include Ext::Resellable::Event include Ext::Uuid include Ticket::Reporting include EventPresenter require 'email_validator' CATEGORIES = ["Dance", "Film & Electronic Media", "Literary Arts", "Music", "Theater", "Visual Arts", "Other"] attr_accessible :name, :producer, :description, :contact_email, :contact_phone, :image, :venue_attributes, :show_special_instructions, :special_instructions_caption, :public, :primary_category, :secondary_categories, :primary_category_other, :secondary_category_other, :members_only belongs_to :organization belongs_to :venue belongs_to :import accepts_nested_attributes_for :venue has_many :charts has_many :shows, :order => :datetime has_many :tickets, :through => :shows has_many :discounts validate :validate_contact_phone validates :contact_email, :presence => true, :email => true validates :name, :presence => true validates :organization_id, :presence => true has_attached_file :image, :storage => :s3, :path => ":attachment/:id/:style.:extension", :bucket => Rails.configuration.s3.bucket, :s3_protocol => 'https', :s3_credentials => { :access_key_id => Rails.configuration.s3.access_key_id, :secret_access_key => Rails.configuration.s3.secret_access_key }, :styles => { :thumb => "140x140#" } validates_attachment_size :image, :less_than => 1.megabytes, :unless => {|model| model.image } validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => ["image/jpeg", "image/gif", "image/png"] before_create :set_primary_category after_create :create_default_chart serialize :secondary_categories, Array default_scope where(:deleted_at => nil).order("events.created_at DESC") scope :published, includes(:shows).where(:shows => { :state => "published" }) scope :public, where(:public => true) delegate :time_zone, :to => :venue def free? is_free? end def to_s name end def artfully_ticketed true end alias :destroy! :destroy def destroy update_attribute(:deleted_at, end def self.for_storefront(organization, member = nil) event_rel = Event.joins(:shows).where(:organization_id =>'shows.datetime > ?', event_rel = event_rel.where(:members_only => false) if member.nil? event_rel.all end def self.storefront_find(id, member = nil) event_rel = Event.includes(:venue, :shows => [:chart => [:sections => :ticket_types]]) event_rel = event_rel.where(:members_only => false) if member.nil? event_rel.find(id) end def destroyable? items.blank? end def imported? !self.import_id.nil? end def items Item.where(:show_id => self.shows) end def filter_charts(charts) charts.reject { |chart| already_has_chart(chart) } end def set_primary_category self.primary_category ||= "Other" end def create_default_chart chart ={ :name =>, :is_template => false }) chart.organization = self.organization end def default_chart charts.first end # # You'll almost always want upcoming_public_shows instead # def upcoming_shows(limit = 5) @upcoming ||= shows.includes(:event => :venue).select { |show| show.datetime_local_to_event > ( - 1.hours) } return @upcoming if limit == :all @upcoming.take(limit) end def played_shows(limit = 5) played = { |show| show.datetime_local_to_event < ( - 1.hours) } return played if limit == :all played.take(limit) end def next_public_show upcoming_public_shows.empty? ? nil : upcoming_public_shows.first end def upcoming_public_shows upcoming_shows(:all).select(&:published?) end def next_show => Show.next_datetime(shows.last)) show = shows.pop show.chart = default_chart.dup! show end def as_widget_json(options = {}) as_json(options.merge({:methods => ['venue', 'uuid'], :except => :members_only})).merge('performances' => upcoming_public_shows.as_json) end def as_full_calendar_json shows.collect do |p| { :title => '', :start => p.datetime_local_to_event, :allDay => false, :id =>, :state => p.state, :event_id => } end end def as_json(options = {}) super(options) end def assign_chart(chart) if already_has_chart(chart) self.errors[:base] << "Chart \"#{}\" has already been added to this event" return self end if is_free? && chart.has_paid_sections? self.errors[:base] << "Cannot add chart with paid sections to a free event" return self end chart.assign_to(self) self end def <=>(obj) return -1 unless obj.kind_of? Event <=> end private # # This is a pretty basic validation to prevent them from entering an email in the phone # number field (we saw this in usability testing) # We can't disallow numbers because some people use them in their phones (718-555-4TIX) # def validate_contact_phone contains_at_sign = /\@/ if (!contact_phone.nil?) && (contact_phone.match contains_at_sign) errors.add(:contact_phone, "doesn't look like a phone number. Your changes have not been saved.") end end def already_has_chart(chart) !{|c| == }.empty? end end